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I'm Allowed to Brag a Little, Right?

First up - the boasts. I had a good week of workouts, if I do say so myself!

Monday: REST DAY!
Tuesday: Cycled 4 Miles, Ran 7 Miles, Walked 1.5 Miles
Wednesday: Cycled 4 Miles, Ran 6.5 Miles
Thursday: Walked 4 Miles, 45 Minutes of Yoga
Friday: 13.1 Mile Trail Run
Saturday: Cycled 4 Miles, Ran 6.5 Miles
Sunday: 4.2 Mile Run, 45 Minutes of Yoga

Total: 37.3 miles of running, 5.5 miles of walking, 12 miles of biking, 90 minutes of yoga

Excuses: Time and mileage wise I'm really happy with this week. Except...that dang strength training proved elusive once again. I can't even blame lack of time or energy for this one - I CHOOSE not to do it. Could I sneak in push-ups in commercial breaks? Yep. Could I do 10 minutes of ab work instead of running an extra mile? Sure. Do I? Nope. Working on that....

Boasts: Tim found this picture of me on the local running club website yesterday. Most race pictures I just assume will be bad, or funny. I don't take it seriously because at a race I'm not posing - I'm running. But this picture was taken at the finish of the Eton Four Miler last year and I absolutely love it. I think I was at my fastest, running-wise, and this race was a highlight for me (and I was 4th woman overall!)

Excuses: Lest you fear that my ego grow too large thanks to the photo above, I'll provide you with a photo that is the polar opposite. I sent this to Britt a couple of weeks ago who put it in her "Embracing the Fug" post ....and it was a good fit. I promise I didn't stop to walk at the Publix Half Marathon and pick my nose, but it would seem otherwise, wouldn't it?

Exact same outfit, very different races and VERY different pictures. It's amazing how picking your nose ( or looking like it, anyway) can ruin a photo.

Got anything you want to brag about? Any great race photos?
Although those bad race photos are always hysterical, there's no reason not to be proud of the good ones too. If you have any GREAT photos from a race, a run, a workout that you want to boast about, send them to me at and I'll feature them in an upcoming post!

Any tips on how to sneak in strength training?
I always say I'll add it on to the end of a run...but that doesn't happen.  


  1. haha NOSE PICKER! jk. do love the intensity of the first photo.

    I'm very impressed that after the 13.1 TRAIL run, you did 6.5 miles the next day... i get sore on trail runs and just want to lounge the next day :)

  2. I don't understand how you can run in Nike Tempo shorts. Those things equal chafing until bleeding for me.

    You should get a pack of gold stars and give yourself some whenever you feel special. It's the cool thing to do.

  3. HAHA i just seriously had an intense laugh session. This is great. That first picture is hardcore awesome but the other one...well Who Nose? <---meant to be funny. Congrats on some great weekly mileage! That's awesome!

  4. wow you had a great week! let me just assure you, do the strength training a couple times, and you'll be addicted! i LOVE it now!

  5. Love your first photo. It looks so great!. . . and LOL at the second one. Reminds me of my stretching photo from the last race. I totally didn't realize there was a photographer at that point on the course. ha ha ha .

  6. Great work out week! The first picture is awesome and I laughed at the fugly one...and I did so while on a conference call and not on mute...whoops!

  7. Congratulations on a great workout week! And I think both photos are fabulous in their own way. (For the second one, funny = fabulous, right?)
    As for bragging, I've already done a little of that on my blog (yesterday's post), so I filled my quota for the week. ;)

  8. I read your blog because you hate strength training just like me.

    Okay, not really, but it's nice to know there's someone else out there that would rather do something- ANYTHING- else.

    Race photos. They are so ugly. Plus I'm always embarrassed by my terrible form!

  9. Great time to start strength training is to sneak it in slowly (in small doses). If you watch TV it's pretty easy to work in a a few key strength moves during commercial breaks.

  10. Okay, that first photo is fantastic, and the second one? Not a lot of things I read make me LITERALLY LOL... a smirk or a chuckle maybe, but I just horse laughed at that picture.

  11. LOL - you totally photo bombed that guys photo! :) Sounds like you had a great week.

  12. Hey, you know your preferences - if you'd rather run so be it! And this coming from the girl who almost exclusively strength trains ;)

  13. LOL @ the second photo. Great job with the amazing workouts all week. Totally deserve to brag :)

    You look so amazing in that first picture running with such POWER! Gorgeous

  14. YOUR GUNS looked ripped in that photo! SO strong! I am trying to work on strength because I have none... so far... eh.

