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Sorry For Being a Bummer - Here's Some Free Makeup!

I feel a little bad for burdening everyone with my pity party yesterday. While writing the post I basically made my mind up that I would never run again. I decided I would start lifting weights, maybe cycle, become a yogi...something like that.

Last night, hubby looks over my shoulder and asks what I'm looking at. I swear, I tried to block the screen like I found nude Ryan Gosling photos. What was on the screen? A race calendar. Four hours after crying about running I was looking up new races. It's a sick addiction, people. Sick. 

I did refrain from running today and got in an upper body and core workout instead, along with 30 minutes of spinning. I'll take it, but I already miss running. Ugh. 

To make up for being a downer I figured I would hand out some free makeup to your guys. Remember the box I mentioned a while back that I got from Vocalpoint?

Well they grossly overestimated how many friends I have. Typical. It's fine though, I have you guys to give stuff away to. The best stuff from the loot was the mascara:

And the wrinkle cream:

I'm not going to pretend to give some in-depth review of either because I'm no makeup guru. The mascara makes your lashes longer and blacker and the creme takes away wrinkles....I think. I'm 24. I don't generally deal with that quite yet, you know? Whatever. I put together a little pack for two winners. Each will contain 3 full size mascaras from Covergirl and four packs of the Olay Regenerist creme, along with some random samples thrown in for things like toothpaste, teeth whitener, etc.

In order to win just leave me a comment. If you mention mascara and wrinkle cream in there, awesome. If not, that's fine too. I'll pick a winner on Friday, March 2nd. 

Winners get: 3 tubes of Covergirl Mascara, four packs of Olay Regenerist and some random samples. Two winners will be picked. I received all the goodies as part of the RSVP Vocalpoint program, but no reviews were required. Good thing because me saying "the mascara makes your lashes black" is basically the worst review ever. You're welcome. 


  1. wahooo! I want to win makeup, especially that mascara. I hope you're feeling better today, glad you are back to wanting to run again :)

  2. I've been meaning to pick up a new thing of mascara. Apparently, you're supposed to get new stuff every few months...I can't remember the last time I bought mascara. Is that a bad sign?

  3. I am glad you are feeling better today! I love Cover Girl mascara, and should worry about my new wrinkles sometime soon...

  4. I don't wear makeup often, but that just means the stuff I do have had long since expired. Especially my mascara...oh and I could use the wrinkle cream, those crows feet have really started to show at 35. Race calendars are is looking at my workout log...and race results, I could look at those all day.

  5. I would love to win free make up!!! I like trying new kinds of make-up, but feel like it is too much of a splurge to spend on things that aren't really necessities...winning would be freakin' awesome!!!

  6. Sweet gig! I love that mascara! I love your blog...your writing makes me laugh...thank you!

  7. I over use eye makeup so I need this stuff. I always joke with the girls at work that in 20 years I'm going to look like a raccoon bevause I just keep layering it on and on and on.

  8. Great giveaway! I'm glad your feeling better!

  9. Awesome giveaway! I could really use that wrinkle cream… I'm long past 24 :)

  10. Clearly you need to redeem yourself. Come to South Africa and run a half with me in April! I love trying new mascara, especially waterproof.

  11. Awesome giveaway! I love makeup, especially mascara.

  12. I am mascara-challenged. I really have no idea what brands work... so if I won that, it would be awesome. No more standing in the makeup aisle of walmart for 3 hours trying to pick out mascara!

  13. Oh hun - I didn't get to comment yesterday but I wish I could have hugged poor thing...but you're a runner - I knew you wouldn't stop. It's part of you!

  14. i TOTALLy know the feeling. yesterday during my run I was hurting so badly and LAUGHED and cursed when asked if I wanted to do 17 miles the following weekend. Now 1 day later I'm thinking maybe I could do a full marathon. oh runners are so fickle.

    you can never have enough mascara.. ever:)

  15. I typically wear makeup daily, but sometimes I skip the mascara! I don't like when it gets clumpy!! I would love to win and try these out!!

  16. Glad you are looking at races again. I love your addiction. My name is Elle and I am an ENABLER!

    Would love to win me some new black mascara and some wrinkle creme... and you know, Vanessa Dear, I am old enough to need it.. or maybe past needing it, but would love to try it anyway.

