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Weekly Recap & Barbecue Chicken Pizza

This whole week my workouts have felt a little off. Thanks to my digestive issues I have been purposely taking it slow for a while...and it has caught up with me. I feel like my running is harder than normal and I am putting in quite a lot of effort for a slower pace. That being said...I know how to fix that.

Run more.
Run faster.

So simple, yet so effective. This week's workouts:

Monday: Rest day.
Tuesday: Ran 6 miles.
Wednesday: Ran 6 miles.
Thursday: Ran 8 miles, 20 minutes of strength.
Friday: Cycled 18 miles.
Saturday: Ran 10 miles, 45 minutes of yoga.
Sunday: 4.25 mile group run, 45 minutes of spin, 1 fast TM mile

Total Mileage: 35 running, 30 biking

I'm starting to feel like a weekend warrior with exercise! Since I set my own schedule, there's really no reason for me to cram it in on the weekends, but I still do.

Goals for next week: Work out and stuff. That's it. And have one long trail run with Tim of 12+ miles. And maybe make some more of this pizza.

Last night I celebrated the end of the weekend by making a barbecue chicken pizza from scratch. Ish. I feel bad saying "from scratch" because it's not like I was out there harvesting wheat, you know? I just bought a bag of pizza mix and added in water. But I still got to make dough and let it rise...

...stretch it into a pizza base and bake it.... it with tomato sauce, mozzarella, baked chicken (baked beforehand for 40 minutes at 350 in a mixture of olive oil, S&P and barbecue sauce) and diced tomatoes....

...and then bake and eat. Delicioso!

Do you tend to work out more on the weekend or during the week?
I prefer to take my rest days during the week (today is mine!) because I just feel like I have more time to workout during the weekend. Although a lazy Sunday of doing absolutely nothing is pretty nice every once in a while.

Do you make pizza or buy it? Favorite restaurant/frozen pizza?
I usually make it myself - either the dough like this (one bag = 50 cents) or I buy a base and just top it with whatever I want.  


  1. That's a lot of miles! Good job! I still want to punch my IT band in the face.

  2. Sweet pizza! I'm making pizza tonight- but I bought some overpriced artisan crust shit from the sto. Why? Because mixing powder and water is too complex for a Monday.

  3. I've recently started making homemade pizza all the time. Brian sent me the most incredible dough recipe, so now I just always have dough on hand if we're craving pizza or just a loaf of bread.

    I think it depends on the weekend for me. During marathon season, I was running way more on weekends, but now I find myself doing more mileage during the week because I'll go for my own run and then run a few miles with the dog later in the day, too. That adds up!

  4. Mmmm. That pizza is making my mouth water!

  5. Dough from a mix?? Oh no. Pizza dough is like 4 ingredients (including the water!) so there is no need for that.

    I like piling miles in a few days because it simulates how race fatigue feels, but I also really enjoy pain. Most people don't.

  6. I workout way more on weekends cuz I have more time! I do my bricks and long rides on the weekends. I like to make my own pizza.

  7. Yum your pizza looks delish!
    I definitely workout more during the week.
    I buy prepared dough, I kinda count it as from scratch since I have to let it rise and roll it out... if the kitchen gets dirty, I'm taking the credit :)

  8. Great job getting your miles in! I love making pizza from scratch (I make my own dough) It's an indulgence for sure but it's better than eating out :). I think my brother and boyfriend would really love BBQ Chicken Pizza!

    Yours looks delicious!

  9. Wow you are really running those miles back to back! Way to go!

    I have never tried bbq pizza! I know, it just doesn't sound super appealing to me :-/

    Im deftly a rest day Sunday type. I get way more working out done during the week.

    Enjoy your rest day!!

  10. Some great mileage!
    We use Jiffy pizza crust mix for our pizza's. It's easy peasy. Some people who have the Jiffy cornbread mixes in the store.

  11. I workout during the week. I have MAJOR mommy guilt leaving the house when my family is home on the weekends. My hubby makes our pizza, got to put that culinary degree to some good use around here!!!

  12. Great running miles! I used to always take Sundays off, but now I'm using it as a recovery run day, and occasionally adding in a spin bodypump class as well. I switched my off day to Friday, and it's working out well.

  13. Forgot to comment on the pizza. Beautiful picture, it looks delicious! We make our own dough, and it's enough for 3 pizzas, so I freeze two portions before the second rising, then it's really easy to make it next time around. I definitely prefer homemade pizza to eating out. Yum!

  14. I feel your pain with the digestive issues, my acid reflux gave me a fit over the weekend!
    Hopefully you are feeling better! That pizza looks amazing!

  15. ugh, i'm sorry about the GI issues, for which i can commiserate with u! nothing worse than an angry gut...take care and i hope u're feeling better soon!

    as for pizza, i WISH i could make it all myself like u, rockstar, but i can't so my top picks are Pappa Murphy's with the big, braided crust...can't beat it! :)

  16. I do several different things for pizza. I buy the store brand that is self rising and always have it in the freezer for a fast meal. But my BF and I LOVE the pizza from Sam's club (our store that is like Costco). It is cheep and big pieces. Though your homemade looks really good! I do have a dough maker so I could easily do it.

  17. that pizza looks delish and now i'm starving, thanks! :) awesome mileage this week!

  18. Great mileage girl! I try to either make homemade, or get dough from a local pizzeria and go from there! Yours looks yummy!

  19. I love making homemade pizza! better than bought! I usually get the whole-wheat thin crust and change up the toppings each time to keep it interesting!!

  20. I do like to make it from scratch but we found a line of frozen we like so sometimes have that with a salad for 'health' !!

  21. GIRL you were rockin the workouts last week!!!! beyond amazing! and homemade pizza = my all time MOST fave meal. esp bbq chicken!!!!

  22. Wow, you ran a lot! When is your race?

    That pizza looks yum. I have made my own in the past and love being able to put my own amounts of what I want on it!

  23. I make my own pizza (and dough so easy). We live too far out for delivery and if we went and picked it up it's cold when we get home. I made BBQ chicken pizza all the time, dough, BBQ sauce, peppers, red onions, chicken and mozz & chedder cheese. YUM

  24. I love making pizza, but I am lazy so we often buy.

  25. I tried making my own pizza on a pizza stone, but it was a little bit of a disaster since we had no idea what to do with the stone. Oh well, hopefully next time it will be better!

  26. Boooooo to GI issues - girl, I hope it gets better soon! You've been through enough already!!!

    That pizza looks ohh soooo good!!!!!

  27. Mmmm BBQ pizza! Reminds me of the Mellow Mushroom. It is totally homemade! Great mileage this week both biking and running! :)


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