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Going Commando

I thought about writing this post and then asked Tim if he thought it was a little, um, "taboo." He asked me if I would want my little brother or my in-laws reading it. I said no. I wrote it anyway. So far I have avoided a lot of controversial topics (having sex before races and long runs, anyone?) because well, the Internet doesn't forget. Luckily, I think I handle the repercussions of this topic. Deep breath. Here we go.

Yesterday Kyria posted about finding the right pair of undies for a long run. I laughed at that, because for me - it was a futile mission. I tried them all folks. The tighy-whities. The granny panties. The barely-there thongs. It took a long run on laundry day to finally figure out what worked best of all - nothing.

That's right. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Commando. Free balling. Got it?

I know how gross that sounds, I really do. I used to think runners who did that were absolutely disgusting. But when you run out of underwear....well, you get desperate. You try it out. Man, the lack of chafing is awesome. I promise, you won't miss 'em.

Since there is the potential to be a little unhygienic without knickers, I would definitely recommended only wearing the shorts that have liners in them. And, maybe this goes without saying, but.... if you are going commando, you should probably stop the whole re-using running gear thing. Just a thought.

I really wanted to add some more pictures to this post, but you can probably see the problem with that. If you don't, well...bless your heart, as they say here in the South.

What's your MO when it comes to running underwear?
Unless someone can convince me otherwise, I think it will have to be commando from now on. 

If you embrace the commando, are there any short/pants which don't work with that, um, "style"?
Compression shorts, for me at least, require undies. VPL be damned.


  1. Come on no one wears undies in running shorts... right?! I'm so with you on this. Now, I am interested in reading a blog about sex before long runs... get on that.

  2. I used to think it was nasty to go commando but after coming home with soaking wet knickers (hello, Midwest summer), I'm starting to rethink my attitude. As long as there are liners, I will go for it. Sure, I have to listen to my butt cheeks slap together but it's better than feeling like I peed my pants.

  3. Commando all the way! I only add undies in the winter for some extra protection from the cold.

  4. I'm definitely pro undies! But my fave shorts are the nike running shorts with the boy shorts sewed in. Those I might consider going commando in.

  5. I think if you're free balling as you say, you may have bigger issues than the internet never forgetting.

  6. Don't a lot of runners go commando? I don't really think it's unhygenic, i mean, most running clothes are pretty form fitting like underwear anyway. The only thing I think that would be gross to run in is cotton.

    I wear boyshorts from under armour and love them.

  7. I always run with shorts with liners and skip the undies. MUCH more comfortable that way. Besides, isn't that what those liners are for?!

  8. Commando here as well. I wouldn't have it any other way. Most of my running shorts and skirts have their own liners and so I don't really think it's a problem.

  9. I pretty much always wear slandex or yoga pants, so commando is pretty par for the coirse for me. This started years ago for me back in my high school basketball and volleyball days. I'd rather not be uncomfortable while trying to perform/workout!

  10. I go commando too! I wear the running shorts with the liner..I used to not do that but one day I tried going without underwear and loved it! It's just better! No wedgies plus you have an excuse to buy a ton of shorts! :)

  11. I'm with you. That's why our exercise gear has the cotton area, right?

    I've never understood why one would wear elastic contraptions inside elastic/lycra contraptions. Historically, undies were to help hide/layer/prevent things from enter the netheregions. . . since the area is closed up with fabric--and is going to get all sweaty anyway, why?

    I find it disturbing to see someone in their lycra with an obvious line for underpants. . . much as I found it disturbing, on my part, to see four inches of someone's 'granny panties' during yoga class. ICK.

  12. I will say, the hubby was surprised a few weeks ago that I don't wear underwear when working out (and I've only been doing this since forever, but really ramped up my exercise in 2006. . I looked at him and asked why he doesn't wear them with his cycling shorts. He understood :-)

  13. I never wear underwear under workout clothes.

    1. Visible panty line
    2. Wedgies

    I'm sweating all over anyway, so they're going to be gross anyway. No big deal.

  14. I never wear undies either - why bother? And who wants to risk chaffing *there*? Not me!

  15. Commando for me! I don't know of anyone who wears panties with their workout clothes!

  16. I've never even considering where anything under my running shorts! So uncomfortable. And for the record, when I was a dancer, we didn't wear anything either :) Audiences typically don't like to see underwear lines underneath spandex!

  17. I tried command .. not for me, I pantyline yet all the way :-)

  18. I just always assumed that's what the liners were for. So some people wear underwear with them?

    I'm confused, I see how the sex before races is a little intimate for a blog topic, but what about long runs? Don't we all talk about those like crazy?

  19. Wearing undies under a pair of running shorts that have a liner is like wearing undies under your bathing suit bottom. Oh, you do that too?

  20. Commando all the way! I wear running skirts with built in spankies. I don't care for the built in compression shorts. They either ride up or are way too expensive (for the non ride up) AND that is way too much fabric for summer running in the ATL. Plus it is easier to go pee with spankies, you just move the bottoms to the side like a swimming suit!