  17. Best way to get over a bad race is to run another one! I could use some wrinkle cream and mascara so I hope I win!

  18. I love lash blast!! And I REALLY love whitening strips!! =)

  19. You lost me at naked Ryan Gosling. Now my mind is imagining many scenarios that begin with the phrase "Hey girl..."

    I'll probably need make up for this fantasy, so hook me up. :)

    1. I am so obsessed with the Hey Girl teacher site. Best idea ever.

  20. Pick me, pick me!

    I'm glad you're not so down to give up running all together. I think you should take it as a positive sign that you can bounce back so quickly!

  21. wow- how did I miss the post about your race?? I'm so sorry it didn't go well! Seriously awesome that you kept going!
    Oh yeah- mascara and wrinkle cream is my favorite :).

  22. Love that masacara. The lash blast is one of the best drug store brands. I kinda have a mascara addiction :)

  23. I'm almost 32. Maybe it is time for wrinkle cream :(. And I think my mascara review would be pretty much as insightful as yours.

  24. oooh!! I love mascara--especially ones that don't smudge, lengthen, and curl without having to use that nasty eyelash curler. and wrinkle creme? I guess 26 is not too early to start using it! I'm all for free samples to try stuff out before wasting money on something that doesn't work!

  25. feel you on the love hate relationship with running, as soon as you swear it off your tying your shoes up again!! Nice giveaway, could use some face cream!

  26. no need to apologize about having a down post! we all have some . i think its healthy to have one here and there if not it all stays bottled in. i would love to win some mascara and wrinkle CREAM. AT the ripe old age of 26 almost 27 i need some! i have never worn much makeup and want to start but i love spending my money on running gear.

    good luck on your next race!

  27. Glad you're coming out of your funk :) I'd love some new mascara!

  28. LOL, you are addicted! Back at the race registration! So...did you find any good ones?

  29. ah, keep on feeding that race addiction!

    i want free make up and any mascara that gives me longer lashes, i'm all for it!

  30. Fun giveaway. Glad you're feeling better!

  31. I don't think I have bought new mascara in over a year, so hopefully I'll win and then I won't have to buy any again until I am well into my 30's. And I'll obviously need the wrinkle cream by then too.

    Glad you are on the bounce back after your race. I think I am more prone to signing up for another race immediately after a bad race versus after a good race. Running karma says you are due for a super awesome race next time. :)

  32. Nude Ryan GOsling....... oh wait yeah addiction, mascara, running, quit distracting me :-)

  33. I do wear mascara sometimes, that'd be helpful. And I am sure my eyes could use some good moisture stuff too!

  34. I'm 34 and could use all the wrinkle reducer depuffer eraser whatever you've got! :)

  35. I'm 39, and the wrinkles are taking over my freakin face...UGH...I wish I'd avoided the sun in my 20's...
    And never apologize, we are all here to support eachother...xoxo

  36. You have to save my life via this giveaway-- I'm accruing wrinkles by the dozen by being in the sun so much! :)

  37. It is a sick addiction - my PT calls me a drug dealer because I'm hooked and I get all my friends hooked too. :)

  38. First step is admitting we have a problem.

    Hi. I'm Amylee, and I'm an addict.

  39. Hahaha, I laughed out loud at "Good thing because me saying "the mascara makes your lashes black" is basically the worst review ever."
    Too funny!!!!

  40. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Glad youre feeling better! :)

  41. Haha, I loved your mascara review! Who doesn't want black eyelashes?! I do!

  42. your review of the mascara and "old people cream" is amazing. haha. i love it :) great giveaway!! woohoo!!
    what's the vocalpoint gig??

    hope you'refeeling better :)

  43. You were not being a bummer at all. You were being real and honest. Motivation to those who have struggle in past races too. :) I like reading your blog. Thank you for being so kind for having giveaways!

  44. I love makeup, especially when it's free!!

  45. I need mascara, my hubby just flushed it down the toilet by accident when he knocked it off the sink!

  46. You are awesomely generous to share your stash with us. I don't go anywhere without mascara and unfortunately, I need the wrinkle cream =) Age sneaks up on us...

