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Scary Hair and Killer Abs

 I have never had to much fun taking a bad picture! This morning when I woke up my hair decided to revolt. Lesson of the day - don't go to bed with wet hair. Got it.

I obviously needed to document the monstrosity, and wanted to figure out how in heck you guys manage to take such awesome mirror shots. So I gave it a try. Let's just say self-photography is NOT my strong suit.

Giving yourself bunny ears is the new hip thing, right?

It would be really awesome if you could look past this and we could still be friends. Deal?

In other actual events (i.e. not emo mirror shots that belong on MySpace) I decided to experiment a little with my Garmin today. When I got my Garmin last christmas, it came with a heart rate monitor. It looked complicated, so I put it away. For 6 months. Whoops. I finally broke it out and decided to take it along for an easy run today. I planned 3 miles, and really wanted to focus on taking it slow and not being out of breath.

For me, slow runs are the hardest to do. I want to push myself each time I run, but sometimes I need to give my body a break and take it easy. I used this heart rate calculator to figure out where I should be at for "easy runs" and then hit the roads. No looking at pace, only the heart rate readout. I kept my heart rate below 75% of my max the whole time, even when it meant going s-l-o-w-l-y up the hills. The result? 3 miles in 28 minutes (9:20) pace. For a short run of 3 miles, I would normally be disappointed in this time, but not today! My new plan is to run my easy runs a little slower, and my tempo runs a little faster!

Ok, on last thing. I've been doing a KILLER ab routine lately. Since I don't want to spend my money on pilates classes (I need all that cash for running gear and snacks, obviously) I look for different ones online to try for free. Here is a 10 minutes workout on youtube that makes me cry a little bit. Enjoy!

Has anyone tried running according to your heart rate?
I'm definitely curious to see how people have found this. I'd like to try to focus on slowing down my easy runs and saving my legs and energy for the "hard" days!

What are your favorite ab workouts/moves? Please share!
I normally do some basic crunches and call it a day, so workouts like this really kick my butt. 10 minutes seems short but I can really feel it the next day. The "scissor" move is t.o.u.g.h! On the plus side, the instructor has an Australian accent which is kind of cute to me!

Ok, seriously. Mirror shots. Explain.


  1. don't worry my crazy morning hair would make you feel like beauty queen. :)

    i've done some HR training in the past and think it can be a really great learning tool. i used to have a habit of running too hard on my easy runs too and the HR monitor can be good at keeping you in check. but then once you get used to recognizing what that zone feels like i'd rather chuck the monitor mostly because it was more comfortable to run without...haha. but in giving advice i'd definitely recommend people at least try a few runs with one and maybe also do a little check-back every so often to make sure you're still keeping those easy days at the pace they should.

    ab work! my go-to moves are leg tosses, russian twist w/weights, bicycles, and plank variations. pilates moves are always great too!

    have a great rest of your day!

  2. When I met and ran with Caroline Rotich (4th at Boston 2011), she and her coaches told me that the Kenyans do something different--

    They run their speed/tempo work faster but then they go VERY slow on their easy workouts.

    Works for them, I'm going to have to try that!

  3. Looks like google reader is screwing you too! You didn't show up in my reader, so I came hunting for you!

    That's what my hair looks like EVERY morning lol. Consider yourself lucky I don't post pictures :)

    I've worn a heart rate monitor for kicks when I run, but never tried to really do anythign with it.

  4. I've never worn an hr moniter, I would love to know my hr at different paces. My hair gets like that too... Humidity!

  5. I always wear a heart rate monitor. It helps me gage where I am intensity wise. I can't run without my Garmin!

  6. I always wear a heart rate monitor when working out. I like to make sure I'm pushing myself effectively.
    The hardest ab routine I've ever done was when I was doing P90X last year. The ab video was KILLER!

  7. The hardest ab workout I have ever done? One Iyengar yoga class where the instructor had us hold poses FOREVER.

    My abs were sore for days!!

  8. Oh I really wish I had a heart rate monitor. I had an option of getting one with my garmin but last like meh I don't need that who cares. Not I am really wishing I had one.

    I completely agree with taking easy runs easier. So smart!! Love you mirror pics girl!! Glad I'm not the only one with crazy curly hair. :)

  9. my garmin came with a heart rate monitor too, and mine is still stuffed in the back of my closet! i haven't gotten around to using it (i tend to avoid anything that involves reading instructions to use ha).

    i need to check out that ab workout! i've been slacking and need to get going for swimsuit season!

  10. I love the whole Ab Ripper dvd from p90x. You can find clips on youtube on how to do the moves if you're interested. My favorites are the Crunchy Frog and the leg climbers. I do miss my BOSU Abs class though!

  11. Wow your comment "run your easy runs slower and run your tempo runs faster" was just like a light bulb to me! I may just need to try this crazy idea! My hair is a hot mess in the summer, I'm pretty much done wearing it down until fall. I use my heart rate monitor occasionally, it can be interesting! Jillian Michaels 6 week to 6 pack abs girl!

  12. haha I look almost exactly like that when I sleep on wet hair. Except frizzier. Think 'fro.

