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A Naked Run in the Rain

Alright, fine. Not naked, per se. But without a Garmin, watch, water bottle, or phone. For me, that's naked.
After yesterday's post about rainy-day indoor workouts, I was surprised to have comments from so many of you saying you actually LIKED running in the rain. Getting wet? Weirdos.

But then I found myself desperate to get outside, and take advantage of the much cooler temps here. Yesterday, for my 5pm run, it was 65 degrees--heaven, in my book. So I left everything at home, told myself to run as fast or slow, long or short as I wanted--and loved every second of it:

I think the combination of colder temps, refreshing rain, and leaving everything behind was so wonderful. Here's the note I left hubs before I went out for a run:

That's what I don't like about marathon training the most. With the RLRF plan, every run is a specific workout, pace, length, etc. I miss the days of running just for the fun of it, but yesterday was that day! Here are some things I realized during the run:

-It's definitely true that cooler temps making running much easier. No idea about my actual paces, but I felt like I was flying yesterday. Plus--I never once wanted to stop and walk, which is rare in my book.

-I ran yesterday without water, and I was FINE. Stop the presses--normally I go through my 20 ounce bottle in an hour. I swear I felt lighter without it!

-You can't HELP but smile when you run through mud puddles. The last mile or so I purposely ran through every puddle I could find, and was grinning from ear to ear. LOVED it!

-A run in the rain means you have a great excuse to cuddle up on the couch with a warm meal. I made hubs a slow-cooked meat sauce for his spaghetti, but I topped my GF pasta with broccoli, mozzarella cheese, olive oil, and tons of fresh cracked black pepper:

Do you ever run "naked"? (Without a watch or Garmin?)
Since I got my Garmin, this hardly ever happens. I always want to see my pace, distance, etc. But it felt amazing to just get out there and RUN!

Do you carry water with you on all your runs?
In the summer, I have to. It's too hot not to drink! But in cooler temperatures, maybe I don't need to for runs like this, 7 miles or less. I drank plenty when I got home, though!


  1. I have only ran "naked" a few times and it is very refreshing. I wish I would force myself to do it more. Helps the Type A personality in me let loose! I hate to carry water but depending on heat and how far I need to go sometimes I just have to. BLAH.

    Happy raining running! -Jen

  2. OMG your pasta looks so good. For some reason I have been craving broccoli like a crazy person.

    I love running naked. It rarely happens but when I do it, it's so much less stressful. It reminds me of why I love running so much. So much more time to think and reflect and just RUN.

    I NEVER carry water. I am guilty of dehydrating myself on WAY too many occasions. Definitely have to change that. I just hate my water belt and don't like carrying anything in my hands!

  3. Nice! I never carry water, although I've never run further than 6 miles...yet.

  4. I ALWAYS wear my Garmin... I can't help it! I also carry water on 90% of my runs in the summer. I feel thirsty on a hot day even for a half hour run. In the fall/winter, I'll only carry water for runs of an hour or more.

    Glad you had some fun out there!

  5. I really like to run without my watch. I'll start the time on my phone and take off leaving my phone to track my time and I just enjoy my run.

    I'm bad and don't carry water. If it's really hot though I'm normally running at my house on the treadmill, our community center track, or treadmill at the gym so I can always take a break and get water if I need it.

  6. I only carry water when I have to. If I can, I run by water fountains, but if it's getting up there in mileage and hot, I'll carry it.

    I usually always wear my garmin, but before I had one, I used to run without anything all the time.

  7. I also love running in the rain! it feels awesome! I haven't ran without my phone...which I use endomondo on. I like to know my distance. Being a newer runner I am not good at guessing. I do not bring water with me, although I have one of those water bottles you strap on your hand. I bought it just in case but haven't wanted to depend on water just yet.

  8. Awwww runs like that are the absolute best and always remind me why I love running. I hate having to always meet a time goal and being a slave to my pace.

    The pasta looks amazing!!

  9. Okay, first - that pasta sounds amazing. I want to make that tonight. I haven't had pasta in a long time and that looks amazing. Second, running "naked" is liberating. Third, the first time I ran in the rain I did 8 miles and I felt like I finally was a "real runner." Once you get wet you don't even mind the rain.

  10. I love what you said about smiling as you run through mud puddles:) made my day!! GIRL, great run and you are SO right about how much temps affect our runs!

  11. I carry water in the summer on any run over 5 miles and almost never in the winter, but I rarely run more than 7 miles in the winter. I love running in the rain. I think it feels so good. Great job splashing through the puddles.

  12. I love running naked! I really feel like I enjoy my surroundings more. Plus it really racks up the endorphins for me. Way to enjoy those mud puddles! They are deserved.

  13. Somehow I make it my 2 miles without a Garmin, haha! ;)

    Pasta looks good... think I know what I want for dinner!

  14. mmmm, I love pasta with evoo, cheese, and pepper, it's so simple and so comforting.
    I don't own a garmin (I use runkeeper on my phone) but I've never run without music.
    I'm a wimp.

  15. I don't even own a Garmin or running watch so I go naked all of the time! :)

  16. I run "naked" once a week, and it really does feel great! Reminds me of the joy I had when I first started running.

  17. I always start out the run feeling uncomfortable when i forget my garmin or my ipod, but usually about a half a mile to a mile in, I feel a lot better and I usually run a little faster than I normally would.

    I hate starting out when I know it is raining, but once I am out there - it is AWESOME! I once did 10 miles in the rain and loved every second!

  18. A garmin is on my wishlist, so I'm afraid I run "naked" most of the time! :)

    Running in the rain can be so refreshing. I don't usually carry water on my runs, only when they're longer distances or it's alot hotter out.

  19. I enjoy running in the rain sometimes. However, a freezing rain (like in Dec-March) is not as much fun. But summer rain is awesome!

    I only run with a waterbottle if I'm doing 5 miles or more. Anything less and I feel the water bottle is unnecessary.

    Also, check out my blog, I nominated you for an award :)

  20. I forgot what it's like to run naked. I need to do that again soon.

  21. garmin and no music is HARD for me- water... depends on the heat. I agree though, very liberating

  22. EEEEK! this has been every run for me in ky thus far. well i have been taking my watch but i am totally loving the cool weather and just feel RELAXED during my runs. ahhhh such a relief :)

  23. I hate carrying water. . .only because I'm not coordinated enough to do so! And I have yet to run without music. . . you've inspired me to try now though!

  24. I always run half-naked, heh. I don't have a Garmin, so I just use my trusty old Walmart stop watch and run for time. So if I want to run 6 miles, I know if I run about 50 minutes, I'll be close. Then I go to

    I never carry water, phone, anything at all. It drives me nuts! Once in a while I take my ipod.

  25. I can't wait for the specific workouts to end either!!!!! Is it weird that your run yesterday sounded delicious? I LOVE running in the rain. It's magical. Know what I love even more? Running in the snow :).

  26. I paddle naked -- but I don't think I could *ever* run naked! Props to you girl! =)

  27. Nice job on the "naked" run, I bet that felt liberating!! I am sooo slow right now as I return to the sport, so a Garmin is pretty worthless right now and I do go on some easy runs without it. I have to admit, I have never worn my Garmin in a marathon as I don't want to become obsessed with it (my regular watch is just fine) and the few times I have not worn it in shorter races, I have managed to do very well. Water is another story...I've had so many dehydration issues (blood in the urine - ewwww) that I am uber cautious now.

  28. I always carry water, but I don't take my Garmin when I do my 4 mile route with the stroller because I mainly use my Garmin to know when to turn around in a run and don't really check for pace. I run for "feel" rather than what the Garmin says anyway. :)

  29. I can't go without my Garmin now...I really like having it and knowing how far I have ran. I usually can run up to 5 miles without water but any longer and I definitely need a sip of water in between.

