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Double Digits on a Weekday, and His N' Hers Waffles

Now, I know that I am lucky to work from home and have a pretty flexible schedule. But it still somehow seems impossible to try to get in a double digit run during the week. 2 hours of running before work = I might as well just go back to bed afterwards. 2 hours of running after working? I can barely handle the normal one hour or 30 minutes, and I definitely lack the motivation for any more.

But this afternoon I checked my Run Less, Run Faster schedule--and today was an 11 mile run. So at 4:50 because I work from home and I'm a rebel 5 o'clock this evening I hopped on the TM and hoped for the best.

Success! With 2 hours to think about what I wanted for dinner, I was prepared to hop off the TM and get dinner started straight away. The results: salads topped with chicken, lots of mozzarella cheese and some homemade croutons. (I won't bore you with a crouton recipe, but: cut bread. Coat with olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake for 10 minutes.)

Today was also apparently waffle day at my house. My choice was GF waffles with peanut butter and sliced strawberries, and the other topped with local apple butter. Mmmmm.....

Not to be outdone, hubs had his waffles with chocolate syrup and a side of cookie dough. I love that man.

Serious questions today. Waffles or pancakes? Toppings?
It's not even a question: waffles. I love crunchy textures, so waffles are a million times better than soggy pancakes. I love waffles and PB, but apple butter is a recent favorite. I never tried it until a few months ago, but it's fantastic!

What's the average time you spend working out on a weekday? Weekend?
I think the average workout time for a weekday would be maybe 45 minutes. Some days it is longer (say, yoga and a walk) but other times just a 30 minute run. On the weekend I spend more time. A long run is always 2+ hours, and it's the time of week I would go on longer hikes as well.


  1. very nicely done and now I want waffles! YUMMO!

  2. Waffles by a long shot!! I like savory waffles too....there is this fabulous place that has chicken and waffles....TO DIE FOR.

    Weekday Workouts - If I'm cycling I work out for an hour if it is Bikram Yoga I'm in for 90 minutes. If i've got a social event or somewhere to be I do a hard core 45 minute run....

    Weekends - Long, long, long workouts.....2 hours....

    Get Up & Go

  3. Great workout!! Great food!! Looks yummy!! I can barely get 45 minutes in once I get home from work and do my duties as a mom and wife! I wish I could dedicate more time to working out but just can't right now. I'm a waffles person with butter and syrup!!

  4. Um waffles FOR SURE! I know this is bad but the best toppings are ice cream and fudge. That is RARE in my diet though. If I have waffles it will probably be with vegan butter or PB!

    I spend about an hour to an hour and a half on my workouts every day. Weekday or weekend, it's pretty much the same! If I didn't work I would probably spend a lot more time in the gym though!

  5. Mmmmmm, WAFFLES!! Belgium Waffles sound AMAZING right now:)

    When I lived in California I would workout a ridiculous amount of time everyday -- classes (yoga, pilates, boot camp, zumba) were usually 60 minutes and I would sometimes take 3+ a day in addition to my normal workout, which consisted of at least 45 minutes lifting (full body) and at least a 30 minute run (cardio) - I always ended my day with a steam room sesh, so life was freakin' fabulous! I miss those days!!

  6. way to go on getting your rn in!

    i'm definitely a pancake girl when given the option, but i'm kind of a pancake snob so they have to be really amazing pancakes.

    I do like the kashi frozen waffles though those are really great and quick!

  7. I like both. If my pancakes have chocolate chips or blueberries, I prefer those! I'm a syrup girl, all the way.

    Right now, it seems weekdays are around an hour to 1:30 and weekends can be anywhere between 2 and 5 hrs. I'm a housewife (Domestic Goddess, Trophy Wife, etc.) though, so it really depends on Hubby's schedule since he has more time commitments.

  8. Wow these look seriously amazing, I’m drooling all over the screen here, I have to tray something like this ASAP, I bet they taste as good as they look! You have a lovely blog and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  9. my ideal waffles are more dessert and less meal: waffles, blueberry syrup, whipped cream, and TONS of fresh berries. Yum!!

  10. 11 miles on the treadmill at dinner time! Yikes. I love waffles, but our waffle iron stinks and makes them soggy, so I stick with pancakes. Lately it's been banana whole wheat pancakes. I use a little extra oil in the pan and really press them down while cooking. This makes them less fluffy and soggy.

  11. Mmmm Pancakes for sure. I typically go just syrup, but I occasionally get a little crazy and throw some peanut butter and banana's into the mix

  12. Mid-week workouts for me are usually 45 minutes to an hour and I have to do it in the morning or it does NOT get done! I have been trying to consistently get a mid-week long run in for years - it's hard!

    I love Kashi waffles with syrup! It's a great post-workout treat :)

  13. Running 11 miles and then only having a salad for dinner sounds like something they'd get in trouble for doing to the prisoners at Guantanamo.

    Regardless, great job on the run :)

  14. This sounds like a crazy training plan? 11 miles on a weekday during marathon training? I've never even done that much during 50 miler training!

    Way to get it in after work - after a day of chasing kids, I'm done. It's work out in the morning, or suffer, for me. I'm a tad jealous of your schedule, what do you do?

  15. Nice job on the run!! I'm pretty sure I would have eaten the house after that. Then again, I always eat the house.

    I usually run after work, I seriously can't get the motivation up to get out of bed and do it early.

  16. Pancakes are no match for a crispy waffle. I like to use real maple syrup and put an ample amount of butter in each waffle hole all topped off with some toasted almonds and bananas. That actually sounds like the perfect dinner for tonight right now!

    Now that I'm in a taper I'm only running about an hour or less a day, bad use of the word only there. But while I was in my peak I was spending an hour and a half to an hour 45 mins a day running. It was crazy and I was always tired and hungry. But hopefully it all pays off right?

  17. Definitely waffles - I LOVE fruit on top. My close second choice but far less healthy is walnuts and brown sugar.

    I am a slow runner so almost all of my weekly runs are at least an hour and longer runs are like 2.5-3 hours and I do almost all of my runs during the week. Great job fitting it in!

  18. I only work 4 days a week and I work weekends so I almost always take those 2 days rest. The other days I do about an hour one day and if I'm in school not much on the other. Luckily having three days off I will do about an hour each of those days! I like homemade pancakes more than waffles but store bought waffle more than pancakes. Weird :P

  19. I am extremely jealous of your treadmill!!!

  20. A side of cookie dough? Haha! I love it!!

    I usually max out at 6 miles or 1 hour during the week, so you are a total rockstar in my eyes for doing 11...

  21. I am going to try and do a 10 miler Friday morning. I think if I tell people I am going to do it then it might actually happen! Great job on the run! I love waffles but every once in a while I crave blueberry pancakes.

  22. mmmmmm waffles through and through. I don't like pancakes. although I do want to tackle some of the pumpkin pancake recipes that have been floating around. I love whipped cream, berries or any kind and ice cream on my waffles. or just jam

    I spend an hour weekdays less on the weekends b/c I work. I love your hubby's waffles they look amazing!

  23. I could go either way depending on my mood.

    I usually work out at least 60 minutes a day - which the length of my usual yoga session. But I have been adding in short bodyrock workouts.

  24. 11 miles on a treadmill and you didn't have to be committed to a mental institution! Congratulations! I want to go insane after only 3 miles :)

    During the week I typically run 5-8 miles and on the weekend I like to go somewhere between 10-15 miles. (At least that is what my new plan is going to be after I'm done recovering from the marathon).

    And pancakes- all the way- with tons of butter and homemade maple syrup. Yummmm....

  25. Pancakes! Try this to top either one though.

    Vanilla or chocolate protein powder (1/4 cup or one scoop), mix in all-fruit spread (about 2tbsp)(any fruit flavor), then mix in any milk of your choice (just a little bit) to get the right consistency. It is SOOOOO good and adds a lot of protien to your meal.

    Chocolate-blackberry is great!

  26. WAFFLES! yum. love powdered sugar, syrup, know...all the good stuff :)

    your TM is like something from the future. it amazes me! great run today friend! proud of you for getting in a double digit during the week...incredible!

  27. Always waffles!!! But crepes beat waffles! Your waffles look delish, but I can't resist syrup. usually try to get a solid hour of exercise after work.

  28. I like to workout for 90 minutes during the week but in all reality I usually get about 75. I 100% would pick waffles over pancakes anyday. Topped with peanut butter, strawberries and whip cream. YUM!!

  29. mmm waffles - I love the big belgian waffles with lots of fresh fruit (berries) and vanilla yogurt or pb!!

    Still jealous of the TM....not sure when I will stop being :)

  30. way to find time to get your run in!! What are your thoughts on RLRF? I really liked it and the runs were tough!

  31. Waffles totally! Workouts during the week are usually 30 mins to 1 hour. That's about all I can muster up!

  32. Serious questions today. Waffles or pancakes? Toppings?
    Waffles!! I'm pretty much a purist, just maple syrup and butter usually. Although I did have a bananas foster waffle that was TDF!!

    What's the average time you spend working out on a weekday? Weekend?
    Weekdays I usually do 30-60 minutes. Although, when I start doing longer long runs I will be doing those on Wednesday most likely since that is my day off. On the weekend I usually do an hour on Saturday and an hour of yoga on Sunday (for a perfect week).

  33. I spend an hour for my work-outs, and every once in a while I fit in a two a day work out. I always take one day off on the weekend too.
    I like pancakes best! YUM. with peanut butter and chocolate and syrup....I have that about once a year:)

  34. Man I wish I worked from home, I'm lucky to get an hour workout in every day. But I do my best to get at least 30 minutes every day!

  35. I'm a pancake girl preferrably blueberry wheat with no butter and some lite syrup. Yummy!

    Very impressive run. I'm reading parts of this to my husband while we are talking on the phone and after telling him you're distance and time he says "Now that's some serious running!".

    I'd love to say that I get in at least 30 minutes a day but my schedule has gotten so out of whack lately that my 2 hour run may likely be my only working out this week unless you count my date with the push mower and our backyard!

  36. Mmmm apple butter!! We make ours homemade out of apple scraps. We save the cores and peels and freeze them, and then when we have enough, we cook them down, blend and strain, then sugar and spices!

    I love pancakes and waffles both. I like putting yogurt and fruit on mine! :)

  37. I prefer waffles especially with strawberries.


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