  21. I never wear underwear!! Most of my shorts have the built-in ones so I think it would feel weird to wear underwear with them... I thought all runners went commando! If they don't, then they SHOULD!

  22. dude....I never wear underwear when I run! they are so uncomfortable. Plus, I would go through too many pairs of underwear since I run on my lunchbreak and thinking about which underwear to pack all the time is too stressful, because if you are going to run with underwear you really have to be choosy about which ones. Not just anything you pull out of the drawer is going to work! And yes---I only ever wear my running gear once before washing:)

  23. I have never run with undies. I wear compression pants and shorts and it is the best at preventing the red rub!

  24. I don't wear them either! I can only imagine the chafing that would ensue...

  25. Make sense, I don't wear underwear for ballet, so I probably wouldn't if I ran. The few times I have jogged, my underwear have annoyed the ever-living-crap outta me though. Why didn't I think to not wear them?

  26. I know I'm in the minority, but I do wear them. I have non-cotton underwear just for running and that's what I wear. If I run out, I will go commando but I prefer to wear the underwear. It may be because I started running in the winter and like Marlene said - you need an extra layer between you and the -30 windchill in these parts. So I guess I just got used to not being commando...

  27. Call me crazy (and call me maybe) but I thought that's what the liner was for. To replace underwear. NBD.

    Now, can we talk about your parenthetical topic? Sex before long runs? Never been a problem, except I do have to wait a while after know what, I guess I can't say any of this on the internet.

    1. + 1 billion internet points for inserting some Carly Rae Jepson love. I hate that I love it, I really do.

  28. NO underwear! That was the best advice when I started running. As soon as I did it I was like this is SO MUCH better. I will not run in underwear ever. That advice should come with everyones first pair of running shoes.

  29. I even have a jacket that spells it out in big letters down the arm...I even had it put on a race bib so that people would holler out to me... GO, COMMANDO!!!!

    Some tights and some capris are ouchie. But my little short shorts don't hurt my heinie.

  30. I only wear undies with tights. Otherwise, it's those shorts/skirts with liners. And the rule for women needs to be "one pair, one wear" Don't recycle previously worn items without washing or you're just asking for other issues that nobody really wants to blog about.

  31. Commando has its place certain outfits like tight white pants or skirts where even the tiniest thong still shows and I have absolutely gone commando during workouts and I love it.

  32. Yes it's weird, but it's one less piece of laundry to wash! And the extra chaffage it creates just makes undergarments a pain. I've had chaffage everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! Seems to not occur when going commando.

  33. Not weird if it works for you! I have to wear a liner or well...yeah, I'll have an 'accident' dribble as my 5 year old says, LOL. Joys of getting old!

  34. Commando over here too! I thought that was normal as well. :)

  35. That's what the liners in running shorts are for! I can't imagine wearing more underwear with them. Running and biking are commando sports all the way! :-)

  36. Well i am not going commando in my shorts, I have started to wear thongs while running. I used to wear the regular undies all the time but then one day I wore a thong and forgot a change for running. And it went ok. So now sometimes I do that, not all the time but sometimes. I just like undies.

  37. Um, all I can say is WOW. I guess I am in the minority!!! Who knew? I guess I don't really have a lot of running buddies to talk to about this (except for the billion runners on the internet of course). I think I may just have to try it! However, like you said, this will put the kibosh on reusing my running shorts.

  38. Me! I only RECENTLY discovered it, when as you said you run out of a clean pair sometimes! I only wear the Nike Tempo shorts with the liner so it's not like there's nothing there. I don't chafe anymore, and it's way more comfortable. Now, if it's that time of the month- I'll wear boy shorts. And yes, it actually is more laundry because there's no wearing them twice in a row when only wearing the liner!

  39. I love that this is a risk-ay post for you ;) who doesn't not wear underwear in tempos with liners?!?!? :)

  40. Commando all the way! I just can't run wearing underwear- with any running clothes.

  41. I don't wear underwear for any workouts. I wear all kinds of shorts/skorts without any problem.

  42. Love this post! Now write about that sex before long run thing you were thinking about.

  43. Well I definitely haven't thought about going commando. I always have underwear issues! lol They always ride doesn't matter if they are granny panties or not! lol

  44. I definitely have certain running shorts that I don't wear undies with. I will say that Allan was really shocked when he discovered this but being the soccer playing fanatic he is all I had to say was chafing and that was that!

  45. underwear all the way and 100% cotton ones at that! I'm envious of you all's smooth no VPL behinds, but not changing a thing over here! (Except my undies after every run and workout!)

  46. thongs. for everything. every day, all day, workouts. never tried commando but have definitely had chaffing issues where you don’t want it before. ouch.

  47. The thought of wearing underwear while working out makes me die a little on the inside. Why wear panties with compression shorts? Everything is snug and comfy anyway...

  48. Definitely commando with Nike shorts - they have the built in liners! With winter tights/capris, I do wear underwear. I've got a pair of underarmour running underwear that don't chafe...but they are the only ones.


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