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A Virtual 5k And Gruel

Tonight I ran Kiley's Virtual Halloween 5k...and I'm so glad I did. After record breaking amounts of candy corn consumption today, I felt pretty lazy and could have easily sat on the couch and called it a day. But since I blogged about it earlier, the guilt set it. FINE! I'll run.

And guess what? Great run. I needed it after yesterday's less-than-spectacular 13 miler. I ran the 3.1 miles in 27:35, for an 8:53 pace.

I realized towards the end of the run that I actually listened to just one song the entire time - That's Not My Name, by the Ting Tings. Clearly still getting the hang of this listening to music while running thing. (Only on the TM, I still can't handle it at all outside).

While I was running my homemade soup was simmering away on the oven. I was so proud of what I THOUGHT would be a healthy, tasty meal. It was certainly healthy. The base was a mix of lentils, barley and split peas:

And then I added a chicken bouillon cube, some leftover roast chicken from last night's dinner, chopped carrots and leftover corn. The final result:

I actually didn't mind the taste, but hubby put it best : "This would be a really good wartime meal." I don't even know how to take that, other than it clearly looks like gruel. What, you don't like grey mush? But it's HEALTHY! 

You win some, you lose some. I made a massive pot of that soup so I'll be eating it for a week, with no help from Tim. He finished his bowl politely, but had three waffles with chocolate sauce for his second course. Boys.

Do you listen to music when you run? Any earbud/headphone recommendations?
Outside, never. I hate fiddling with stuff and always find my headphones slipping out. I have been listening to music lately on the TM though, and I really enjoy it.

Would you eat something that tastes bad because it's healthy?
NO! With the exception of some vitamins which taste horrible, I won't eat anything that tastes bad because it's good for me. I just try to find ways to get the nutrients from something else. Life is too short to eat food you don't enjoy!


  1. Wartime meal? That is SO FUNNY! I'm a TERRIBLE cook. I made this bean/rice dish and my husband refused to eat it.....there goes a cozy Halloween dinner.....oops!

    Get UP & Go

  2. I use these for headphones...the only time I've ever had issues with slippage is when I get super sweaty and have to dry out my ears while running and getting them back in...

  3. look at you, i'd say ultra productive day! I love a good soup. Wartime, does that mean hearty? haha.

  4. Holy moly! We ran the same exact time for the virtual 5k! :)

  5. I could eat lentils or split peas every day (especially lentils, to me they are the perfect comfort food). Barley, however, should be used only in risotto in my opinion. In any other dish it smacks of horse feed.

  6. I mix kale in with a lot of my smoothies because the other fruit masks the taste but I know it's good for me :)

  7. Good job on your virtual 5K! I've never done a virtual race before. I wouldn't eat something that tasted bad because it was healthy, but I am more tolerant of the taste when I know it's healthy. I don't know if that makes sense...Anyway, I've been gravitating towards no music when I run, or only occasionally.

  8. HOLD UP! You listened to "That's Not My Name" ON REPEAT.. for 27 minutes?! LMAO!!!!!!!! You crack me up:) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  9. "wartime meal" hehe :) too funny!

    <3-Cami from First Day of My Life

  10. i always listen to music, but especially on the TM. I am trying to get out of the habit of music outside and try to turn it off for half the run

    i love that he called it a wartime meal. i dont eat gross food, but i'll eat bland food if i made it because i hate wasting food

  11. that looks good to me.
    Im a nutball :)

  12. The soup looks good to me, but I've had many fails with soup too. Don't know what it is. I listen to music when I run and get the over the ear kind and tuck them behind a headband and that seems to work.

  13. Looks delicious!i like more hearty type soups. :)

  14. I'll sacrifice taste a bit (like, healthy broccoli cheese soup compared to regular, for example) but it has to still taste good. Great job on the 5K! Try skull candy earbuds, they are the only kind that don't fall out for me.

  15. I literally just spit out my coffee at your husband's comment about the soup. That is hilarious! Now I need to clean up my desk.

  16. sometimes i run with music, sometimes i don't.

    i think i'd be offended if my soup was compared to wartime gruel. hahahahah

  17. Great job on the 5k!! I do wear headphones when I run but when I'm outside I only wear one earbud so I can hear what's going on around me. I definitely will NOT eat something that tastes bad just because it's healthy!!!

  18. Wartime meal, that's hilarious! I like to make big things of soup and then eat them for the next few days, then you don't have to work too hard and can have a ready-made product.

    I mostly just listen to books on tape and I use the standard iPhone headphones, haven't had any problems with them.

