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Sprinting to the Bathroom - The New Speedwork!'s the thing. I've been sick lately. And I don't mean, "pass me the Kleenex" sick, I mean "don't make me walk more than 4 feet from the toilet" sick. I really should not have to add more to that description, I'm sure you all know what I mean.

So working out is...a challenge. Never before have I more appreciated that treadmill. If you follow me on Daily Mile, you'll know my Monday night run took a little longer than it should have. Mostly because I ran about 2.5 miles, and then added in a sprint interval to the bathroom. Speedwork! Oddly enough, I actually felt like hopping back on the treadmill to finish up 4 miles. After that, my life has been mostly this:

Ok, fine - and some of this too:

Crazy cat lady style! Yesterday my diet of plain potatoes (no skin) and saltine crackers was not doing it. Rest day was mandatory. Today I'm feeling better, maybe because now I'm including honey. Perhaps this is just because I feel like crap, but holy cow a gigantic spoonful of honey on each cracker makes Saltines taste amazing. Try it.

Overpriced organic honey. Ridiculously cheap crackers.
I have Googled this question a gazillion times, but I'm always curious - do you work out when you're sick? I tend to go ahead if it's a cold/headache type deal, but anything more than that it's bed for me. But somehow with the treadmill I feel like a run is okay as long as I have energy. Am I totally justifying the workout here or does that make sense?

Also, to those of who claim to never be hungry when you're sick - I don't get it. I keep complaining to hubby (typical for me) and the number one complaint right now is that I'm freaking hungry and don't feel like eating boring food anymore. I begged him for pizza and splurpees last night. If that doesn't scream "I need calories" I don't know what does.

This seems like a logical choice, right?

What's your philosophy on working out when sick?
I always tell people to "take a rest day, your body needs it!" but after one rest day I'm just anxious and need to get out some nervous energy. I'm about 99% sure I'll be running tonight. So do as I say I guess, and not as I do. 

Are you one of those people who isn't hungry when sick?
Obviously, no. Sad? Hungry. Happy? Hungry. Tired? Hungry. Sick? Hungry. I can't think of a scenario where I'm not hungry, except for maybe the 30 minutes after a run. But then I eat anyway because you're supposed to. 


  1. All I want to eat when I'm sick is raw beef and canned chili.

    I don't work out when I'm *sick*. If I have the sniffles, I nut up. But if I'm lie in bed sleeping and watching tv and sleeping, no exercise for me.

  2. it depends on the sickness....flu I usually am hungry but can;t eat the cold I just had I was starving!!!!! greasy pizza for me too please! awwww hope you feel better xo

    oh and I never workout when I'm sick. I don't like it. I find sickness just wipes me right out. even if I try to get a run in my joints kill - no thanks! but I finally got a good ride in today :D

  3. The last time I had the stomach flu I was starving but could not eat. My tummy was growling for 2 days but I couldn't even handle gatorade.

  4. I had the stomach bug for almost a week at the beginning of the year and it was awful! Seriously, the doctor asked me how many times I had gone to the bathroom and I told him that it was so many that I lost count! I was hungry at first but then I lost my appetite. I didn't have it back for a little but but then it was like you couldn't feed me enough food! If I am feeling okay I will work out when I'm sick, but I was only consuming like 500 calories a day of saltines and apple sauce and bananas so really I didn't have enough energy to get out of bed, much less exercise. I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Aww - feel better soon. I eat butter on crackers - YUMMY!

  6. Ugh! Hope you feel better soon! I don't eat much when I am that kind of sick. I love chicken broth and crackers usually. I hate the thought of missing a workout but sometimes it just isn't worth trying to do!

  7. Unless it's a mild cold, I take time off. I look for excuses to let the husband take care of the kids whe I sleep as long as I want in my bed. If only it happened that way! Being sick bites. Feel better.

  8. I'm a below the shoulders kind of girl- if it's happening there I'm taking some time off (unless it's my asthma- a few puffs and I work it out).

  9. Oh, yuck...hope whatever it is goes away soon. If I just have a cold or something, I still workout because it makes me feel better. If I'm pukey kind of sick, then no, I just lay around the house. It depends on what type of sick if I'm hungry or not. Usually, I just want saltines and Sprite. One time I had food poisoning, I didn't eat for a few days. By far the sickest I'd ever been. Then, all of sudden I was hungry and made my husband go buy Kraft Mac and Cheese and red Gatorade.

  10. Considering I've been hacking up a lung on my runs, I would say I work out when I'm sick. However, I never venture out if I'm doing your kind of "speedwork." Too dangerous to get caught somewhere without necessary facilities.

    Feel better!

  11. Sorry you're sick! Hope you get feeling well fast. It depends on my sickness, but usually not Hungry. I could use a big, violent stomach virus right about now. Lol

  12. In my health and phys ed classes they taught us that if it's above the neck it was safe to workout. Otherwise - rest is important. Vomiting and diarrhea combined with less eating and drinking can lead to dehydration add working out and you increase the severity of the dehydration - rest girl, it's okay.

    Feel better!

