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Rainy Day Workouts and NO EXCUSES!

Why is it so hard to get back into the swing of things after a lazy day? While yesterday's ultimate day of rest was well-deserved and much needed, it's time to get things going again. Power is out thanks to storms at our house site, although somehow where we are currently staying (across the road) it's fine. But the weather is making me want to snuggle up on the couch with a good book and some hot chocolate--NOT work out and do work. I'm doing everything I can to get inspired, including eating this tropical bar as I drove through the rain earlier:

I was hoping it would mentally transport me to beautiful beaches like this one....

But after the snack was was still raining. BOO. It did, however, taste pretty amazing. Lots of coconut, which I love. I'll definitely get my hands on a few more of them soon. 

The work part is happening slowly but surely, but the working out part....not so much. I decided to put together a list of workouts suitable for a rainy day:

-P90X Plyometrics Video
-Yoga videos at home
-Suck it up and run in the rain!

Can you believe I was telling myself I couldn't work out because it was raining? Such an excuse! So, I promise you all I will pick one of the above workouts (or, why not?--more than one!) to complete today. Still have a bit more work that needs to be finished before I tackle it, but it will get done. 

Are you enjoying cooler weather where you are?
Storms here mean we got some much needed rain, and temps are in the 60s today--a huge change from normal and I'm enjoying bringing out my sweaters!

What is your "excuse" that you use too often, and how do you combat it?
I often say that I'm "tired"--when really I'm lazy. Of course, sometimes I need to take a break, and I do. But more often that not, I just don't want to get off the couch. 

What is your favorite rainy-day workout?
I definitely prefer to stay indoors when it's raining a lot, and stick to workout videos or the treadmill if it's possible. Hopefully mine arrives soon!!


  1. Believe it or not, I like to run in the rain... as long as it's not a cold, fall rain!

    have fun with whatever you choose!

  2. Run in the rain. The breeze, light drizzle, and cooler temps, to die for! I won't run in real rain though, but I'm all about the drizzle!
    My excuse is work, but I work from home, so it's a lame excuse.

  3. I am loving the cooler weather...hope it stays around :)

  4. I like to run on my treadmill when it's raining. Or lay on the couch and eat a whole sleeve of oreos. Guess which one happens more often? :)

    It is MUCH cooler here today! I was cold most of the morning and I swear I dressed for work like it was the middle of January.

  5. as crazy as it sounds I've been BEGGING for a run in the rain. Its been sooooo long since its rained here, I long to feel drops on me as I run. (ok yeah, that does sound crazy lol)

  6. Bummer the power is out at your house, but good thing things are ok at your apartment.

    I usually run in the rain if it's warm out, but in the winter I just treadmill it. Today, it's pretty gross and raining, but I'm home sick, so I can't really do much of anything. I really WANT to run, but I don't want to throw up.

  7. I can't believe it's in the 50's today! I like to stick to the treadmill when it's rainy. My 5 days of giveaways on my blog started yesterday if you want to check it out!

  8. When I went running in the winter in Alaska (at 30-40 degrees BELOW zero), I actually fooled myself by picturing a beach just like the one in your photo. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. :)

  9. I LOVE the cooler temperatures and I love running in the rain as long as it isn't a torrential downpour! My worst excuse is usually that it is "too late" to workout, when in reality I have a membership to a 24 hr gym. If I haven't run by 7 pm, it probably isn't going to happen. Making a run date with a friend has helped, since I'm beholden to another person.

  10. It's still summer here but that is never as hot as where you are!

    Rainy day workout? I would do Pilates or a strenght workout of some kind I think.

  11. Aren't you getting a treadmill?

    I often don't work out when it rains because I mainly like to run and ride my bike for exercise. Plus, I have no gym membership.

  12. Gee, it's been so long since it really rained in Texas, it's nard to remember WHAT I would do! But if it rained now, I'd head out for a run as long as it wasn't lightening. I love to run in the rain!

  13. I always feel more productive when it is sunny. I will do pilates or something like that if I can get off my butt to do anything :-)

  14. I use excuses like "this blanket will be lonely if I don't stay under it on the couch". Ugh. Treadmill for me tonight - rain or no rain.

  15. I am loving the cooler weather, it has been perfect for my afternoon walks. Although, being so cold in the mornings makes me want to go back to bed instead of working out.

  16. I know what you mean, it is hard to get motivated to workout when it's raining, but if you just do it then it's done and you always feel better!