  47. I LOVE makeup, and I could totally use some wrinkle cream!

  48. Sorry to read about how the race went. All of that and you didn't quit. Good for you!

    I'm with you on the addiction. I can go one minute swearing I will never run again and a few minutes later lace up my shoes.

    Have a great day Vanessa :)

  49. I try to wear makeup every day but usually I forget.

  50. New makeup. Fun! I love makeup.

  51. It is such a strange, strange addiction. Glad you're getting back out there. Especially since you have a marathon coming up :). I hate when people read the screen over my shoulder. Even if I'm just looking something totally innocuous. No idea why, just a pet peeve.

  52. I can't relate on the running thing but last winter/spring I kept getting SO disappointed with my progress in terms of lifting/my physique and would think seriously about giving up lifting from time to time...only to immediately change my mind and go back to the iron. haha.

    Awesome giveaway!! I neeeeed mascara. I'm running out =0(

  53. mascara and wrinkle cream. and naked ryan gosling.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I think everyone has a race where they swear off running forever, but we all keep coming back to it. Hang in there.

    That's the mascara I use! Love it.

  56. I'm also 24 and don't know much about wrinkle cream yet but I do love a good mascara! So much fun that you received all those goodies!

  57. Holy Mascara batman. That is enough to get you through years! ha!

  58. haha, I'm 27 and I have a wrinkle cream, lol. I have about 80 wrinkles on my forehead... ;)!

  59. Well I'm almost 43 and rarely wore sunscreen growing up in Texas so I know a lot about wrinkles. Please send some my way so people stop asking if my kids are my grandkids! (ok, no one has ever done that, but it sounded funny in my head)

  60. I need wrinkle to a 3, 5, and 6 year old plus I teach middle school

  61. I need a new mascara & unfortunately wrinkles have made an appearance on my face..

  62. So sorry to hear about the crappy race :( I let myself wallow for a bit, but then say, ok time to get over, yeah that doesnt' always work :) Makeup can be a nice pickmeup for some people for sure too :)

  63. Glad to hear you're not giving up on running :) And I would love some new makeup!

  64. Hey, looking up nude Ryan Gosling photos and future races always makes me feel better! Hope you find a race that gets you back to feeling great.

    I really need to win some face products more than Ryan Gosling needs to get naked. I'm a new mom and looking pretty haggard these days.

    I'll be honest: I stopped at the "nude Ryan Gosling photos" part of your post for a split second hoping that you'd actually post some.

    This comment should win the giveaway because I've managed to mention Ryan Gosling's naked bod in an almost stalkerish way three (wait, FOUR) times now. Sorry, I just watched him in Drive and man, I love him even more now.

  65. "Mascara makes your lashes black" HAHAHA! Love that! And I need some wrinkle cream please!

  66. hahaha love the review of the mascara. That's the mascara I've used since I knew what makeup was and refuse to change because I'm not sure I would know the difference between it and anything else.

    You're right, running is a sick addiction but I love it! Hope you are feeling better.

  67. Due for some new mascara soon, perfect timing!

  68. I love this mascara. I hope I win!

  69. Commenting to win some make-up! :)

  70. Hope you're feeling better - everyone has blah days and don't feel guilty about sharing that on the blog.

  71. So glad you want to run again. If you didn't, you'd have to change the name of your blog and that would be sad.

    BTW, I need the wrinkle stuff. My nearly 31 yo butt is, well, getting old.

  72. Running is a cruel, cruel mistress, for sure.

    But you should still keep up with weight training. You can do both. It will just make you awesomer.

  73. Keep running, and I wear mascara...but not when I am running

  74. I'm slightly partial to maybelline mascara but I do love free stuff!

    Oh and don't worry about yesterday's post because it is a good reminder that a real person sits behind each blog post. Kinda refreshing :)

  75. Free makeup, yay!

    Sorry to hear about your race... but, you're already trained, may as well try again soon! You'll get that sub 2:00 half before you know it!

  76. Yay for free makeup :) I knew you wouldn't stop running!!!!

  77. what a fun giveaway and nice job getting back on the wagon :) I am not going to lie, I just started singing the Aaliyah song, "dust yourself off and try again"....oh and I could use some mascara to plump up my lashes and some wrinkle cream for my smile lines....I tried.

  78. I barely ever wear makeup, but when I do, it's usually mascara. It's my go to face fix. I don't have any wrinkles though. Really, I don't. No, seriously.

  79. Well, I would most definitely like to win some make up!!

  80. Sorry about your race. But I'm glad you still love running - how can you not, right?!! I'm down for some free makeup, even though I wear even less than you ;) I am feeling the effects of my age & should probably start doing something about these wrinkles!

  81. Vanessa I am so so sad to hear about your injury. I am off to read about it. Seriously don't feel guilty about complaining it is only normal. And the truth is it really does freaking suck!

  82. Every runner has a bad day.I'm glad that you still love running though. I'm a fairly new runner and I have bad days a lot right now, however, nothing feels better than runners high, so I'm not giving up. Love your blog!

  83. woot woot! cover girl mascara is my fave! pick me k!?! glad you are feeling better today and picking out redemption races ;)

  84. Running is a sick addiction, but at least if I win this giveaway I will look less wrinkly and have longer looking lashes while I run!

  85. Sadly, I'm at a point where I could use some wrinkle cream. ;-)

  86. Love, love, love your blog. So sorry to hear that you weren't happy, with your race. Just remember millions of people were still in bed. I would love to win the mascara and wrinkle cream.

  87. Love, love, love your blog. So sorry to hear that you weren't happy, with your race. Just remember millions of people were still in bed. I would love to win the mascara and wrinkle cream.

  88. Okay you are so a runner for life! After my first half marathon which was BRUTAL I said I probably wouldn't run another one and then a week later, I was already looking at races for the next year lol It's a sickness that all runners have.
    As for the wrinkle cream, I guess I better start now, I did just turn 31 lol

  89. Hope you are feeling better - and yes, you had me at "Ryan Gossling"... :)
    Love me some mascara as well - my eyelashes are basically non-existent without it!

  90. I find mascara to be something of a necessary evil, so I would love to win this!

  91. It would be amazing if I won this giveaway, I just ran out of mascara haha

  92. Sweet stuff! I love me some freebies. Hope you get back to feeling better, in so sa to hear that you had such a terrible race. A perfect one is in your cards next with all your bad luck

  93. I glad to hear you are looking up races again it takes some time to recover from a tough race. Makeup always makes it all better!!!

  94. i would love to try a new mascara, and the wrinkle creme couldn't hurt, haha!

  95. Does it make me bad that I have been reading this blog for a couple months now and my first comment is to try to win free makeup? = )

  96. Well, I'm 35 and just realized that I should have started using wrinkle cream about 5 years ago. ((sigh)). Love looking through your blog, and feel better!!!

  97. that is the mascara i use! i love it :) would love free stuff!!

  98. I was so sorry to hear about the race that did not turn out well(((

    I would be the same way - wallow, cry and then a short time later start looking up new races to enter:-)

  99. Sorry about your race....I devoured the Hunger Games too. Happy I found your blog! I just turned 40 and could use some wrinkle cream : )

  100. Well I turn 28 on Sunday, and wrinkles are beginning to creep up on me so I could use some cream!

  101. MMM, makeup? I'll give it a go. Sorry to hear about your crappy race, We have ALL have had one of THOSE runs! They SUCK big TIME!

  102. woop giveway!! No worries about yesterday everyone has bad days. Sounds like you are feeling better now, a bit.

  103. Makeup's fun. Whoo hoo!
    Sorry about your crummy run :(

    My Running Shortz

  104. That's actually the mascara I wear! Woohoo!

    And seriously, we all have pity parties at times. Glad you're feeling better now!

  105. I have to hide my mascara from my sister or she steals it (I mean, she's 24, can't she buy her own? :) And that one time when I left out 'mascara for green eyes", which was indeed "raisin" aka purple, she used it, then freaked out later when she noticed...and it was totally worth it! i would love some new mascara, but I will have to find a new hiding place for it!

  106. Love reading you and sending a bunch of positive vibes for your next half! :)

  107. I could definitely use that mascara....I don't know how i manage to go through it so fast!


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