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Friday's Favorites

Here are my current obsessions this week:

1. White Chocolate Peanut Butter 
Yes, you read that right. Even though I'm normally a crunchy PB fan, this all-natural creamy concoction is just too good to pass up. Only slightly sweeter than normal PB, but tastes amazing in oatmeal, on bread, and on spoons. (I had to test this one a few times to make sure!)

2. Getting my Veggies on sale!
For the second week in a row, I got my mega bag of spinach on sale. