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Why Did You Delete That Comment?

To censor comments or not to censor comments....when it comes to blogging, THAT just might be the question.

Have you ever left a comment on someone's blog, only to find it gone the next day? Or read through a controversial post with hundreds of comments and find that everyone is on the same side?

Having a blog ABSOLUTELY gives you the right to discuss whatever you want. If you want to devote your blog to the intricacies of sewing small You do that. I will not read it. If you want to write in bold print about how YOU. ARE. THE. BEST. RUNNER. EVER...I probably won't read that either. But if I do, will you keep my comment politely asking how you compare to say, world class athletes?

In full disclosure...I delete some comments. Say what? Yeah, I do. Not often, but I do. Sometimes they are spam, like this:

i am liking blog. also follow? ab workouts here for bicycle rental in London

How I feel about blog spam!
 Now, I'm no computer whiz, but even I can see spam when it's that obvious. I've also deleted a few comments because they were obscene. I can handle a good four letter exclamation with the best of them, but when your comment directs that word AT me or anyone else, I gotta let it go. In full disclosure, I also deleted some kind of annoying comments from my 18 year old brother when I started my blog. Sorry, Hardy.

Keep that shhhhhh..... to yourself

But if you write a comment saying you made one of my recipes and it sucked? It will stay.
If you think I made a mistake with some information? It will stay.
If you think I'm a terrible writer? I will cry. But yes, it will stay.

I enjoy conversation with people through this blog. If I delete that comment, I'm saying "get out of the conversation." I don't want to do that. I used to have the "captcha" feature when you left a comment - meaning you had to verify you were human before I let your comment through. Now I welcome anyone who can type to leave a comment. Totally don't have to be human. I'm so liberal.

What's your blog comment policy?
Basically, as long as it's not obscene or selling something, it stays. I love reading blogs where there is an active discussion, not just a chorus of "yums" or "yes, me too!" in the comment section. 

Have you ever had your comment deleted from a blog? Or has it not been accepted in the first place?
I wrote what I believed to be a thoughtful and  (relatively) thought-out comment on a very large blog and it was up for a few minutes until it got deleted. I was very surprised and it made me wonder how often this happens. 


  1. Wow - I can't believe someone did that to you! I actually don't know….I rarely go back to a post to check. The only times I do are when I'm really interested in what others will say and I want to see what comments were added. I think I would put the same parameters on what comments I delete as you…but I haven't yet gotten any so obscene I felt they were inappropriate, but I have gotten spam and deleted those.

  2. Suck it, Trebek! No ... not really. I like you.

    My comment policy is pretty non-existent as I don't get a schload of comments. And when I do, I'm so excited that I could care less what they say. The only time I've deleted a comment was from "Anonymous" who knew personal information and disseminated it in a very offensive, critical way. It didn't pertain to my blog at all and I didn't feel comfortable with some of the details being out in a public forum so it went bye-bye.

  3. What's your blog comment policy?

    -Same as you. I leave all comments except spam. Fortunately for me I haven't had any rude comments or any that contained expletives, YET. It would depend on the level of "rudeness" and the extent of expletives used for me to consider deleting. I guess we'll see once the time comes.

    Have you ever had your comment deleted from a blog? Or has it not been accepted in the first place?

    Honestly I have never checked. I usually leave my comment and then go on with my day. Most times the writer will respond to me via email. I don't think I've ever engaged in a comment convo about a blog post with other commenters.

    But yes, it would irritate me too if my comments were being deleted just because it didn't agree with the majority and/or the writer!

  4. I delete obvious spam comments, like the one you mentioned and also "just-plain-mean" comments, like, "OMG, you look awful in that!" and "Why do you have a style blog, anyway? You have no style!", which I've received. I don't see the point in commenting, or leaving comments, that aren't being constructive, they are just-plain-mean. It's my blog, I make the rules. ;P

    1. Seriously? People say things like that??? What rude little trolls!

      (PS - Just found your blog and love the denim skirt/orange pumps combo. Killer!)

  5. I delete spam - but I must be lucky or just don't have enough readers as I really havn't had any hate comments yet. Or I am just to dense to realize they are insutlting me. :) I don't take much serious online as people say things they woudln't normally say in person. The computer makes them brave.

  6. I would have no idea if one of my comments was deleted. I've never actually checked back...that seems sort of insane.

  7. this was a good post idea because i have actually never thought about it but i have deleted comments before. i go to a private institution and i know a lot of people read my blog from my school/work but dont comment. i really dont know if its " a lot" but i have had enough people randomly say that they enjoyed my post from the other day that it made me realize that more people could be reading than i know. so if the comment is derogatory in any way with language or drinking/partying then i have to delete it. or at least i feel like i do!

