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Getting My Sweat On

I have a confession to make. When I read recaps of people's spin classes, or the bike rides they took around town, I think "oh, that's nice." I NEVER thought it was a tough workout. Blame it on the fact that I can't actually ride a bike - so I never knew what it entailed. And the longest I've spent on a bike in the gym was ten minutes or so...waiting for a treadmill to open up.

A bum ankle is forcing me to look beyond running for a way to get my heart pumping, so I bought a used $25 spin bike. Twice this week I used it and while it was a workout, I kept wishing it could be harder or push me more.

Whoops. Started regretting that last night during workout #3. I looked up "spin classes" on youtube and did my best to pretend I knew what I was doing. I still have no clue what I'm doing, but at least after an hour I was drenched in sweat and figured out how to actually adjust the resistance. Let's just say, I won't assume anyone's spin workout on DailyMile was "easy" anymore:

Note I still wore my "Run" Bondiband, even on the bike. I'll bike if I have to, but dang it I still wish I was running! Maybe the best part about the workout was that I actually had that amazing glowing feeling after a tough workout. You know the one I mean? When you've conquered a super fast mile or Yasso 800s and you feel like you're on top of the world? Love that.

Exhausted but happy. Perfect.

So I did end up getting a TV yesterday and braving Black Friday madness, but luckily by 10am the stores were basically empty. We got the TV we wanted and didn't get shot, robbed or blasted with pepper spray. Win win. 

So now we have a TV, we actually have to pay for some television shows too. Out here it's Dish, which means nothing to me but apparently we'll get more channels than our current ZERO, so that should be fun. Any recommendations on what to start watching?

Any workouts you used to think were "easy" that now kick your butt?
Spinning, pilates and yoga I used to think were all rest day workouts, but I'm realizing there are ways to push it during all three to make them TOUGH!

Anyone brave Black Friday sales and score anything good?
We got a TV that was slightly on sale, a box of Nerds and two glass jars. I'm pleased. 

What are your favorite TV shows to watch? I need some recommendations!
I have a few sitcom favorites : The Office, Community, Modern Family, etc. But I don't know about any of the newer shows - anything worth watching?


  1. Oh yeah, cycling seems to be very easy until you have to pedal and adjust the resistance. Well, good for you on getting into spin! I had no other choice but to swim and cycle when I couldn't run..I'm pretty much healed and I can't tell you how thankful I am that I can run again. give it time and you will come back stronger :)

  2. Great that you are finding ways to work hard while your injury heals. Good for you.

    TV? I like Big Bang Theory... it is hilarious after you get to know the characters.

    Have a good weekend... glad you survived the shopping trip AND got some candy!

  3. I'm a huge TV fan - TLC has great shows. Nice sweat! You go girl!

  4. Whoah, way to go, that's awesome!!! I do not go out on Black Friday…but I took advantage of some internet sales :) I love Modern Family and How I Met Your Mother..and Grey's :)

  5. Geez so sweaty and gross and you still look pretty. I too thought biking was bull and only hurt your gina... until I read this post. Tv shows? Yes to glee! Raising hope! And some other ones I'm too embarassed to admit that I like... oh screw it... vampire diaries and gossip girl!

  6. Very cute sweaty photos! I also have found that spinning is the closest thing to running for me, in terms of getting on a good sweat. Glad you got to try it out :)

  7. I'm both an avid spinner & biker.... they sure are killer workouts!! :)

  8. I do iCycle secessions on the turbo trainer .... don't think I could last a spin class though, hats off to those who do.

  9. So, now that you can bike, you need to get yourself a road bike and start on triathlons. Obviously.

  10. I use to think the same thing about cycling... I learned my lesson with an injury too! Next best thing to get your sweat on :)

  11. you have to watch PSYCH! it is hilarious!!

  12. Congrats on the great deal for the $25 bike.

    And extra congrats for avoiding any pepper spray while shopping!

    I think all those Black Friday shoppers (including my wife) are positively nuts.

  13. I used to be a huge running snob and thought yoga was a lazy workout until I tried Bikram. Yoga can be nice easy stretches, but it can also be a serious workout. I'm hoping Santa will bring me a bike trainer for xmas....I need to try googling spin classes! Never would have thought of that. I used to go to an early morning bike speed interval workouts (outside, on a loop) and thought I'd die after each session.

