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Running in The Dark - Take 2

A few days ago I caught wind of a running group that runs just 20 minutes from my house. If you have already read my complaining explanation, you'll know I live right next to a highway, with nowhere safe to run unless I drive 20 minutes or longer-hence the treadmill. To get to the nearest running group it's a good 45 minute drive each way. Not a chance that's happening.

So when I heard about this group only 20 minutes away, I got so excited. Only to find out they run at 5 am on weekdays. Significantly less excited. I did truly give it my shot to go this morning, woke up at 4:15, drove there, and was too late. Since it's a dark place I didn't want to run around like a mad woman looking for them, and I gave up and came home.

This time--I'm prepared. It's 8:30, and I'm in my PJs and practicing my form for the 5am run.

My clothes for the morning are all laid out in the bathroom, right down my my socks and headband. (And if you're wondering, I've already got my running panties on so no freezing cold morning changes need to happen. TMI?)

I don't know much about this group, other than the fact that they wake up freakishly early. There is only 4 or 5 of them on an average run, and the pace is pretty slow and casual. I'm really looking forward to running with some new people. Plus--I hear running outside is fun? Should be interesting. It's been 10 days since I've run outside. Weird. 

If there is no post tomorrow, assume I have been abducted by fellow runners before dawn. 

Are you an early morning exerciser? What time do you go to bed & wake up?
My normal routine is bed around 11, waking up at 7. I need my beauty sleep. So the new plan is bed around 9 and up at 4:15. Even typing it sounds horrible.

Do you ever run with a group? How far would you travel to run with someone on a regular basis?
I have never really run with a group of people outside of a race. I'd like to, but like I said there aren't many options around here. I will be happy if this group works out, maybe just for a once a week chance to get outside and have an easy run.

Have you entered my Road ID giveaway yet?


  1. Good luck on your early morning run!
    I would love to run with a group or singleton, anyone!
    I'm not a morning exerciser. At. All.
    I do my long runs in the (morning) outbid necessity. But even than I usually don't get out the door until almost 8.

  2. I'm obsessed with running groups, and I think it's well worth the drive. I've driven 2 hours to run with Kara, and 45 minutes is nothing for me now. I am also getting up at 4:15 tomorrow so I should already be in bed! I'm so sad for you that you got there too late and didn't get to run - terrible! Hopefully you enjoy it tomorrow. PS I hate the word "panties".

  3. It hurts me to think that you have to wake up that early. I can't believe you actually WENT and were too late! I would have given up on running for the whole day after that. haha.

  4. I've never run with a group but it's something I'm considering as my runs get longer. Have a great time in the AM!

  5. 4:15 is soooo early. I prefer to run in the afternoons, but once a month or so, I'll run before hubby goes to work in the AM, so about 5 or 6.

    I married my running buddy, so I rarely run without him. We run with a friend and sometimes travel 20-30 min to run with him.

  6. ahhhhhhh! pumped you found a running group...even if it is early. i dont LOVE getting up early to run but i do LOVE having it out of the way! cant wait to hear how it goes!

  7. I go to be before 9:00 usually and wake up at about 445 Monday Wednesday Friday to run with my Back on my Feet team members.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hope the early am run goes well. I've come to realize I am a solitary runner (unless my best friend lived in Chicago and could run with me) running outside in the dark scares me. I did it a few weeks ago in a poorly lit area near the lake (with a group) and was terrified of tripping on the sh*tty sidewalks.

  10. I've never ran with a group before and only with friends a handful of times! I find it a little distracting... maybe that's why I have a tough time with races?!

  11. I have so much respect for morning runners! It seems like a great idea and I know it's the best way to make sure to get in a run, but I'm like you-- I need my beauty sleep!

  12. Running group/running friends are WONDERFUL!
    They keep you company on an otherwise, long and lonely journey. Seriously, even when they don't run the entire 10 miles you have to cover, having company for 3 or 4 miles really makes the difference.

  13. 5am- eeek! i'm not a morning runner BUT i'm TRYING to do 1 morning a week where I wake up early to run... we'll see how that goes

  14. have fun with the group! I have the exact same sleep schedule as your current one. I hope you survive. I could never get up at 4:15.

  15. 5 a.m. Yikes. They would have to be super aweseome for me to do that, and there you are, doing it for people you don't even know yet.

    You are so much nicer than me!

    Have fun! Will be looking forward to reading about it. :)

  16. I prefer to work out in the morning but not 5am early... geeze lol good luck :)

  17. I love my group!! We meet every Sunday -- the latest is 4:50am and the earliest is 4:00am. It takes me 30 minutes to get there (so yes, I am insane), but it is SO worth it - especially on 20 mile days.

    Hope you get to meet up with the group this time!!

  18. That's cool I was JUST thinking about making the leap and beginning to run in the mornings instead. Let me know how it goes....I noticed the handful all laid out :D I want one.

    I don't know how to wake up early - I CAN'T :(

  19. I feel way better when I wake up and get my workout done first thing! It doesn't always happen that way though. I also usually try and sleep by 11 but that usually means 12! I wake up at about 6:30-7 on work days and 8:00-8:30 on off days!

    I ran with a group last winter when I trained for a winter race. I wasn't sure about training in the snow alone so I joined a group that runs out of a running store about 20 mins from my house! I definitely learned a lot from them.

    Can't wait to hear about your experience!

  20. that is sooo early! especially as it gets cooler, it's so hard for me to get myself out of bed at a reasonable hour. i do like getting my workout out of the way though. good luck tomorrow!

