It seems that wherever I look, there’s info on how to motivate yourself to exercise, how to run that extra mile, how to get faster. I know now that I need a weekly long run, speed intervals, track workouts, hill repeats, easy runs and recovery runs. I should probably start doing some barefoot runs too. I guess I can’t forget the strength training I need for the upper and lower body, core workouts, stretching, yoga for flexibility, foam rolling, cross training.... Wait, how many days do you guys have in your weeks? Yes, of course all those things (and more) can contribute to making us better runners--better athletes. This bombardment of information can sometimes make me forget one of the most important workouts of all. REST DAY! This article on the importance of rest for runners talks about a guy who has been on a running streak every day for, wait for it.... 26 YEARS!!!!!!! Way to go on the motivation and all, but he ran the day after he broke his sternum. No thank you, buddy....
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet