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I've Become One of Them!

It's official--I'm a runner.
This morning I headed out for my long run, and as a cutback week I had 13 miles planned. After a few miles, I caught up with two older guys, also doing their long run. As they asked how long I had today, I said it.

"ONLY 13 miles."

Ugh. I used to hate that! People who say casually, "Just a 10 mile run this morning," or "Only 40 miles this week." But I guess marathon training can give you a skewed perspective on what long is, huh?

Anyway, beautiful temperatures in the 50s and low 60s this morning, and I loved it.

Had to run the whole 13.1 just to say it was a half marathon, and came in at 9:39 pace overall. I'll take it!

And now I'm headed to Nashville for a blogger meet-up! 

Any long runs today? Brag away!

What are your weekend plans?


  1. Great job on your run, I find that I always have to turn a 13 mile run into 13.1 miles also. It just doesn't feel the same if I don't :)

  2. That's flippin' awesome!! I seriously can't wait until the day I say, "only 13 miles..." haha!!

    And I would totally meet up w/you in Nashville, but a bunch of our Auburn Alum friends are posted up at a friends hale to eat, drink, and watch football! I hope you have a blasty blast -- and drive safe!! xoox's

    PS: I'll be back in January -- maybe we can plan another meet up:)

  3. This was my fallback week too! I did 13 yesterday morning! Great job!! Enjoy your weekend! I can totally relate to your "ONLY 13" comment. When I say that I usually get "Oh, you only ran 13?" in a sarcastic, jealous tone. Haha!

  4. You are just so fast!!!! It's just so impressive . . . even if you are turning into ONE OF THOSE! Have fun with your bloggy meet up!!!

  5. haha only 13.... official language of runners! Awesome job on the half marathon! I guess I'll go ahead and brag.... I did 18 and felt awesome!! Runners are awesome :)

  6. I went out for 12, ended up with 12.7. Don't have a garmin... wish I'd a known I was that close to 13 or I would have run for 3 more minutes! Heh. Great run.

  7. awesome job!! just a casual half it! enjoy your meet-up

  8. Training for long races does change your perspective...especially during mid-training cutback weeks, where your long run isn't the longest run you've done for a while.

    I got my 13 miler in yesterday. Through rain, mud, downed stuff.

  9. Since I am just starting back into running my big goal for today is 1 mile.

    Loved your post today - very inspiring. I can't wait till I can say, "Only 13 miles" :-)

    My weekend plans are to steam clean my carpets - exciting I know!!

  10. I "just ran 10" : ) I thought the same thing this morning when I was excited to only run 10 miles instead of 18 or 20!

  11. I just ran 3 miles...hahaha....and I consider myself a runner... :) Great job!

  12. lol, marathon training definitely skews things! i ran 16 today, i think i finished 13.1 in 2:07 lol, so we ran that part almost exactly the same.

  13. Sometimes when I see runners blazing by me, I want to compare mileage. Is that wrong? lol

    Today was supposed to be 22 for me, but ended up being 21.5. Not bad, though.

  14. Run fit mama and I did 10 miles this morning! Her and I always joke about how we aren't "training" we just run 3-15 miles a day :)

  15. Holy cow girl! What a run!
    And yeah, when you start using "only" in front of double digits, you're officially a runner!

  16. Welcome to the Crazy Runner Club.... your addiction will only get worse from here!! mwahaha

    Nice job on the long run! You are getting faster with each one you run!

  17. You are a BEAST woman! And you KNOW I mean that in the best way possible!! <3

  18. LOVE IT!!! I read this post out loud to my fiance, and he reminded me to remember when we thought running 4miles was big! Now, we don't run anything less than 4mi pretty much!

  19. I can't wait to get back to that "just 13" place! I'm on the mend and getting there- 9.5 miles this morning!

  20. Great job on the run! I totally catch myself saying "Only 14 miles" even though I know it annoys some people. :P

  21. I had this exact same thought a few days ago! I love that 13 miles is no biggie. Congrats on just 13!!!

  22. I totally brag about runs with my two kids in the stroller. The runs are super short, like 3-4 miles. But running with a double stroller is murder! I feel like I should get an award or something for it!

