Don't quote me on that title. I'm sure in reality, faster running = chia seeds and great genetics. Whatever. Apparently if you take a rest day AND eat a family sized bag of conversation hearts in the same day (15 servings my ass) you'll have lots of energy to tackle a run the next day. It's basic science. An extra thousand calorie in pure sugar is bound to have an impact on your run. Exhibit A: One bag of candy, eaten in 24 hours- Turns into 7 miles which are pretty speedy (for me) - Was I happy after the run? In a word: I also got an awesome package and now the mailman thinks I'm a super runner. A while back I missed out on running the Rock N' Roll Miami Half, but Amanda managed to find someone to run with my bib. And by someone, I mean some speed demon who managed to get 3rd place in the 18-24 age group. My favorite part is that it has the award title right on the front of the box, so everyone at the post office now thinks I'm really f...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet