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DIY Treadmill Desk

Working from home has its perks. Sure, my social interaction skills are deteriorating rapidly and casual dress Fridays now include those old ratty boxers and that one race shirt with the hole, but I also get to enjoy things like eating lunch at 10:30 because I feel like it and deciding where I want to work. Like on the treadmill.

DIY Treadmill Desk

Between working at my desk all day, using my computer for fun and then sitting on the couch watching television most nights for an hour or two, it's safe to say I sit on my ass a lot. And yep, that's not so great for you. Even though I work out 6 days a week, I hate that I spend easily 75% of my waking hours sitting.

On a whim, I asked Tim if he could build me a treadmill desk. I've seen these massive contraptions to make treadmill desks, but they basically transform it into a full-time desk, and I still want to use my treadmill for running (sans desk) as well. Magic carpenter man took a few measurements and brought me in a prototype by lunchtime. Have I mentioned yet that I love him? I really do.

For the past week I have been using my treadmill desk during the day, and I absolutely love it. I feel like I have less lower back pain, and I actually feel a little more productive as well. However, I'm not busting out 15 miles a day on this thing, you guys. Far from it.

Want to know how fast I walk while working? A whopping ONE mile per hour. That's a 60 minute mile. I don't breathe heavily, I don't sweat and I can talk completely normally. Plus, I'm only on it for a few hours a day - either the morning or the afternoon. I would definitely recommend using a treadmill desk if you can, but don't think of it as a workout, because it's not.

Do you have a sit-all-day type of job? Love it or hate it?
Love the job, not such a fan of sitting all day. For the record, if I was on my feet all day I would complain about that too. I like the 50/50 split best, though.

If you sit all day for work, do you do anything to counteract it?
I try to take breaks and stretch, stand up, etc. when I'm at my desk, but sometimes I forget and get all hunched over on the computer for far too long.


  1. Oh wow, I NEED to make that. The shelf on my treadmill is so small and I'd love to be able to place a drink without it wobbling the whole time in the cup holder or glance at a magazine. Genius!!

  2. You're so smart! I want one at work (a girl can dream)

  3. I need one of those!! Can I borrow Tim?!?!

    Teaching is 50/50 I suppose! I feel like I walk around a lot but then again when students are just doing desk work I just sit there and get numb bum.

  4. I feel like I just showed up to prom wearing the same dress as you. Same post alert! Is there a reason you prefer to walk slowly while working as opposed to just standing while working? I would probably find a way to trip and fall if I worked while walking.

    I'm worried about your neck/spine in that picture! I've heard you should be looking straight forward, if not slightly upwards...

  5. your husband is a keeper...for sure.
    I wonder if I could read while walking on the TM..I have bad motion sickness...

    my job...not much sitting!!! :)

  6. My butt hurts after just an hour of sitting at a time. I try to keep busy enough (or drink tons of water) so I'm getting up often.

  7. I would cut someone to be able to sit for long periods of time without having to get up. The thought of rigging a device to keep me on my feet even more seems laughable to me.

    Toddlers: no assembly required

  8. That's awesome! It's like a lap desk for your treadmill :) It doesn't matter if you aren't cranking out the miles, it's got you on your feet and moving instead of sitting on your butt - that's a win!

  9. I would totally do that, but my treadmill is in my basement and my basement is terrifying. Tim is awesome, though! I could use him to help renovate our kitchen since I'm done yelling at Home Depot.

  10. I sit for my job but I do have meetings that I walk to and I work-out on my lunch break. I do wish there was more running around doing different things besides so much computer work! but that's how it is.

  11. I have the exact same problem!! I work at home and sit on my but probably 80% of the day too. I get up and walk around when I get frustrated with something at work and I like that I can eat a healthy snack instead of hitting up a vending machine.

    I try to check my sitting position often as I found I slouch or do the humpback alot.

  12. I sit 8-5 for my job so to counteract the sitting, every time I go to the bathroom (which is a lot, I'm a runner so I drink lots of water) I take the stairs to the first floor and use that bathroom. I work on the 4th floor so though it isn't much, it gets my heart pumping a little throughout the day.

  13. I was JUST thinking about treadmill desks (and by JUST, I mean last night). I sit all day long and try to get up and stretch. That mainly happens when I walk to the fridge for a snack. One mile an hour? Not bad at all!

  14. Amazing! SO jealous right now!! Isit all day at a desk and when I start going crazy I take a break to go walk stairs.

  15. Coolest thing EVER!! I'm going to ask my hubby to build one for me! I work from home, so maybe that's an option for me!

  16. I hate my sit down all day job, well not the job but sitting all day. Lucky for me I maintain a gear space so that is a good way to get out the office!

    I do stand on occasion and love to go for walks---which reminds me I should go do that right now

  17. i think yall have an idea for etsy now. :) i’m in and out of my car all day-so i have a mix of driving and walking. some days i end up walking almost a mile. i don’t have a treadmill, but if i did, i would pay Tim for his skills!

  18. That is a great idea! I work at a desk and while I work out 4-5 days a week too I sit alot at work and at home. Maybe when I get a treadmill (future purchase) I will invest in a treadmill desk too!

  19. I think this is genius! who cares if you aren't going fast - it's good for you :)

  20. That's awesome. I seriously invisioned myself with one of those, I just never followed through with building one. :) Smart girl. Jessica

  21. CLEVER! And so funny that you posted about your treadmill desk this week. I've been having back and hip pain and realized it's not as bad when I'm teaching (read: up and walking during part of my work day). So I turned my printer stand into a DIY laptop-lifter so I can stand part of the day while I work!

    I'm not sure I'm ready to go walking while working just yet, but I already feel a difference in both my productivity and my posture!

  22. That's a great idea. I read an article a while back where they had people just standing up to work and their back pain and general attitude during the day were better! And that is without walking!

  23. I'm on my feet the majority of the day at work so I'm in the other camp, complaining about how tired my feet are. That's pretty awesome that you can work like that! I'd make it like 4 minutes and then fall on my face.

  24. That is phenomenal! I'd love to do that but I'm not sure if I could make it work with my job. It might be worth a shot though. At the very least I do get up and move the laptop to the counter so I can stand sometimes because I'm like you--work from home, have diminishing social interaction, wear old clothes, and sit all day. ;)

  25. I need for Allan to make me one of those. I could use that since I work from home too and spend most of the day curled up in the oversize chair typing away.

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