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Guess Who is Back Up and Running??!

Wouldn't it be so anti-climatic if it wasn't me? Anyway, no fear because it is! I really wish you guys could see how incredibly happy I am today. I had a pretty big letdown last weekend when I tried to run, and still had some sharp pain in my ankle. Of course I was bummed because I wanted to run, but also because it meant I couldn't run in the Miami Rock N' Roll Half Marathon that I was registered for.

I won the race entry from Amanda, and planned to head down to Miami this weekend for the VIP treatment. (Seriously VIP - Amanda met Kara Goucher and Shalane Flanagan this morning. I am incredibly jealous!) But the physical state I was in meant I just couldn't do it. No way could I run (or walk) 13 miles. Yesterday in a state of self pity I biked 36 miles in front of the TV. Gotta love the Hallmark Channel at Christmas time - right?

Today I decided I might as well give running one more try. I hopped on the treadmill and walked 3 miles first, and then ran 1/4 mile. No pain, but I walked a few minutes again to be safe. Ran 1/2 mile. No then I ran 1.25 miles. Hooray!

I didn't want to push it by running anymore, but cardio-wise I felt completely fine. The rest of my body was like, "WHAT? Running? WHY?" Knees, ankles and hips all felt funky for a few minutes until they got used to this running thing again.

Luckily, someone was able to use my bib today at the Miami Race so it didn't go to waste. That girl happened to be incredibly speedy, which is awesome for me, because of this:

How amazing is this? Yeah, a PR by 20 minutes and I didn't even show up. THAT'S HOW AWESOME I AM. Thank you, thank you very much. Apparently I'm getting a medal in the mail, which is beyond awkward. I will pose with it, pretend I'm a speed demon and then mail it on to the real winner.

Have you ever let someone race under your name, raced under someone else's name, or even just skipped a race?
I had to skip a couple of races in my life, but this one might be the most disappointing. I've never raced with someone's bib though. So glad someone got a chance to use mine today!

Have you ever met a famous runner? Who would you like to meet most?
No, no one famous yet! I think if I could meet anyone....I'll hop on the bandwagon and say Kara Goucher. She was the first elite female runner I ever heard about - maybe a year ago? 


  1. haha! yes you are super speedy girl! yayyyyy for the run today! best news of the day :)

  2. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! I hope this is an awesome week of comeback runs for both of us.

  3. Glad to read you're back up and running!
    I raced an "adventure race" under my sisters name in november. I'm glad I did cuz it was the most fun I've had at a race yet!

  4. HAHA too funny that your name is still on it! LOL! :) Glad you were able to run!

  5. yay! awesome news! and congrats on the PR ;)

  6. oh my gosh i was so like Lora you can't race this all out today...but she didn't get it. So umm a medal is coming your bizarre :)

    I am so sorry you missed out, but you made a VERY smart decision not to hurt yourself any further

  7. How awesome you got to run! I'm so happy your happy :)
    Biking in front of the tv is no way to live your Saturdays. At least not every Saturday. Hope this begins another long healthy season of on foot exercise!

  8. Thanks so much for voting. I really appreciate it. Everytime I run, my legs burn like hell, so I use the elliptical. I need to get into running. I don't know how you guys do it. :-)

  9. Congratulations for being back on the running bandwagon! so happy that you are back to doing what you love!

  10. Congrats for getting back into running! I hope you're ankle continues to get better!

  11. 2 miles of running and pain free? Yay!!!! Im sooo happy for you. I hope your ankle will continue to have a speedy and pain free recovery.

  12. Yaaaaay! So happy to hear of your come-back :) That's totally the way to do it, start slow and ease your way back into it….very smart! Can't wait to hear more about it!

    Oh, racing under a different bib…..I have never done it, nor have I sold/given my bib away, but Brian has! I think he's done it twice - raced under a different name. The "best" was in Memphis last weekend when the guy he bought it from was a 24-year-old (we're a decade older - yikes!) and the guy insisted on keeping the race shirt….uuum, that was weird.

  13. That's funny. I met Josh Cox. He's the 50K American record holder, and he was also on the bachelorette. Ha ha. I would love to meet Kara Goucher though! She's so cute, and I think it's cool that she's a mom now too. Maybe I'll get lucky when we go to Houston in Jan. to watch the Olympic Marathon trials.

  14. Glad to hear you are running again.

    I am so new to this racing business, but I am surprised that you are allowed to use/sell/buy someone else's bib/entry.


  15. Haha that's great! So sorry you couldn't do the race but 36 miles in front of the Hallmaark channel sounds amazing still.