  8. I think you already know my comment policy since I blogged on this topic recently. I've never had someone just leave a comment calling me an obscenity, well at least not someone I didn't know.

    As you might imagine, I've had comments deleted and I even have my comments under automatic moderation on some larger blogs. I'm just so controversial.

  9. The only thing I've deleted is spam...though I'm not really interesting enough for anyone to leave controversial comments! :)

    Can't say that I've ever checked if any comments I've left anywhere were deleted

  10. I leave em! I deleted one once...someone said "Look! The little Slut has a blog!" No clue who it could be considering I've been married since I was 18....with the only guy I have ever been obviously I'm not a slut :)

    I don't even know if I delete the spam. I do leave comments of peoples comments and concerns though regarding a post. If it involves a recipe, I will try to help them.

  11. I delete spam comments (it's happened once or twice) but I've never deleted other ones...if someone leaves a comment, it stays!!

    I want to know more details on the comment that you wrote and the person deleted it off. That's just plain WRONG.

  12. I was blocked as a follower from my sister in law's running blog. That was awkward. I have deleted a few people's confession posts because they got a little too personal and I didn't think it was fair to them, but most of the time they stay. This post cracked me up for some reason. Bless your 18 yr old brother, and bless you! I love to read your blog- even if I don't always comment :)

  13. PS: And one thing that really does annoy me is word verification. I am going to do a post about how to get rid of it, because I think a lot of people don't even realize that it exists on their blog.

  14. Wow I did not even know you could delete comments....I am so freaking smart it hurts. haha!

    And I definitely don't go back to blogs I've commented on to see if I made the cut. haha never even really thought of it.

  15. I've deleted spam comments but I don't get enough comments to get hate ones. Which is good :)

  16. I don't delete comments either, although I do read a few blogs that outright state that they moderate. I've never had anyone go to town and hate my guts luckily, so maybe that's why :)

  17. hahaha! no one ever reads my blog so I don't have to worry about this!!!

  18. I've deleted comments. I tend to be a act first, question later kind of person so I couldn't tell you what classifies me to delete a comment - I've left hater comments on my blog, sometimes spam picks them up and I even approve them b/c they have fake email accounts, but whatever ;) and I've also deleted some. It depends on my mood, the post and whether or not I dislike the person. I say do what you want on your blog.

  19. I delete spam. I normally post all comments unless it's a repeat. If it's constructive and a real comment, I'll post it :) So far I've been fortunate not to encounter cyber bullies on my blog yet.

  20. I dont delete comments unless it is spam
    I have had some of mine deleted once also on a larger blog
    It was not rude or anything. I just did not agree with the person.

  21. I don't really have a policy. I did recently discover that some posts require my approval before publishing while others don't so there were comments "on hold" and it might have appeared that I monitor them. I haven't made time to blog in months let alone moderate comments!

  22. I only delete spam comments.

    I honestly have no idea if any of my comments have ever been deleted. I've never gone back to look.

  23. I'm all for deleting comments that are SPAM or just trolling. (REAL trolling, such as "You're a f**king c**t" not "I disagree with you". The way people misuse the word "trolling" and "bullying" is a huge pet peeve of mine.)

    Another pet peeve of mine is when the blog owner deletes any comments that are negative towards them, but leave up nasty comments to other readers. If you have a "no negativity" comment policy (and this is your right as blog owner.. I just won't read it probably) it should be equal opportunity.

    Just my $.02, though it sounds like your way of dealing with comments is pretty close to my beliefs on the subject.

  24. I delete spam comments, but even those come pretty infrequently.

    Unless I say something that asks specific questions, I don't really go back to check on it. I don't typically answer comments in my own blog, but on the reader's blog, so there isn't a discussion going on in my comment section.

  25. I am so disappointed by recipe haters.. You tried, either the recipe or your cooking skills failed, just don't try it again but lets not blame the blogger! Outside of recipes, whatever happened to reading something, disagreeing, and moving on with your life? If you wouldn't/couldn't say it to someone's face, lets leave it offline! I'm not sure if any of my comments have been deleted. I would hope not but I guess people can do what they want.

  26. My blog is way too tame and small to get haters. If I get a comment that I think might be secretly bitch I have a strict policy about forwarding the email to my friends and complaining about that person. What exactly did someone cuss you out for - posting food? Talking about running? Wait I know - they were probably jealous of your gorgeous house.

  27. Can't say I've ever gone back and checked on a comment, so for all I know I'm being deleted right and left! No doubt for my excessive use of exclamation points. OR ALL CAPSNESS.

