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Nuun HTC Application Video - Do You Like Rap?

Last year when I heard about the opportunity to be a part of nuun's Hood to Coast relay team, I had just started blogging. I was convinced that the only winners would be full-time bloggers who run at 15 miles per hour. As it turns out, the team was made up of some pretty amazing women from all walks of life. Nuun decided this year to have THREE teams for Hood to Coast, so I am thrilled to have another opportunity for entry.

I'm no stranger to using nuun - honestly! In fact, I wrote about how much I like it for hot runs on this post, which was my 6th ever post written well over one year ago. So I feel no guilt about plugging this brand wholeheartedly.

If you feel like laughing at me for about 2 minutes, feel free to watch this video. Big thanks to Tim who did...everything that involves skill. I merely provided the bad acting while he did everything to make it look professional.

If you like it, let nuun know! Leave a comment on their Facebook page and help me get a place on the Hood to Coast team. Thank you!


  1. Do you feel lighter or heavier after selling your soul to The Man?

  2. Haha oh vanessa, I love you and this video. If u don't get picked, ill be shocked! Go get em girl!

  3. I laughed so hard at your rap, I wanted to pee my pants! Great Video! I would definitely say, you're getting picked!

  4. The interpretive dance was the BEST :) I am seriously just going to set this video on auto-replay while I bike 10miles! lol

    I think it's safe to say you'll be picked. I've watched a few other vids and they were lame

    *cough*PICK VANESSA*cough* ;)

    1. Oh Ricole - I saw this one first AND I loved both your vids :) I'm actually only here b/c I was showing Colin and now we're headed to your page ;P

  5. The interpretive dance was awesome. And I didn't realize you had an accent! Cute!

  6. GUH so jealous you get to run Hood to Coast. I'm from Portland, and I've never run it :( When you get around to coming to Portland for the race hit me up and I'll let you know all the good restaurants (my fiance is obsessed with the foodz and is a food writer/restaurant reviewer).

  7. That was freaking AWESOME!!! I loved it, especially the interpretive dance. :-) theyd be CRAZY not to pick you!! I hope we both get it (posted my app yesterday!)!

  8. You crack me up...that was so awesome. If that doesn't win, I don't know what would.

  9. You'll totally get picked - this was a great video! Go Tim! Good luck!!!!!

  10. here's to hoping we both get picked!!! in the same team!!!
    in the same van!

    that's is all!!!

  11. bahahahaha. i love this. so dang amazing!!!

  12. u. are. awesome!! just posted on their wall, let the great HTC blogger nuun team campaigning begin. ;)

  13. Very funny! If they don't pick you, then you definitely have a place doing interpretive dance...somewhere....

  14. Bahaha! I love it! I would seriously be disappointed if you don't get picked! But, with a video that great, I doubt that is a possibility! Go Gourmet Runner Vanessa!

    PS-Your hubs is awesome!

  15. I loved it!! Very creative!! I have seen so many creative videos lately and I hope that you all get picked for the teams! Good luck!!

  16. ha ha you are so cute and hilarious!! Totally voting for you girl. You made me laugh for sure. :)

  17. That was so cute. What an awesome opportunity that would be if you won!

  18. omg, if they DON'T pick you something is seriously wrong. Best application ever!

  19. cute accent! Very nice video - the interpretive dance was my fav...except i really liked the product placement clip too. Great job!

  20. HA! That was hilarious. You'll get picked for sure!!!

    My Running Shortz

  21. This was the best thing I have ever seen. Period.

    Off to comment!

  22. Awesome application Vanessa! Love the interpretive dance. I just posted my video tonight too - maybe we will be in the same van if we both get picked! Good luck!

  23. oh you are too awesome! A shoe in! And your gorgeous!

  24. Echoing the "love your house" sentiment! The've taken it up a notch for sure ;-)

    Good luck! I'm betting you get picked :)

  25. I'm so late to this party, but oh my gosh -- perfect way to end my day! I loved it from start to finish -- the credits even had me laughing! Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Vanessa! LOL! Very creative -- I think it's safe to say you will be one of the chosen!

  26. That video was AWESOME!!! You are hilarious. I especially like the part when we catch you reading the nuun book. Very clever girl! I gave you a shout out on the nuun fb page. Good Luck!

  27. Awesome video Vanessa - I hope they pick you!!! With Rachel's running man, and your interpretive dance, I'm pretty sure you'd make awesome vanmates. :)

  28. You clearly want it more than everyone else! Where did you get the tattoo? Just left a comment on their facebook page! Good luck!

  29. I have this in the bag.

  30. hahahaha.... you will be running this relay. yes, interpretive dance was my favorite one, awesomeness!

  31. You are fantastic. AND you spent way more time on your video than I did! If we both get picked, I want you in my van.

  32. Ohhhh I love it! I didn't know you had mad rap skills! Or interpretive dance skills. Love it! Hope you get selected!

  33. I meant to comment on this earlier! Interpretive dance in August please?! ha ha!


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