  13. When I used my HR monitor I learned I need to slow down a ton. So I did. And now I'm not fast anymore. Need to fix that cuz I hate it.
    Your bed hair looks pretty darn good to me. :)

  14. I'm with you on the mirror shots, I'm not talented enough to take them. Pilates on the reformer machine is my favorite ab workout.

  15. Anything Pilates I will do for my abs. And also, tons of stuff on my stability ball. I once did an hour of ab work. It hurt to laugh for a week!

    I can't do mirror pictures. I live in a cave with not enough lighting, so I need the flash and that looks horrible in mirror pictures.

  16. i can never control my hair in the morning! i almost always have to take a shower to fix it. and i also got a heart rate monitor and hid it from myself because it looked too hard to use and i like pushing myself running anyway otherwise i don't feel like i'm making any progress but i know there is something to paying attention to your heart rate so maybe i'll bring it out soon!


    My heart rate is all jacked up and is either as slow as a turtle or speed racer... it knows no where in between. My trainer and I are working on fixing that.

  18. Okay so you know I am getting back to using my HRM again. Tomorrow will be the first time in a few months and my plan is to do 70 - 75% of my max heart rate and take NO walk breaks.

    I love Pilates and am also currently working on increasing my planks hold time.

  19. Haha, love the hair! ;) I have the Garmin 305 so I have the heart rate monitor & have never used it. I go so slow it doesn't matter much anyway! Ha! And I have been wanting to try Jillian's 6 week 6 pack...I have heard great things about it!

  20. I don't wear my heartrate monitor, it annoyed me too much. Love the scary hair pictures, looks like you were having fun with it! I BodyRock for my killer abs, it is AWESOME! Although pilates are awesome also

  21. I want an ab picture ;) with these killer workouts, I'm sure they look hot

  22. Oh I have totally done the 'gone to bed with wet hair' thing and it is (generally) NOT cute. Yours isn't so bad, though!

    Ughhhh. Still not running. But I have done workouts based on heartrate. Keeps me honest. I'm obsessed with this Nike Training Club. The ab workout is killer. Planks. Side planks. 'Crazy Ivans' (a new one for me). All good stuff.

  23. I love using my heart monitor but I still have plenty to learn about it.

  24. I have a hard time doing the slow runs as well- I feels annoying to run slowly. I've never run on heart rate. Maybe one day I'll figure it out.

  25. My hair looks like that on a daily basis! I swim at night and then wash it and go to bed. Luckily I work at home so no one has to see it :)

  26. Lol, your hair is great! And I haven't tried out my heartrate monitor. Maybe I should..

  27. I loved running with my heart rate monitor while I had it. After playing with it a little I got to know where my average heart rate landed and I took things from there. Easier run days below average, higher intensity above and it was nice for when I ran hills as well, because it showed me I needed to slow down a bit until my HR got back to normal so I didn't wear myself out quickly. Play with it, it'll end up being your BFF :)

  28. Those pictures are great, haha! I usually just do ab ripperx, or some pilates ab work.

  29. It IS hard to take self-portraits! Yours are pretty good :)

    I have a heart rate monitor with my Garmin, and I never use it. I really should, because I do think I can learn a lot from it. Laziness wins again ;)

  30. I've been semi-following a plan that said easy runs should be 40 seconds slower than 5k pace. I have no idea if that's good or bad advice but I've been following it for a few weeks and it seems effective.

    My favorite ab moves are all from P90X. The superman-banana core move is may fave.

  31. I love the scary hair- bed head photos are my favorite. I have posted several of them myself. Thanks for the workout vid, I never considered looking them up on youtube. Big Duh!

  32. Love the hair! That's what my looks like after sleeping in wet hair too!

  33. Hahaha... me + wet hair + bed looks exactly the same. EXACTLY. There is no salvaging it the next day... it always needs to be washed again!

  34. I just busted out my heart rate monitor for the first time yesterday!! I plan on using it to help me figure out how to run safely in the heat! I think it's so fun knowing that extra stat!

  35. I am on week 3 of a running program that is alllll about watching my heartrate, its been very eye opening! I have had to really slow my long runs down, but I feel MUCH better!

  36. I'm slowly learning to love ab work. traditional sit ups are my stand-by, but I usually do plank, russian twists (with and without weight), v-ups (those suck SO MUCH), and I like doing some standing core work sometimes too.
    my hubby and I did this one move at the gym one day where you use a medicine ball and you stand next a wall (with your side to it), and you twist your body to face away from the wall, then you pivot toward the wall and throw the ball at it. it was a good core move, and good cardio.

  37. Thank you, thank you for the abs workout. My abs are my weakest area and crunches don't seem to do much. I never feel it the next day which kinda disappoints me. So I'm very excited to try this!

  38. Training with HR is tough at first, if you plan on running in a certain zone, you will be surprised how slow or fast you need to go to get to that zone and stay in it. Hills are even worse, to stay in a low zone, you can easily be at a walk to get into your zone.

  39. I was actually looking at my heart rate monitor last week. When I bought the Garmin I just left the heart rate part in the box. But I finally started thinking maybe it would be interesting to see. I don't really understand any of that stuff yet, so perhaps if I test it I will understand? I just might have to pull that out for tonight's run!


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