  23. I'm so jealous. Maybe one day I'll be there... Haha. I don't know, though. I've got a long way to go. Congrats though!!

  24. thats awesome! i just did my first half marathon last weekend! however, further running for me will have to be postpones at least a few more days since i was hit by a car walking the other day. but im not going to slow me down for long!

  25. Even though I'm a half marathoner, sometimes I feel like 13 is just 13. Especially if there are no race pace or faster miles in the run. Well done on your "only" 13!

    I've got 15 tomorrow. Hopefully it will go as well as your 13 did!

  26. Way to go on your long run today. Your pace is awesome.

  27. WOW that's crazy! haha The most I've ever run is 4.26 miles.

  28. Nice pace! I totally got called out on my blog for saying "only 12 miles". It's not so much that I consider that a short distance, but compared to 18, 19, and 20 milers, it is on the short side! I did 18.7 this morning, and I refuse to round down to 18. Enjoy the meetup!

  29. Great Job! I always get that look like, "I can't believe she only said 10 miles...." but who cares. Go run a marathon I say!

    I hope the meet and Greet was awesome =)


  30. Nice... You have joined that snobby elite group.... do I sound a wee bit jealous?


    Hope you had a great time in Nashville.

  31. woo hoo!! do it girl!! i had 15 today...loved every mile! :)

  32. We totally suck!!!! Short run this week with the marathon only one week away- 6 miles total. I was stoked because they were PAIN FREE! WAHOOOO!!!!!!!

    Your pace was awesome! Way to go.

  33. WOO HOOO!

    I didn't run :(
    I cooked. Ate. Packed. Ate. Packed. Ate. Packed.
    Ugh!!! Can you tell I am stressed?

  34. Amazing run!!!!!! I am so jealous of your blogger meet-up! Have an amazing time and tell everyone I say hi and give BIG HUGS for me!!

    No running for me today! My legs are a bit messed up! I'll be back at it on Monday though!

  35. ahhhhhhh! you rocked your "just 13" with an amazing pace!! you are seriously the sweetest and i am so freaking happy that we are real life friends :) hope you made it home safely sweet friend!

  36. I so wish I could say ... only 13 - you are amazing. Hope your bloggy meeting went well!

  37. Nice! I haven't been able to say 'only 13' yet but I have said 'only 3' so yes, it is all relative. Hope you had fun at the blogger meet up.

  38. Well done, fantastic run :-)
    I had an awesome evening with my besties last night, haven't laughed like that for ages, good for the soul xx

  39. fantastic! I'm your newest follower... I've become one of them too! love it.

  40. woohoo that is great - only 13 ; ) you're funny!!! good luck with your training and i cant wait to hear your blogger meetup updates : )

  41. Ah I feel like such a jerk face when I do that. But I don't even mean to! It's seriously the marathon messing with your perspective. We need to face the facts, as marathon runners...we are CRAZY :) But crazy in the best way possible!!!!

  42. Harrrrrrrrrdcore :-) I cross-trained Saturday (elliptical) but I have a 10 miler I'm supposed to be doing as I type this... better get goin'!

  43. Vanessa! I'm so glad to be catching up on Gourmet Runner - Your new home is GORGEOUS! Congrats! Looks like you have been doing so well, i'm glad! Anywho, I look forward to hearing about your first meet-up...I read a little about it on Julies fun!!!

  44. I haven't quite gotten to 13.1 miles but I always try to run 3.1 and 6.2 when I am close. I can't just stop at 3 or 6.
    Housework is in the plans for today but so far I haven't really pushed myself hard at getting a whole lot done! Let me know next time you plan to come to New Orleans so we can have a blogger meey up!

  45. Good job girl! Amazing time! You are a quick one!

  46. yay! GREAT run!! :)
    Have a fun time meeting up with other bloggers!! :)

  47. lol. "one of them". It's so funny how the miles I run are either a TON or nothing to someone I talk to. Anyways, looks like you're kickin' butt on your long runs!

  48. I've always thought you were "one of them". My casual runs are generally 5-6 miles and even I get looks for that. Runners are crazy no matter what!


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