  14. Sweet with the bike bargain! Yes, I too always forget how hard yoga and pilates actually are and I think of them as rest/easy days...until I'm stretching and holding super hard poses and feeling the burn! I love a lot of the shows on Bravo, Housewives of Beverly Hills, Atlanta, OC, etc. :) Also, some other things that are off season righ tnow like Flipping Out and those types of decorating shows. I love reality t.v. even though it's not so reality. Have a fab weekend, love reading your posts and seeing your smile...feel like I know you. BTW, I realized who your celebrity lookalike is...Angie Harmen. The lady from the old crime show who is married to the football palyer. She's super cute, so know that it's a compliment. Jess

  15. Once Upon a Time, 8pm Sundays. Check it out.

  16. Nice work out! I'm pretty sure spinning would kick my butt, but I'm too afraid to try it.

    I don't really watch any new tv, but if you're watching netflix instant, you should definitely watch friday night lights!

  17. no black friday for me...too crazy

    tv: Parenthood and REVENGE

  18. oh my goodness, there are so many shows I watch...check out Happy Endings, hilarious, Revenge, amazing, and of course Biggest Loser if you don't already watch it online. So addicting!

  19. Nice job getting your sweat on! I have never done a spinning class either, but I remember last time I rode my bike thinking how hard it was. Sadly my bike got ran over and is no longer working. :(

    I have been watching Revenge and Survivor on tv

  20. Our Black Friday outing took us to Home Depot for mortar mix. Big spenders here.

    On the way home, though, we did stop at Petsmart, where we discovered that dogbeds were on sale. So, each of our dogs has a brand new bed, and since Best Buy was right next door and Mad Men was on sale for $8.99, we now own all 4 seasons.

    Have you watched Friday Night Lights? Seriously one of the best shows I've ever seen.

  21. Congrats on your new tv!

    I love the Vampire Diaries and The Office.

    I have yet to try spinning - it looks like a tough workout!

  22. Yoga continues to kill me- once a week for 2 months now and I'm still dying.

  23. Is it wrong that my take away from your photos was "Well, is it really a hard workout if you don't even need to wear a real sports bra?" :P

  24. Top Chef is definitely worth watching. I'm a fan of How I Met Your Mother too.

  25. Looks like you are making great use of that spin bike!! Nice work and spin is a pretty good workout!! I made it to the Black Friday sales a little too late and didn't get that Xbox bundle for my son! Bummer!! Hope that foot is getting better :)

  26. Spin is NO joke! I used to think it was wimpy too until I finally tried it a couple years ago. It's the best go-to when you need non impact.

    I am worthless when it comes to TV recs. I watch zero hours a week and my roomates have a bazillion channels. I need to get with the program! (pun intended!)

  27. hahaha you are just the cutest! I hope one day we can all hang out, do spin, run and play music :) xo

  28. love the head band! SO I think this is how most runners get started in triathlons they have to cross train due to an injury then before you know it you will be adding swimming and biking, come on over to the dark side! :-)

  29. The Office is my all time favorite sitcom. We watch a lot of The Discovery Channel and National Geographic because we are cool and not nerdy at all. We don't watch a lot of 'network' TV. Mostly sports and obscure shows. ;)

    Nice sweat you got going on!

  30. My plan was for to stay home for Black Friday but I got called out for work. Since I was in town when I was done, I went to Old Navy and bought some light long sleeves for $6. I am pretty excited about that!

    My husband watches tv and movies way more than me. What I do enjoy watching and DVRing is Ghost Adventures on the travel channel. How I Met Your Mother is funny as well as The Big Bang Theory.

  31. Swiss Ball was a total surprise. I used to think it was for the old, retired ladies - until I tried it. My goodness, it was so much harder than I thought it was. The class I did was core based, not much cardio. You also used hand weights up to 5 kilos and the instructor would exhaust the muscles you were using that day. It became a weekly favourite of mine - geez I miss the gym sometimes. I do have a ball of my own, maybe You Tube has some workouts for me to do?? :)

  32. I felt the same way the first time I decided to bike on my off day from running because I thought it would be "easy". I was sooo very wrong. I still think I can run a longer distance than I can bike which blows my mind!

    Enjoy the new tv! Allan and I both really enjoy Castle. I'm a huge fan of Hart of Dixie (living in the south I promise this will make you laugh), Biggest Loser, NCIS, NCIS:LA, Criminal Minds, Revenge, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Bones, and Vampire Diaries.

  33. Parenthood. Such a good show.

    Also, girl, you look great!


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