  30. I don't think I could possibly run "naked"! I need my music! But I do love running in the rain. Reminds me of being a kid worries in the world!

  31. I dont think i've ever left everything at home, the closest i've come is only my music. I can't run without the music!

  32. I only carry water if it's a long run - over 7 or 8 miles. I can usually make it that far ok.

    I love running in the rain unless it's super cold and windy and slapping you in the face and then turns to snow. Which is what happened at a half this spring. :)

  33. I'll be honest, I much prefer no Garmin, and I only run long runs and races with music. I think my Garmin actually slows me down! I look down and think, "Oh, better slow down, don't want to crash in a few miles"!

  34. I hear you concerning being a slave to run less run faster and pacing / garmin. I find it is a good book with a good foundation of knowledge but sooner or later the only way to find our own limits and feel free is to do our own thing and experiment with pushing our limits in different ways. I have been slowly moving away from run less run faster and it has brought back a lot of the joy of running for me.

  35. 35 comments - wowzers - you go girl! Congrats on being awarded the Leibster award from Kristen -she just seems so fun!

    I do like running in the rain - though today's rain was a bit heavy for my taste -especially for our 12 miler.

    I do run naked - speaking of running naked - wasn't it you who got some seedy readers once when you talked about peanut butter porn? Maybe it wasn't you, but if it was - I'm thinking a title of Naked running might also bring the kreepos out of the porn world and into your blog. I feel lighter as well when I'm not holding 2 bottles of water, a watch, a phone, an interval timer, a metronome, gu, chomps, gum, kleenexes, and the kitchen sink.

    I know I had a amazing run yesterday in the cooler weather - I'm a BIG fan of the cooler temps especially it's impact on my running!!!! I can actually like running when it's not 100* outside - who knew?

  36. I'm so jealous of your cooler weather. I'm in Los Angeles and it's upwards of 100. Ughhh. Makes running not so fun.

    I run relatively gear free on Sundays for my recovery run because I don't need to track pace or time and I know the distance of the loop I take. It's pretty refreshing.

    And I'm totally craving broccoli and pasta now. I'll be having that for dinner tomorrow.

  37. Naked running huh? I'd be okay with it but I'd have a hard time when I have to come back and want to log it in and have no time! It's definitely refreshing though to just run with a simple watch sometimes, if not plain naked.

  38. I'm over the heat here in So Cali! I want to run so badly! Even running in the rain sound refreshing. I took a walk at 8:30 pm and it was 88 degrees still!! I can't do it!!

    Sometimes I will bring water if I'm going longer than usual. I usually only bring my ipod, my id, and my key. I couldn't run without music!

  39. I tried to run 3 miles in LA hot hot heat tonight and was drenched, would kill for a cool rainy run!!

    Also, what is this RLRF?? I had never heard of it and have suddenly seen it in like a million places.

  40. I never used to run without water, but would have those days when my mouth was always dry or I'd get a tickle in my throat and have to fight the urge to have cough attacks, so I've been running with water all the time and I love it. It's like my security blanket.

    I don't like running in the rain because it makes the sweat run into my eyes and mouth. Other than that it's ok, I guess. I'm just not a fan of being wet, I guess :-P

  41. Does it count as a naked run if you go out with a garmin only to discover the satellites aren't working? If that fits the bill, I run naked all the time :)

  42. I won't run "naked" when I'm training for a race, but when I'm not, I love to go without my Garmin! It's way easier for me to get lost in my thoughts when I don't have it on my wrist to distract me.

  43. I rarely run naked. I love my music and Garmin.
    That food looks so good!!
    I have been carrying water for my walks, not my runs. I need to find me a good water carrier.

  44. Yes, sometimes it's so wonderful just to run without stuff on your arms and hands! I must confess that I rarely do it though...should do it more often.


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