  21. Ugh...I don't think there is ever any way I could get up at 4:15 to go running :-/ I am proud of you!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

  22. I have woken up that early for races, but I'm not sure I could get up that early for a plain old run.

  23. Yay for running groups! Ugh, I don't know if I could function that early in the morning. Hope you don't get abducted!

  24. wow, that is EARLY. I'd love to be an early morning runner, though... Just to get out before traffic picks up, while the area is still quiet. But, winter is also fast approaching which means A) daylight already isn't hitting until nearly 7, and B) it is going to be super duper cold!

  25. If I work out it has to be early but sheesh... 5AM? In the fall/winter? Running with other people can be more motivating, or so I've heard.

  26. Id love to run with you at 5a :)
    I need me a group...

  27. Good luck (though you're probably already done with the run)!

    I'm NOT a morning exerciser, but I try to do all of my long runs in the mornings, so I'm at least used to it for the marathon.

    My running group consists of me and Chaz and sometimes one other guy. It's sad, but it's better than running alone.

  28. I usually run at 5AM or earlier a couple times a week. You'll get used to it! Hope you had a good run with the new group this morning!

  29. MAN! I wish my small town had a running group. I'd love to find some running partners. I hope you enjoy the new running buddies. I am an early exerciser too - 2:55am first alarm goes off. 'Early Bird Catches The Worm'..Right?:)

  30. Oh my - I would definitely never be a runner if it required that kind of wake up time. I occasionally have to get up at that time for work and that's seriously bad enough!!!!

    My running partner travels about 50 minutes round trip to run with me. We drove an hour one way to get to our half marathon class which included a small group run afterward.

    I'm an afternoon or evening runner!!! I, like you though, don't enjoy running in the dark at all.

    Good luck with you insanely early run . . when I was in the army - I used to sleep in the clothes I would wear for the next day's run (because that was crazy early). Can't wait to hear about it!! Maybe you'll be a full time dog runner after all :)

  31. Over the summer when it is light at 5:30/45am, that is when I run because I have to leave for work at 7:30am. I definitely don't feel safe running in the dark that early now, it doesn't get light until around 6:15, so I will have to embrace the treadmill! Hoping the run group works out for you!

  32. Good luck doing the super early morning run. I have trouble getting up any time before 6am!

  33. whoooooooooooop! I hope it went well. I love working out early early. I teach Body Pump at 545 AM and its my favorite class ;)

  34. I love running early in the morning and getting it out of the way. I go to bed at 10pm and get up at 5-5:45, depending on how long I have to go.
    I enjoy running with a group, I wish there where more groups out there.

  35. I wake up early and get my run in then, otherwise I get to distracted by "to do" items and get tired from the day to do it later! I think the max I would drive is 20 minutes….but even that is kinda tough for 5am on a weekday! And I have run with a group before and I LOVED it…not running with one right now…mainly because they run at night :)

  36. I'm a morning person ... when I go to be early. Like you, I need my beauty sleep :)
    I prefer to work out in the evenings, but sometimes I'm too exhausted from work, so I usually do the morning thing.

  37. Awwww have so much fun!! You will love it. And yes I am an early morning runner, infact that group I run with likes to start at 4am. Yes that is no a typo I repeat 4am! We wear headlamps and reflective vests and have a good ole time. :)

    Can't wait to hear about it.

  38. Are you an early morning exerciser? What time do you go to bed & wake up?
    I try to get up early, it doesn't happen a lot of days. When it is warm out I have an easier time. Lately I run early on the weekend only and then after I take the girls to school on Wednesday and Thursday.

    Do you ever run with a group? How far would you travel to run with someone on a regular basis?
    I've never run with anyone else, unless you count races, there are no running groups in my little town and I've yet to find a friend I can run with (my one friend who runs also is FAST and runs long every time she runs outside.)

  39. Hope you survived your early morning run! I love early morning runs but I am not so big on running in the dark. Is that a handful bra? I love my handfuls.

    I would hate living somewhere I couldn't just walk out the door and run.

  40. I love any runs that are with other people! Getting up that early doesn't appeal to me though. :) I used to get up early to workout pre-baby, but now I have put an higher value on my sleep. But if I was working, I'd get up early!

  41. I am a total morning runner. I hate the dark though, often times I scare myself with my own shadow but it is so quiet and peaceful out that I love it. I love the mornings, I love being out there before most people are awake. Its nice you found a group to run with! Hope it works out!

  42. I've never run with a group. I tend to run more in the afternoon than in the morning, but have gotten up a few times a month to do early morning runs when my schedule won't allow a PM run! (I just saw your post on dailymile -- glad your run went well!)

  43. I really enjoy early morning exercise but if I get out the routine it's hell getting back into it. Have fun.

  44. hmm no post today.. does that mean you were abducted???

  45. I have never run with a group, but I bet it's fun! Hope you had a good run!

  46. I just joined a group of ladies to run as well! They are through a local running club and it is SO nice to have people to run with. They are quite a bit older than me, but that is ok. Enjoy the company!

  47. I work out early morning. Usually wake up at 5:25am have coffee and breakfast then go for a run by 6am. Living in Florida its the best time to run outside. I have never run with a running group. I think I might feel intimidated...

  48. I'm totally on the same page with you about running groups. It is a miniumum 50 minute drive if I want to meet up with some runners...not happening. You look like a ninja princess in your pj's and I loved your running outfit. Getting up early is quite possibly the worst thing on earth, but it is worth it to beat the heat in the summer months. Running later in the day and it still being cold is the only reason I love winter!!


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