  19. I started off running and listening to music but as time went on I got sick of the noise and turned them off. I now run without them but I feel like sometimes I would benefit from it a little here and there too.

  20. That soup looks way yummy. It's funny because my husband would prbly say the same thing! Ha!

    I usually listen to my headphones. I just use the apple ones that came with my ipod. They fall out sometimes but most of the time they are just fine.

    Nice job on your 5k!

  21. I had to laugh at your husband's comment. Isn't it frustrating when you try so hard to make something delicious and then they make some comment like that? lol.

    I run to music if I am alone. If I have someone to chat with, I'm ok without music. but I run a lot faster with music!

  22. I almost always use music- but I sometimes like to go without when I'm outside. I use SkullCandy earbuds. Never have a problem with them staying in!
    Wartime meal... HA! It does look like it should be good :). I don't eat anything if it doesn't taste good! Plenty of healthy things out there that DO taste good.

  23. Haha I hate when you think a meal is going to be really good but then it only turns out OK - I had the same thing happen last week with a spaghetti squash dish and we STILL have leftovers. Sigh.

    I always run with music but I'm trying to get away from it now that I have a 30k coming up in December with no iPod allowed... should be interesting...

  24. I don't think I could bring myself to eat/drink something bad no matter how healthy it is! I'm way too picky for that nonsense, haha.

    I love running to music! Right now I love "You Love Me" by Kelly Clarkson... it's the perfect blend of upbeat, cheesy, girlie pop.

  25. Nice job on the 5K!

    I have never been good at making soup. I just can't seem to get the taste or consistency right.

  26. Great pace! I need to start doing all these virtual races hehe.

    thanks to you I will now have that song stuck in my head all day-ahhhh

  27. amazing job on the run friend! so glad you had a good one to follow up with after the totally rocked this one! haha...i will eat most anything. that soup actually looks good to me. but its so cold...anything related to warm and soup sound delicious right now! i made a HUGE pot of chik tortilla soup over the weekend and am going to be eating it for days!

  28. great run! yea, music.. couldn't live without it at first.. i use some fancy earthing that keeps them from falling out.. but after I started running longer than ten miles, I switched to books on tape.. just listened to Unbroken (ammmmazing), and now am "reading" American Sphinx (on Thomas Jefferson). For some reason listening to books makes the two hour weekend runs go faster.

  29. Nice homemade soup nom-nommmmmmmm!

  30. Great job on the 5k! I haven't run one in so long I forget entirely what the pacing is like. I have one coming up in November so maybe I need to do a virtual one in the next few weeks just to remind myself.

  31. I listen to music while running from time to time, but not a lot. I never listen to the same song over and over though. haha

    I eat asparagus and celery even though I don't like them that much. This is partially because the hubby really likes asparagus though - not just because it's healthy.

  32. Love the headband, I have the same one :)

    I wouldn't sacrafice taste for healthy, there is so much healthy food out their that taste delicious.

    I listen to music the majority of the time. I use just the Ipod headphones but have been wanting to get a pair of Yurbuds. I hear they are the best.

  33. AWESOME 5k time...girl, you are on fire. That soup looks GOOD!! I don't really eat things I don't like the taste of ha! Hope you are having a great day gorgeous girl!

  34. Aren't split peas technically lentils? ;-)

    Great job on the 5K. Your t'mill looks too technical for me. Great song to run to as well!

  35. I also have yurbuds which are silicon covers for ear pieces. Never had a problem with them falling out, except for the time I put the right yurbud on the left ear piece and then wore it in the right ear.

    I tend to only run with one earbud in if I am outside, that way I can still hear sound around me.

  36. Awesome job on the 5k!! You are amazing and I am proud of you for busting it out. I am with you on the music. It drives me crazy...especially on the treadmill. But I can watch the TV no problem.

    Waffles with chocolate. Yum! Hubby has it all figured out. :)

  37. I love that song so much, mostly because no one ever gets my name right. :)

    One time I tried to make a cauliflower curry soup in the slow cooker and my husband came home and said our apartment smelled like "Old Indian man farts". Boys.

  38. I always listen to music when I run!!! Although, sometimes I opt to watch TV on the treadmill..point being - it's one or the other! I've always used the standard earphones from Apple, just because they come with everything and we have several pairs and they seem to work good enough for me. I would also recommend Rock My Run mixes - stay tuned, I plan to post about it this week!

  39. I like that Ting Tings song! Great run!

  40. The virtual race sounds fun! I sometimes eat things that I think are "okay" and healthy, but if they straight up taste bad I don't eat them no matter how healthy they are.

  41. great run! that's one of my favorite active bands!


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