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Heavy Lifting and Bragging Rights

Today on the schedule was no running. A month ago I would have told you that sounded pretty freaking awesome, but all of a sudden I'm craving a run. Go figure, right? Thanks a bunch taper.

I still found a way to fit in a little exercise though. Around lunchtime Tim and I drove into town for a walk around a pretty neighborhood and a trip to the library. In total I covered about 3 miles, very slowly. And no pictures, because that would take foresight and planning. My bad.

Also, I would consider carrying the books around weight lifting.

Um, hello? Hardcovers = heavy weights. Obviously. 
P.S. no laughing about my weak upper body. I swear there used to a little muscle under there....somewhere. Maybe I should try more than just carrying around books?

Anyway, I'm hoping a couple of new books will help distract me the next few days until the marathon. I'm also doing my tough job  of carbo-loading. It's not easy eating candy all day and pasta every night, but someone has to do it. Taking one for the team here, guys.

I also have a question for everyone - how do you feel about the whole "running stickers on a car" thing? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for bragging my ass off, just want to make sure I'm not driving around looking like an idiot. So far I've put up my 13.1 sticker that I got for free in a race:

And there is no doubt in my mind that I will stick on a 26.2 sticker as well as soon as it's official. 

What's the verdict? Are race stickers a sign of awesomeness or just another way to brag?
I'm curious about this one. I'm cheap, so I probably wouldn't buy one myself. But free stickers are going up! I'm proud of the distances I have covered so far. 

What is your favorite "low-key" or easy workout?
Walking is one of my favorite things to do. I really wished today I could have kept going, especially walking with hubby. Such a nice way to chat and enjoy the changing fall colors.


  1. They are awesomeness. I haven't earned anything higher than a 5k....and I'm not putting a 5k sticker on my car BUT once I do the 13.1 next year I will for sure be putting one on my van.

  2. I am really mad at you for not telling us what book you're reading. GRRR. =)

    I don't mind running/etc stickers. Actually I like all kinds of stickers -- political, funny, quotes, running, sports-team-related, etc. When I get stuck in traffic it makes me feel like I have an idea of who the people around me are, and then I decide who I would stick with if all of a sudden zombies swarmed, ya know? Or is that just me...

  3. I don't like any stickers on cars. I even hate the fact that I have to put a parking sticker on mine. So I'm not into race stickers at all. Especially if they are multiple ironman stickers to go along with your ironman tattoo (one on each leg) and all your "m dot" clothes that you wear at all times. Not that I don't think racers (and ironman finishers) aren't hard core and don't deserve to brag...but I just don't like it.

    But I understand why people do it and I would only make fun of them once under my breath and then move on ;-)

  4. The sticker thing is a good question. I love when I see them on other cars. It always makes me happy for some reason, maybe that's weird. But, I've never put any on my car for some reason, maybe I don't feel worthy of them!!

  5. I like the sticker thing, that said, I have no stickers on my car. I love seeing it on other peoples cars though, it makes me happy and like that person even if I don't have any idea who they are!

  6. I LOVE them! Seeing them on other cars makes me smile and even bonded .. creepy huh? But I feel bonded to you too and that is kinda creepy too :) And you are pretty adorable lifting your books too!

  7. Stickers FOR SURE. Pshhh it's the least you can do to tell the world you went through 4+ hours of torture and you are awesome!

    Enjoy that carb loading...eeek i'm excited for you!!!

  8. I put a stickers on my car in college... Now that I'm out of college and still have that car I kinda regret it.

    Whenever I buy my next vehicle (hopefully not in the near future- gotta save up first!) I don't think I'd put stickers on my car.

    I'd rather have a t-shirt or a medal =)

  9. So I never liked putting anything on my car until I ran my first marathon. I picked out a magnet so that I could remove it if I wanted and I shopped and shopped until I found the perfect one. I didn't like the plain ones with the slanty font, so I found a blue and yellow one and it matches my care perfectly :)

    I love driving to a race and checking out all the cars on the way and guessing who is going to the race as well. The stickers really help!

  10. I think stickers are fine. If you have done a half/full marathon, you totally deserve it! Not many people can do that, and it's not so much bragging as it is representing a lifestyle. Plus, only other runners would know what the heck 26.2 stood for anyway.

  11. I love the sticker idea but I don't have any on my car!! When I see people with them I feel like I should wave as if we are best friends but then they would think I am crazy. I think I want to add stickers eventually, I just didn't think of it when I ran previous halves or my first full!

  12. Brag it up I say. It is a friggin marathon!

  13. I proudly sport my 13.1 on my car. I couldn't wait to get it. I love seeing it on other cars. I feel solidarity with other runners when I see it. Love your 'book' workout! Easy workouts - walking my dog or going for a leisurely bike ride

  14. They are only $2 or so. Splurge - you've earned it!

  15. Hey, show off those stickers!

    I am a walker, too. And when I have one, I love to go bike-riding. I know that is not for you.

  16. I feel like race stickers are totally cool and I can't wait to run a marathon so I can plaster it all over my old, run down POS car :D I think i'll even make my own sticker like "I can't afford a new car b.c I spend all my money running marathons"

    PS: nice guns ;)

  17. I love stickers, but not on my car. I just don't like the idea of sticking things on there. Now, my water bottles on the other hand....they are COVERED in stickers! I figure it does less damage :)

  18. my arms are stick girl skinny, so I understand about the whole lifting with books thing. As far as stickers- you've earned them. My brother was SOOOOO excited after his half marathon to put the 13.1 sticker on his car- so seeing his reaction makes me look at it as a reminder of an accomplishment vs. bragging.

  19. I'm totally in exactly the same place! I wasn't supposed to run today, so what did I WANT to do? RUN!!!

    I did yoga and went for a walk. I love walks (maybe even more than running, but don't tell my blog that) ;)

    As for stickers: I love them. I smile when I see them on other cars. I once had an "I run like a girl. Try to keep up!" magnet on my car, but someone swiped it. I should have gotten the sticker instead. :)

  20. i think the stickers are great. it's just a small little thing to show how much you've accomplished. it's not like you have a flag hanging out your window...that may be pushing it a little

  21. girl... first thing i did after both my first 13.1 and first 26.2 was slap those stickers on my car! hell yea, i'm proud of those and don't mind letting people know ahaha. and i love seeing other cars with the stickers cause then i know they are runners too :)

  22. Go for the sticker! When I was sitting in traffic for the Savannah expo last weekend, all the cars had 26.2 or 13.1 stickers/magnets and I LOVED seeing it!!! I actually bought a sicker at the expo that says "I heart 26.2"…I just don't know where to put it yet because I have a couple of stickers and I don't want to be that crazy lady with too many stickers! But I like a few to give a flavor for your personality :) Enjoy cargo loading!

  23. I think I'd rather have a 26.2 t-shirt than a bumper sticker... if you're going to brag, you might as well brag all the way!

  24. I say yes to the sticker!!

    My favorite low-key workout is either walking or Yin yoga.

    Very exciting that your marathon is coming up - who needs big bulky arm muscles when you have legs that can run a marathon??

  25. Stick away, you've earned them and totally deserve them, can't wait to see the 26.2 sticker up there as well.

    BTW I am sure I saw a muscle while you were lifting your book weights :)

    Can't wait to read your marathon recap!

  26. I am not a huge sticker person but that is because I like a super clean car but I do enjoy reading other peoples stickers on their cars. So I say go for it!

    You are gonna rock your marathon! I know you have been training hard and if you are itching to run now that is a good sign and you will definitely rock it!

    Have a blast!


  27. Tapers suck. :)

    I'm ok with stickers, but once you have a 26.2 sticker, the 13.1 one is silly. I mean, we all assume you can run 13.1 if you can do 26.2. That's just my cranky opinion though.

  28. Taper rocks - :)

    I'm a BIG fan of running stickers on the car! I have a "Runner Girl" and a 13.1 sticker on mine. My favorite part of the sticker is that non-runners don't know what the 13.1 means and they ask - it's a fun teachable moment. It's also a fun way to "share a bond" with someone who in a parking lot or on the road who has a 13.1 (or soon to be your case 26.2 - woot!). Fun! Not bragging.

    I don't have any low key workouts unless just dancing tot he radio counts.

  29. Stickers = bragging, but I don't see the problem with that. Someone stole my 50K sticker which I am extremely upset about. Go for the 26.2! If you can run that far, you've earned the $2 sticker!

    I used to love a day on the elliptical with a magazine. Yoga is great too.

  30. I've told Mike that I want the 26.2 sticker in my stocking this year. I feel weirdly embarrassed about buying it myself, so I figure this way is better.

    Sounds like you're tapering pretty well. Your legs are going to be seriously ready for the race this weekend! I'm so excited for you!

  31. Lady 26.2 miles... you can brag all you want :) kidding... but I have stickers on my vehicle. Whenever I see them on other peoples I always honk and wave lol

  32. I'm personally a no sticker on the car kinda person... so no matter what they are I wouldn't put one on :) As for the mileage ones, kinda bragging but if I did one I'd prob want to brag too ;)

    Low key workout = zumba. I've made fun of it for years but went to one and now I love them for an easy fun day workout!

  33. I don't think we get race stickers this side of the pond :-(

  34. i never ever put stickers on my car, but if (when?) I do a marathon, i'll totally put that one on! easy workout? sleeping in. HA. uh, I like to do the p90x ab video and stretch on my "rest" days.

  35. Yes, it's bragging but I don't care! I say brag away. I've also noticed it helps to inspire others when someone asks me about my IM sticker by the end of our conversation I've pretty much convinced them they need to add it to their list!

  36. Enjoy the taper! I don't have sticker on my car, but I always spot them when we are out on the roads. It's fun spotting the runners when driving to a big race - just by the stickers on their vehicles.

    If someone thinks a picture of Calvin peeing on a Ford is cool on their truck, then I think a 26.2 sticker is just fine. :)

  37. I like the running stickers on cars. I don't have any myself, but I love it when I see another car on the highway that has a sticker - it just makes me smile knowing it's another crazy runner like me!

  38. haha. oh friend. you should see my car. stickers galore once I started running and PROUD of it! i dont care if people think i am narcissistic...crazy...whatever. i am sporting all running stickers with pride :)

    enjoy the taper. that feeling ALWAYS happens to me. i get so dang burnt out just before my 18 and 20 milers. all i want to do is taper. then the taper comes and i feel like i could run 26.2 right then. thats a good thing though! save it for the will be so glad you did!

  39. Love the book lifting. That made my day. :) And walking seriously the best. Love it!

    And heck yes to stickers!!

  40. I LOVE THEM!!! I am all about the stickers:) Great book lifting are hilarious!

  41. Lift weights! Your arms will look more awesome and you'll be able to pick up heavier things. I highly, highly recommend it.

  42. My fav easy workout is yoga. Not all yoga is easy, but there are some good semi-relaxing, semi-challenging workouts out there.

    I'm down for bragging stickers. My buddy who completed her first half last year said she'd never put one on her car, but whatev'. To each her own.

  43. stickers on a car, no.
    stickers on the bike rack that is attached to the car, yeah no problem w/ that ;-P
    The taper is hard, but so good for us!

  44. My car got squished by a tree over the summer, but before it died its untimely death, its bumper was covered with race stickers. I had a 26.2, a 140.6, and one that said "Race Hard, Race Green - Adventure Racers for the Environment."

    I haven't decided whether I'm going to replace them yet, but I loved them when I had them (though a friend told me that once I got the 140.6 I should get rid of the 26.2. I disagreed).

  45. I think having multiple is a little too much. So once you get that 26.2 ditch the 13.1

  46. Race stickers are awesome! I lump them into the group with stickers supporting your college that you are an alumni of and after working at least 4 years to get that degree I'm rocking the sticker! As bad as it is to say sometimes I let a car over when I normally wouldn't have if their stickers get my attention.

  47. I actually have 2 running stickers on my car, one that says RUN and then the sticker from my first half marathon. I really want to buy a 13.1 sticker. I wasn't a big car sticker person, but when it comes to running, I feel like bragging just a bit! lol

  48. When it comes to low key workouts I stick to yoga or taking my dog on long walks. Although sometimes I am more opt to just do nothing at all if it is low key, lol.

  49. Um, I worked SO hard for this 13.1 so yeah, I'm putting a sticker up!

  50. I have a small 13.1 on the bottom left corner of my back window right now! I put it on in September. After my second half marathon last fall, I got a magnet but my husband informed me it was scratching the car's paint, so now it's a fridge magnet. I get a little excited when I see these on cars, so maybe my magnet will do the same for others.

    Low key = long dog walks.

  51. I love seeing the stickers on people's cars bc then I know we have something in c

  52. Common But for some reason I am too nervous to put up my 26.2 bc I think people will think I'm bragging or make fun of me. Stupid pride of mine:(

  53. hahaha...i luv ur book lifting!! :)

    i agree that i like seeing any kind of running related bumpersticker on a car...and darn straight u should plaster that 26.2'er up when u earn that! i think the only time i'd say hold off is if u started putting up a sticker after every 5k, 10k, or ANY race u do. ;)

  54. Walking is great! I live in the mountains, so I use hiking as my easy or cross training day. I start my taper next week. I will probably drive myself crazy.

  55. I'm a car magnet person....... There's no permanent commitment!

  56. I'm more of a magnet on the car rather than a sicker but either way, sticker or magnet, 13.1 or 26.2, my car or seeing it on other cars, I love it.

    Have you noticed there seem to be more and more 13.1 and 26.2s on cars. Are there really more or am I just now noticing?

  57. WOHOOOOO almost marathon time!!!!! so excited for you!

    My mom was so against stickers I never have put one on my car, but I've considered tattooing it on my forehead :)


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