  16. no way!! i would be so bummed if I missed out on meeting her!! I'm so glad that youre back to running though! awesome job on your 2 miles and your PR ;)

  17. Yay, so happy for you! Glad you're back to running.

  18. Yay for the comeback! And so sad that you had to miss the race, but wicked cool that the girl who used your bib got a medal, super speedy lady!! I've never met any famous runners, if I could I don't know who I'd pick.

  19. WWWOOOOT WOOOOTTTT for running!!! yay, i'm so excited for u, and hey, even tho it wasn't in the race at least it was a run without pain! :) u were super smart and took it easy and gradually get back into the running missy. lol...all this u kno.

  20. Wooohooo awesome time for awesome invisible runner, will she do a race report for us? :-)

  21. Great job on the half marathon :) The cross training is really helping!

  22. So glad you are back in the game! I KNOW how good that feels! I've never had someone use my name, but I did offer my chip for this weekend's race to one of my speedier friends. Always worth a try, right? ; )

  23. I'm glad your ankle is feeling better! That is awesome, as is your speedy replacement for the race!

    Well, I was registered for Chicago and well into training when I got injured so that was one race that I had to sit out. And it totally sucked.

  24. I've ran a couple times with someone else's bib, it was nothing special. But I think they were both faster than me so....

    I met Ryan Hall a couple years ago, along with his wife, and we got to go on a run together. It was awesome!

  25. WOOHOO! Welcome back to running! :D

  26. Glad to hear that you are making a comeback!

  27. I have never met a famous runner, but I have been close to several. Great job on a huge PR and you weren't even there!

    Glad to hear you are up and running again!

  28. first off, you already know I;m sooooo happy to hear you are running. (dailymile friends HOLLA!) ><------everyone should add us!

    however the turning point of JOY in this post was when I was reading you PR'd and you got a medal...but you really didn't THIS IS HILARIOUS! I love it! can NOT wait for the picture lol

    also - I wanted to thank you again, b/c of you I am so in love /w the spin bike and I look forward to other exercises other than just running. thanks xoxo

    PS: my nude handful is in the mail...I picked nude b/c I wanted to be original :P

  29. You are some kind of talented. Way to get it! ;-)

  30. Haha great job on the race!!! :) That's weird that they're mailing you the medal but I'm glad you're giving it to the person who ran! I've never used another name or anything for a race.

  31. So so very glad to hear that you are up and running again. Best news ever!

    And I rarely run under my own name. I am always breaking my friends necks and stealing they're bibs for races. he he Totally kidding but seriously 2/4 of my marathons have been run under someone elses name.

  32. Yay! I'm glad you back at it, but it was probably smart not to push it... even if you did just set a new PR ;)

  33. So glad you are feeling better!

    That girl with your bib was SPEEDY! Wow, that's a big race to place in.

  34. I'm glad you're back running! Nice fake PR :)

  35. Yay for you getting your run back! How exciting, that race should be lots of fun!

  36. woohoo, can't wait to see the FAKE trophy...

    Yay for back to running :)

  37. woohoo on the running!!! i really hate that you had to miss that half.. and a nice getaway to warm weather! but there will always be another awesome race opportunity! keep on healing!

  38. Haha, but seriously yay for pain free running!

  39. Haha, nice! When I ran the Marine Corps Marathon, all my friends thought it was hilarious that my facebook and twitter kept updating how "Harry Fulton" was doing. Way to go on the run!

  40. Too bad that you couldn't run it! How cool would it have been to meet Kara?? At least you get a medal out of it! haha!

    So glad that you are back to running!

  41. I just saw your :( status update on Facebook and wanted to say that we all definitely have those days...mine was yesterday. But you have n exciting weekend coming up!! I am soooo jealous you get VIPtreatmmt!! I remember seeing the VIP area a the Denver RnR race and was super jealous (especially post race when I had to wait 45 minutes to get my bag from bag check jd ll I wanted was to sit on something that wasn't cold and ea all my post race goodies). I can't wait to read your rac recap!!! I'll be cheering you on virtually from chilly Colorado!

  42. I did a half marathon training run back in June and I did buy a bib off of craigslist....and it always makes me laugh to think about how my photo showed up for a 30 year old guy in his race photos!!

  43. I had to give up the Chicago Marathon this year because I was 26 weeks pregnant, so I can totally understand your being bummed out. So hard to give up on a race, although I didn't even have the chance to meet awesome people like Kara and Shalane! I sold my bib to a friend though, so it worked out well.

  44. Yay you are back running! After a break, I always feel out of whack. I guess that means your body is healing!

  45. This is the best news! I know that you must be so excited. I can't imagine how out of whack things have felt for you being unable to run. Even though you and the bike have really bonded I know the treadmill has missed you!

  46. Gosh you are awesome... :-) I've never skipped a race, but I think I've only registered for 4 in my life, haha. I'm sure that day will come eventually!


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