  13. Awww I hope you get well soon. *hugs* Im a hungry sick person that sleeps all day. Hubby said if I have a cold to move around sweat a little its helps but im too lazy and if its vomiting sick I won't eat and I wont move.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear you're under the weather! I play the "above the neck rule" with sickness (symptoms above the neck, workout, below, skip it), although, I hate to say this, but I haven't had a stomach bug in quite awhile so I'm not sure about your situation. I am hungry in every situation. I do not understand when people say they are not hungry when they are sick/sad/too hot or whatever. It's insane. If I get really grossed out by something on TV while eating dinner I'll pause for like 30 seconds before my next bite, that's as close as I come. Feel better soon!

  15. Is that a Cici's plate of pizza? You're brave. An all you can eat buffet does a number on my system when I'm NOT sick. :)

    I've run while sick. It's pretty much never a good idea, but I don't learn lessons well.

  16. Holy crap that pizza looks good.

    Hope you're feeling better soon. That sounds miserable, but at least you have some buddies to hang out with.

    As for working out when I'm sick, I generally will workout no matter what unless my body basically won't do it. I have a philosophy that if I take the day off from work, I can't run. I don't take many days off from work.

  17. If I can breathe or not hack my lungs out, I will do it. I had stomach virus a few months ago and it wasn't good. Ugh!
    Rest well.

    By the way, have you had local honey? One of my client's dad makes and sells honey and I buy from them. Tastes so good. :) There's something about eating local honey can help with your seasonal allergies because of the local bees mingle with the local pollen and it helps you or something like that. I just eat it because it is like supporting your local farmer and it tastes so good and natural!

  18. Ugh...I will lift weights, but limit my running. I have found it makes my breathing issues worse if I push it, limiting what I can do later.

    The honey cracker thing sounds good...

  19. Hope you feel better soon Vanessa! I typically don't workout when I am sick, because when I am sick I am a weenie, no energy, feel like poop lol

  20. When I was super young and felt deathly ill an emergency nurse prescribed a teaspoon of honey and a sip of flat coke every 20 minutes...worked like a Christmas miracle! Ever since then, my sick "go-to therapy" has always been saltines, honey, and coke!!! Clearly that will NOT be my "go-to therapy" NOW, nor do I suggest it -- but it was a good run while it lasted!

    I suppose the saltines settle the tummy, the honey gives you energy, and the coke.. well, the coke probably kills whatever is in your system LOL!!

    Also.. I tend to utilize rest day(s) when I feel like crap -- any energy I have I want to be put towards my body healing itself. If you do continue working out, definitely make sure you're eating enough so you can eventually get better!!

    OH! And as I've been telling almost every sick blogger out there as of late; the wellness formula ( ) is a must have at all times. When you feel like you're getting sick take three pills three times a day until you're better. Then just take one, once a day as maintenance!!

  21. Sorry you are not feeling well! When I am sick, I don't work out! Also I am not hungry...well at least if it's a flu type sickness. Feed a cold, starve a fever, or something like that!

  22. At Christmas I had a head cold. I was just two weeks out from Goofy so I kept at the training. The week leading up to Goofy two of our office consultants were in and both were sick. I ended up catching the icky from them and it hit full force after my half marathon. I ran the marathon sick and traveled back home sick. I was sick enough that I made the boyfriend pick me up from the airport (even though my car was there) and take me straight to the doctor. She ordered me to stay home for at least two days. Even though it was to be an easy week training coming off of Goofy, I did absolutely nothing. I was hacking and coughing and feverish. It was in my chest at that point and *that* is when I rested. I knew pushing it would have been wrong and probably dangerous. Rest up and take care!

  23. Sadly I'm on the injured reserve with "mild allergies" suddenly bloomed into "major headache, fever, chills, and congestion" and I skipped my workout, too. In fact I'm skipping work tomorrow, which I never do!

  24. hope you feel better soon! all i want when i'm sick is gatorade and animal crackers!

  25. Oh nooooooo!!! I hope you're already all better =)

  26. Feel better soon Vanessa! Saltines and coke are normally the only thing I can handle when I'm really sick. My mom always made me hot honey tea when I was younger. It all depends on what kind of sick and how sick I am as to what kind of working out I am up for.

  27. Oh that sounds awful! Sorry you are not feeling well!

    I will usually still run if I have a cold. I haven't had any stomach sickness for a long time (thank goodness - I have a vomit phobia), but I think I would probably take it easy and rest if I did. Running itself can cause stomach issues, so I imagine already having problems would make it even worse!

  28. i'm ALWAYS hungry...haha. speaking of i LOVE the total pizza sampler u've got going, one of each variety...please send me some! :)

    okay, i'm like u and really, so long as i feel i have energy i workout. what i TELL people is smart is if it's only a cold affecting the shoulders up then u can workout, but if it's the whole body then it's more flu-like and rest would be better. when i have the overall kinda cold, i rate my energy times like it's on the fence i kno mentally i will feel better. that said, i also recognize i'm prolly more just trying to justify it in my head and that rest would be the smart thing....buuuut, ya kno ;)

  29. oh no, the tummy bug? I always FREAK out when that's going poor thing, hope you feel better soon :(

    I workout when it's cold/allergies, but with a stomach virus, I'm down and out!