  15. Dang that picture is seriously awesome, I love it!! I have 100% been slacking in the weight training catagory lately. I just have no motivation for it and want to run outside all the time because it is so nice out.

  16. That first picture is really great, you look great and strong. Great job with all your training.

  17. That IS a great race pic. I have a lot of improving to do when it comes to working out. I've had injuries and they've kinda brought me into a funk...time to get out of it.

  18. That is an awesome picture! Second one not so much. Haha. I think that yoga counts as strength training!

  19. That is a really sweet pic! Thats a keeper. I dont love strength training but for me I just have to do it. I dedicate two days just to that. Nothing else.

  20. Awesome workouts - I love your two-a-days, it's something I'm working on. The pics are great - you are so hardcore in the first one and the second is just hilarious :)

  21. hahaha. both photos are amazing in their own way :) you absolutely rocked the workouts last week!!! love it!!!

  22. Your first photo is great!! I too ran the Publix Ga Half. EVERY picture of me was taken when I was walking! And in most of those I looked like I wish someone would just shoot me. Needless to say, I didn't buy any of them.

  23. Love that photo of you! And the nose picker one, that's funny but totally would happen to me. Sometimes I try to pose and it doesn't come out the way I pictured it in my head.
    P.S. Great workout week!

  24. Love the picture!!! I really hope no one caught me blowing snot rockets this weekend. I did many of them thanks to the cold I have!

  25. ha! I love how you balance out your ROCK STAR pic which is stellar by the way with a nose pick,

    GREAT balanced week of workouts!! I approve!!

  26. That first pic is badass! You look seriously tough!!

  27. You had a great week so you are allowed to brag about it! You earned it!! Love the nose picking photo!

  28. I thought the entire point of having a blog was to brag? Don't tell me I am doing it wrong! That is an amazing week of workouts! You weren't kidding about the cycling warmup before every run, is it still working for you? That first picture is amazing and the second one seriously does not even look like you. I consider it my duty to the world to post my race pictures because so many people have told me they laughed so hard they cried or that it totally cheered them up during a bad day. I think I've almost reached infamy for bad pictures. Among like 4 of my blog friends I mean.

  29. That's a great race photo of you. All of mine are terrible or at least I hate all of them.

  30. I'm not a huge fan of strength training either. I really don't do I gotta work on that too

  31. The first picture is awesome. Focused. Strong.
    The second one is just funny. I love it. Love your guts to put an "embarrassing picture" out on the Internet for all to see. One reason why I LOVE yOur blog!

  32. Cute pics.. BOTH of them!

    I have a WW buddy who does pushups every time she walks into her kitchen and squats before she walks out of her bathroom.

    She has amazing arms and pretty good legs too!

  33. haha...that first shot is so good even that second one with u doing the farmer blow can't cancel it out! ;) ugh, i HATE the strength/core stuff but i make myself do it cuz i'm anal and i kno it's so good for me. the only tip i really have is that i DO do it right after my run/cardio cuz i kno there is no way in heck i'd want to do it later. :P

  34. LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL! :) I needed that laugh!

    You rocked this week.


  35. That photo is badass!! I hate strength training too, and never seem to fit it in. I am a personal trainer and clearly don't practice what I preach :-)

  36. I never take good race pictures. Kudos on the badass photo. Also, I love the purple outfit!

  37. Haaa I can't stop laughing at the 2nd pic!! I'm glad you can laugh at the bad pics! You look awesome in the 1st one!!!

  38. I know your skills are way about the calendars I've been doing but it's seriously proven to be an easy way to get in at least some strength training and I have been noticing a difference. Plus there is lots of support from everyone else that's doing them :)

    I love both those pics! and the "nose pick" one reminds me of was a scratch!

  39. haha! ok, ALL of my race photos are BAD, I mean AWFUL BAD!!! I've never ordered any of them, which is sad because one day I'd probably like to look back...

  40. I love that first photo! And the second one...well, sometimes you need to pick. That's the good thing about being a runner; we are known to be kind of gross anyway: rubbing Vaseline on our parts in public, peeing in public, blowing snot and spitting in public. I think nose picking is pretty tame in the grand scheme of things.

    That guy next to you looks like he is working hard!

  41. Holy mileage on everything! Nice work...permission granted to brag :)


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