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Banjee Review and Giveaway!

So excited to bring you all another giveaway. While this one is definitely an amazing product for runners, it's also great to have with you...anywhere! If you are anything like me, before you set out on a run you have to figure out what you need to carry with you, and where to fit it. Between gels, chews, keys, even a phone--I need a small purse. I've tried things to fit around my waist--and they just don't feel right. So I asked Sprigs if I could try out their Banjee wrist wallets on some runs and review them here.

Success! Sprigs makes these wrist wallets in a ton of styles/sizes/colors, which I love. Each one is reversible, so you get a more solid color on one side, a fun design on the other. I even got one that is reflective in the dark--perfect as the sun sets earlier and earlier now! The smaller ones are perfect for a gel and some keys, and they DON'T move around when you run. Bonus. 

I also got to try one of the larger ones, which I thought would be perfect for a phone. I have a pretty big phone, but it fit in nice and snug. I think it might annoy me for a long run of 3+ hours, but on short runs it was really convenient. Can you believe I can run with a huge phone on my arm and be ok??

I got to try three different Banjees, and each one was for a different purpose. I think I may have to invest in a few more...obviously I need one to match every running shirt I own. I also thought these would be great when you're traveling--stick it under your sweater and you don't have to carry around a purse all day. Hooray! As a note: I have tiny wrists, so I pushed mine up on my forearm, where it stayed in place perfectly. 

So...ready to get your hands on your own Banjee? You'll be in great company--aside from me, they were also worn by some of the lovely ladies on Nuun's Hood to Coast team! The lovely folks at Sprigs have graciously offered to send the winner any Banjee they choose, so get excited! Here's how to win (leave a comment for each entry):

+1: Let me know you are a follower of Gourmet Runner, or become one! (Mandatory)
+1: Like Sprigs on Facebook HERE and tell them Gourmet Runner sent you!
+1: Visit their WEBSITE and pick out which Banjee you would like best
+1: Spread the word about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, or twitter, and let me know!

The giveaway will run until Sunday, September 25th at midnight, so get your entries in!

I received these items from Sprigs at no cost, but the opinions are entirely my own.


  1. Hi!! I'm a new follower! This product looks great & is perfect for me as I always have problems with carrying my keys & change on a run. Thanks for the giveaway. I did a browse through your blog, loving it.

  2. Liked Sprigs on Facebook

  3. I like them on FB and told them you sent me!

  4. I like the Big Bangee in "Black/Pink Stripe".....i like carrying my phone around with me to track distance ;P

  5. I like the reflective shiny yellow Banjees!

  6. I've already liked you on FB!

  7. Shared the giveaway on my facebook!

  8. You know I'm a follower!! I neeeed one of these!

  9. Liked them on Facebook and told them you sent me :D

  10. I want the BIG size in tie dye pink or purple!!

  11. Wow...I sort of love these! Amazing idea! I follow you :)

  12. I would probably first get the brown tree on brown.

  13. I am a follower and have been - awesome give away by the way!!!!

  14. I would also totally rock the reflective one (yellow and black i think) as I do early morning runs as well as at night and that would be perfect!

  15. Of course you know I follow you....

  16. Linked your post to my blog sidebar.

  17. I like Sprigs and told them you sent me.

  18. I think the Denim Paisley/Blue is my favorite in the reversible!

  19. I plugged the giveaway on my FB page.

  20. Already following your blog, of course!

  21. I visited their website and am torn on which one I like best. Either

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Like their fb page and told them you sent me!

  24. Hi Vanessa! I have been following your blog for a while now, on Facebook and through Google. I would love to win the Black Bliss Organic Cotton Banjee! I just started running again and one of these would be EXTREMELY helpful! I just posted your giveaway of Facebook, Twitter, and made a blog post about it on my blog as well. Here's the link...

  25. I liked their FB page and told them you sent me!

  26. I would love the big tie-dye pink Banjee!

  27. I love the Big Banjee in the pink and black paisley. :)

  28. @JennsAdventures just tweeted your giveaway:)

  29. I like the Black Bliss Organic Cotton Banjee!!

  30. that is awesome! i would want a blue one :)

  31. i already follow you

  32. following sprigs on fb!

  33. I would like the big bangee! I have so much stuff to carry!!

  34. liked you on fb!! :)

  35. So don't pick me because I already have tons of these. LOVE THEM. But now all my runs are with a stroller with ample storage. Yay to whoever gets to try one!

  36. The black/reflective bangee looks fun.... so do their scarves :)

  37. I am a follower of your blog! I would love to try one of these out!!

  38. I would pick the pink one, I always go for pink!! :)

  39. Oh, I forgot. I liked Sprigs on Facebook and told them you sent me, and of course liked Gourmet Runner! :)

  40. And I like the black butterfly recycled Banjee!

  41. I like THEIR fb page (and told them you sent me!)

  42. I'm pretty sure I need the pink tie-dye looking one! :-)

  43. this is a great giveaway! you know i follow :)

  44. I would get the Pink flower/pink reversible wallet from them. it's so cute!

  45. Ohmigosh, this was made for me. I HATE belts and never know where to carry my goods. YES PLEASE!


  46. Liked on FB and told them you sent me!

  47. Checked out the site - I love the Rainbow Banjee (under reversible/spandex).

  48. Checked out the website and I really like the reversible Banjee's!

  49. I'd like to try one of the organic cotton Banjees.

  50. I tweeted the giveaway @allthingsyummy7

  51. I really like the bright tie dye ones. :)

  52. I like Sprigs on FB and told them you sent me.

  53. I posted your giveaway on my blog.

  54. I really like the Polyspandex reversible wrist wallet in pink paisley/hot pink. What can I say, I am a pink kinda girl.

  55. I blog stalk you all the time and of course was already following :D

  56. Already a follower of your blog!

  57. Liked Sprigs on FB and told them you sent me!

  58. Went to their website and think I am in love with these wallets! They look to be VERY useful and such great prices. I really like the Big Banshee for my phone in red paisley/black.

  59. Already a follower of yours on FB as well!

  60. Posted your giveaway on FB!

  61. Tweeted your giveaway!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Liked Sprigs on FB & told them you sent me.

  64. I like the big one to hold my phone - tie dye pink. ;-)

  65. Hi! I'm a follower, a fan and love the pink Banjee. Is it me or is Banjee just fun to say??

    Get Up & Go

  66. I am a follower of Gourmet Runner and love it!

  67. I liked Sprigs on FB and told them you sent me- was confusing with the new facebook setup!

  68. I like Gourmet Runner on Facebook

  69. My fav is this neon yellow pollyspandex So awesome!

  70. And I tweeted about the giveaway :)

  71. I'm a follower!
    What a cool nifty item!

  72. I like Gourmet Runner on facebook

  73. I like the reflective stripe one. I need more reflective gear!

  74. I posted on my blog as well. Phew!

  75. my fave is the big tie dye black!

  76. okay... so i am a follower of gourmet runner, love your blog.
    liked you on FB
    liked sprigs on FB
    went to their website and like the big black banjee... yay!

  77. I'm blogging about this tonight.

  78. I would probably go for one of the recycled ones.

  79. I already follow you and I totally want one of those things!!

  80. I liked Sprigs on FB and told them you sent me :)

  81. I like the organic pink bliss banjee! They're so cute and practical!

  82. I like the yellow reflective one!

  83. Can't decide between the art/tree blue or the paisley/black. Cute!

  84. Real runners wrist walet intended for athletes in endurance events


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