  30. I don't do much other than sleep when I'm sick, so it is pretty common for me to lose a few lbs. just over the course of a flu or cold. I drink about a gallon of OJ and hot tea though.

  31. Sorry to hear that you're sicky! Hope you're feeling 100% again very soon.
    Like others who commented, I follow the "above the neck" rule. And as far as food? Try the BRATT diet when your tummy is upset. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast & tea. All fairly bland but will help put some "gentle" calories in you! (cravings for greasy food usually mean you are on the mend, so that's a good sign!)

  32. I guess it depends on what kind of 'sick' I am ... if I am in-bed sick, I am not working out!

    Feel better soon, Vanessa. :)

  33. Hope you feel better soon. I am usually always hungry when I am sick, unless I have a fever.

  34. feel better :( I work out when it's just a cold/cough but very rarely when it's something more. I have no idea how you managed when you were also running to the bathroom. I don't lose my appetite when I'm sick either except when I'm puking for obvious reasons.

  35. when i'm sick i cannot eat... so I can't workout since i'm so weak! not good, yes I know. but I do get antsy too!

  36. I usually take one rest day if I'm sick..which includes the worst day of a cold. After that though, I try to get back at it. I am convinced in my head that I can sweat out any sickness so I try to keep that in mind.

    I also eat a lot when I am sick, unless it's the flu. It really takes a lot to get rid of my constant, angry appetite.

  37. In theory I follow the rule if it's from your throat up, exercise and throat down, skip it and rest. But in reality, it's a toss up. I go by how I feel and how much energy I have and I tend to believe we get sick when are bodies are worn down, so I will be more inclined to rest if I feel I need it in hopes of recovering and getting back at it sooner!

    I rarely loose my appetite :)

    1. Oh, so miserable! I'm sorry. I am actually pretty good about laying low when sick, simply b/c I have learned the hard way that it doesn't pay for me to try to forge ahead. Feel better!

  38. oh feel better soon! It is no fun being in the bathroom every hour or so. Ick.

    At least you have cuddly kitties to take care of you! I turn into a pretty big baby when I am sick so I usually don't work out. I just figure my body needs the rest to bounce back.

  39. How did you feel after eating the pizza?! Hope you're back to your old self soon.

  40. I am so so glad I am not the only person that is still always hungry when I'm sick. ha ha! I hate that when people are like "I have no appetite, I'm sick" seriously I haven't ever had that problem.

    I love honey, and you! Feel better soon and eat some honey for me. :D

  41. ahh I hope you feel better!! I don't have a treadmill at home, so if I am struggling in the Bathroom area, I stay home - I do try to workout if it is just in my head, but I generally try to follow the up or below chest rules - but sometimes I am dumb and just go for a run when I am hacking up a lung at the same time, attractive huh?

  42. It depends on what kind of sick I am as far as hunger goes. If it's just a head cold, I can usually go about usual diet. But, if its stomach related...NO GO. I don't think its necessarily that I don't feel hungry, it's just that I know my stomach can't handle it. So there is really no point to eating. As far as working out goes, I work the same way. Head cold = normal work out. Stomach = No work out. Hope you get feeling better ASAP!

  43. Working out depends on how sick I am. But hunger? I'm always hungry when I'm sick - totally insatiable.

  44. Depends on how I feel and what type of symptoms I have if I work out or not.

    I hope you feel better! And I love that your cats keep you company while you are home sick!

  45. I hope you feel better!
    I usually don't run when I'm sick. I usually feel pretty awful and think that's my body's way of telling me to slow down.
    Saltines and 7-Up were always my "sick food" when I was young. Now I find that ginger ale or ginger candies really help me if it's a stomach issue. And cat snuggles help too. :)

  46. Hope you get better soon!! I'm always hungry don't understand people who just eat for energy.

  47. Aw, I'm sorry to hear you're so sick. Nope, I don't run when I don't feel well. I used to but I always got sicker. Yeah, for some weird reason I tend to get really hungry, too. Get better soon.

    My Running Shortz

  48. Are you sick from a bug, or sick from your body? I have colitis --which means my body attacked my body and I *had* to make the bathroom a second home practically. . .

    add in a decade or so later the whole celiac thing and that makes being glutenized the maker of the bathroom being a second home.

    I hope you're sick from a bug and that your body will be back to normal for you real soon!

    As for working out, I work out still if I have a cold, just not as hard/strenuous. I had a cold last week that wiped me out, just getting up in the morning was a chore. If I've been glutenized, I do my best, but usually it's just walking or something simple. If I have the bottom half illness (sam and ella getting together (that'd be samonella), etc) then I just don't do anything at all and make hubby figure out dinner on his own. :-)

    Get better soon!

  49. hope you feel better soon friend!!! i think for me it just depends on the type of sickness. if i am exhausted and without energy i figure my body is just screaming for a break. pizza. omg. i am convinced pizza can cure ANYTHING. haha.

  50. PS I've tagged you in the 11 Post ...

  51. I'm so late on this catchy up thing I bet you are better and running zillions of miles again xx


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