  17. i just discovered! anxious to try it out!

  18. yeah, I get pretty lazy when it's raining outside! I feel like movies and a blanket is where it's the end of it all I remind myself of my goals and then kick myself to go get it done :)

  19. Oh I want a treadmill so bad! I do my elliptical on really rainy days otherwise I will just run in the rain. I do also do of course, love seeing it on your list!

  20. I vote for a bloggy meet up run in that tropical paradise! Yes! All commenters in favor - raise your hand (insert my hand in the air!!!).

    How much time do you spend in the grocery store finding awesome treasures like the ones you post on your blog? Either you have a special sense about where the awesome food hides in the store or you spend way.too.long looking at the groceries. Either way - you've totally opened my eyes to the fact that there are likely lots of awesome foods hiding within the shelves of my boring ol' Kroger store (small town here - no fancy markets here - boo!).

    My #1 excuse - I'm tired. The good news with having a training plan is that if the plan says I have to and I can't figure out a way to work my training plan differently for the week -then fatigue excuse gets kicked to the curb and I just do it.

    My fav rainy day workout is definitely indoor swimming - who cares if it's raining - you'll be wet when you leave the pool and hardly notice (here's another boo to the small town - we have no indoor pools - crazy I know!).

    To read about my joy about the cooler weather you have to read my run recap from today - OMGoodness!!! It's one of the best runs ever - what a difference weather really truly makes!!!!

    Hope you get power back and motivation soon!!!! Here's a kick in the butt from me - go get 'er done girl!

  21. Yum, that bar looks good. Me and coconut are best friends.

    I love running in the rain! (Probably because it rains so rarely in my area.)

  22. That bar looks delicious! I love coconut!

    I did not run in the rain yesterday because of thunderstorms.

    I did run in the rain today...well, very light drizzle. It was awesome.

  23. Cooler weather? Pfft, it's just getting hot here!

    When it's raining, I like to stay indoors... strength, yoga, maybe some circuits :)

  24. I feel ya! Sometimes it takes a LOT of convincing to talk myself into doing a workout. Especially on icky, ainy days.
    The weather is very wonky in my area. Some days it's hot, some it's cooler. I wish it would make up it's mind already lol

  25. It is not much cooler here. In my area of California the hottest month is often September. Ugh, I am ready for cooler weather.

    I love rain so that never stops me from running outside. But on hot days I find it really hard to get motivated. is my current favorite indoor workout.

  26. The only workout I want right now is running straight to Bora Bora to sleep in one of those little huts...

  27. That picture of that paradise is torturing me now, haha! I usually stick to dvds or things like that if it's raining hard outside.

  28. I usually head for the treadmill if it's raining at the start of a run, even though I actually love it when it starts raining mid-run (at least on warm days!).

    So, which did you choose?

  29. Fiber Plus bars have a mocha coconut bar that is moderation. ;) LOL!
    Louisiana is enjoying some cooler weather at the moment too! Hope it lasts!
    When I am tired, it is harder to push myself to do anything.
    I get on my treadmill for rainy days. You will enjoy yours when you get it in!

  30. I think we all have to remind ourselves of our no excuses. Mine is, "I'm tired" too. And sometimes I am, but I also am not tired enough to not have the energy for the workout either.

    Hopefully your treadmill comes soon! Yay!

  31. I love when I'm out running and it starts raining (in the summer, not in the winter), but I never really enjoy having to start my run in the rain unless I'm out with a bunch of people.

    It's pouring here today so I'll have to decide what I'm gonna do if track is cancelled - run in the rain or head to the gym to run on the treadmill.

    My favorite excuse is either "I don't have time" or "I didn't get enough sleep last night" but I haven't used any of those excuses all training season since I'm running in memory of my Uncle. It's kinda hard to play the busy or tired card when he had cancer.

    Hope your workout turns into a great one!

  32. I a hundredth the run in drizzle. I love the feeling of a mist on my face, plus it makes me feel pretty hardcore. I really dont have a choice about running in cooler temps, I am so far north that the leaves have changed and I went for a run in 45 degrees temps.

    As for favorite excuses - "I just worked 12 hours" Which would seem legit if it werent for the fact that during those days, my bed is made for me, all food is made for me and I sit at a desk not using any energy.

    Also on days where it is pouring rain, I would rather back something pumpkin inspired then sweat..


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