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T Minus 12 Hours!

The Garmin is charging.
The clothes are picked out.

I avoided fiber like the plague all day.
I carbo loaded with a sushi dinner.

I tapered this week (with the exception of 18 miles on Monday).
I'm foam rolling. Hydrating. Putting on compression socks.

Even my cat is encouraging me to run tomorrow. Can't let the kitty down, can I?

I plan on running each step of the half marathon tomorrow planning my post-run food. Does anyone else do that? Really keeps me going on long runs.

What do you dream about for post-race food?
I always think it will be something sweet but I typically crave something salty like Pizza or chips. 


  1. GOOD LUCK!!! I can't wait to hear all about it :) I know you can do it!

  2. Good luck! And enjoy that post-race pizza :)

  3. I'm crazy about french fries and a burger.

  4. Love how you positioned the legs of your pants...and I vote PIZZA! I totally obsess about what to eat after a race like that. Good luck!

  5. Good luck, have a great race!!!!

  6. I always want soupy noodles - like pho, udon, ramen, or something like that. :)
    Cute cat... can't disappoint a kitty!

  7. Good luck! Cute outfit choice, too. I always want a beer after a race!

  8. YAY!! Good luck! You are going to ROCK it! I always think about food too. Whether it's counting down the miles until my next GU or counting down until my post-race meal. Food is always on my mind. It's usually salty for me too!! I never want the bananas or yogurt that they give out at the end. I'm always searching for bread or chips!!

  9. How much time did you spend artfully arranging your race outfit like a cardboard cut out? :)

    Good luck and remember that the only good race pace is a suicide pace and tomorrow looks like a good day to die.

  10. Good luck!! You will do awesome!!

  11. all the best to you!
    wishing fast happy miles!

    post race: salt always
    but for you it will be champagne...remember!

  12. Good luck! I never thought of sushi as a pre-race meal but It's one of my favorites. I might have to demand that as my pre race dinner for my half!

  13. Good luck! I never thought of sushi as a pre-race meal but It's one of my favorites. I might have to demand that as my pre race dinner for my half!

  14. During my second marathon I called my brother at mile 17 and ordered a burger from him. All I think about past mile 6 is FOOD FOOD FOOD.

  15. Sending you good thoughts for your half! Have fun and kick assphault :)

  16. oh man thats my favorite part of long runs - planning the post run meal(s) afterward. For me, nothing beats a massive chipotle burrito!

  17. Good Luck. I rarely sleep before a race, it's like a big test. I also wake up a million times to use the bathroom through the night...that doesn't help.

  18. Cute post. Good Luck to you!! I usually dream about a big fat steak, although it's rarely what I end up eating afterwards...

  19. good luck tomorrow Vanessa - or should I say "Little Miss, PR" ;) xo

    PS: salty!!!! grab a pizza slice or chips...however ice cream is always good too

  20. You are gonna kick some serious butt!! HAVE FUN! :D

    I crave everything post-run... but usually it is ice cream, an epic burger, and beer. Mmm... my happy place. LOL

  21. Have fun!
    I always crave the same thing post run - muesli and yoghurt, and then a cappuccino. But you can bet those are running through my head with every step.

  22. Enjoy the race and the eats!! Hope that it is a lot of fun x

  23. T minus 12 hours was the title and I'm reading this 11 hours late - so about 15 minutes from now - you're toeing the line - kick booty and have fun! Hope it's a great race for you!!!!

  24. As I write this you are already kicking ass and taking names! I am a weirdo and wont let myself start drooling over post race food until I get to a certain point near the end. I can fantasize about wine the entire time though. :)

  25. Good luck!!! I'm a bagel girl after races :) Carbs!

  26. I almost came down for the 5k, but practice rules my Saturdays! I know you are running right now and I'm sure you are looking STRONG. That cat's bondiband sure does look familiar ;)

    YAY YOU.

  27. Love your outfit! I think the fact that you'll be dressed so cute will make you fly like the wind! Never had sushi for my pre race dinner, but it sounds like a good option.

  28. good luck! i know you will do great! i dream of just about everything possible on long runs including what i want to eat but for me it mostly coffee drinks

  29. I bet you are running right now and I hope you are killing it!!!! I would go for some pizza or pasta and breadsticks, but bread and I have a live affair going on. Can't wait to hear!

  30. Good Luck,

    I dont really care what eat as long as it is something solid. I'm tired of gel or gatorade by the time I get done with a race. Bring me some good solid food.

  31. oh man sushi before racing- you're brave (but from all your posts i can tell your body is very used to it)
    I can't wait to hear how the race went for you, YAY!

  32. Good luck!!! Hope you kick butt!

  33. Good Luck!!!! i love sushi....
    and yes, crave a WHOLE PIZZA!!! oxoxox

  34. Good luck! You are gonna rock it! When I ran my half marathon, I kept thinking about the In N Out burger I was going to get when it was all over. :)

  35. don't leave us hanging!! haha...just kidding, can't wait to hear how awesome u did!! :)

    i'd say i crave big old burritos.

  36. hope it went well and i so plan my food while running!!

  37. Good luck and have fun!

    My favorite post race food is definitely pizza.


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