  28. I've deleted inappropriate comments but it doesn't happen that often. It's your blog and you should feel free to moderate it however you like. :)

  29. I delete spam, but that's it. I do, though, definitely believe in replying back as necessary.

    I know of one BIG blogger who has lately started moderating comments on both of her sites and I think it's pretty lame. There's a difference between doing what you said above and only posting things that promote you and your content. But, then again, to each their own... blog!

  30. I've only deleted spam comments and one very very ruely inappropriate comment that was rather harsh. I'm all for the sharing of opinions, but I do not tolerate bullying. Sometimes it really makes me wonder why people even stop by to read if they feel disgusted by the discussed topics, but I suppose it's always easier to throw criticism at others then to look at our own flaws.

  31. You can find some awesomely cruel comments on my blog. I have a small readership, but some posts have enraged certain readers/white knighters. The comments stay. If you dish it, you have to be able to take it, and I have dished it from time to time.

    Blogger automatically "spams" spam comments, so I don't deal with those except to check the box agreeing that it is spam.

  32. You're so much fun - reading your blog just makes me happy! Your silly shhhhh photo - really? You're a nut!

    I delete spam comments only. I suppose if someone said something that was seriously rude I'd delete it, but I'm REALLY lucky to have awesomely wonderful followers/readers . . . like you so so far it's not been a problem. Be warned mean people! HA!

    I have been deleted from another person's blog - not that I blame her, I kind of sort of told her off (in my defense I knew her personally so not just a random stranger blogger) and then she continued to piss me off with her know it all blog (I should have just stopped reading but it was like a train wreck - who can look away?). She deleted me - message received and I've not been back since.

  33. Some of the spam comments are funny...but I usually delete them or not even approve them. So far no one has said terrible things, but I don't have a high traffic blog :-)

  34. I've deleted some, now my settings are changed so nothing automatically posts...then again approximately 3 people read my blog so this isn't a huge issue.

  35. Deleting blog comments: I have been lucky enough to have very little spam on "Yes, folks" but I also moderate a blog for my running group. That gets 100% spam. All the real runners communicate through the FB page. I delete ALL SPAM, and leave pretty much everything else.

    Been deleted?
    A blogger (who shall remain nameless) was doing a destination marathon. The day before the race, she posted about "needing" to get a good workout in, so she hit the gym for a circuit workout. (Really??) I had noticed some other obsessive issues, so I commented "A circuit workout? Aren't you running 26.2 tomorrow? Did plans change?"
    That got deleted.
    I stopped following.

  36. I have deleted a few but all of them were spam. I don't think I have been deleted but then again I rarely go back and check so maybe I have been!

  37. I have only deleted spam. I think that people are welcome to say whatever they want in my comments section, even if I don't agree. I love a good discussion. However, I do agree with you in the fact that if it was terribly rude or obscene I would probably delete it; my grandma reads my blog for goodness sakes. We don't need to be offensive!

    Also, I am not sure if my comments have been deleted as I don't go back and check! In fact, I am sure I've missed a lot of great replies, but I just don't have time to go back to every post! I usually interact with people over email instead!

  38. I delete the spam comments. But I do agree that I like blogs that leave in comments that express strong opinions - sometimes reading the discussion on a topic presented in a blog post is the most entertaining part.

  39. I delete the span comments too but other than that I leave them. I haven;t gotten any that are too bad or really hurtful and directed at me. I have gotten a few I disagree with but I have left them on the blog.

  40. LOL! Rose you can get away with ANYTHING!

  41. Such a great post Vanessa! All the comments were a blast to read through...which is exactly what I like, and hope for on my own posts. I honestly don't think I will ever delete a comment, even extreme opposing views. It's my blog, so I'll do what I want, when I want, but as a rule of thumb I only delete spam.

  42. well i feel like a right dick ... i didn't even know you could delete nope havent' deleted any!!

  43. I've only deleted spam comments but I haven't had any hateful ones so I guess I'm lucky. I have noticed on other blogs where my comment never posted.

  44. I'm a blog reader and love reading the comments on a blog. BUT a huge thing for me is if a blogger deletes comments I lose respect. I'm active in a couple blogging forums and people talk openly about bloggers who censor comments.

    I had a comment deleted recently. I understand that the topic was sensitive but still. I read a famous weight loss blog and I left a comment about her biking race recap and I asked nicely what her stats (weight) was since she hadn't updated her sidebar in a couple months. Which might seem inappropriate but it's a weight loss blog and she also writes for other publications on the topic of weight loss and she used to post stats and be really open about it. Anyways she deleted my comment and I thought that was complete bs! It's a blog on the topic of weightloss!

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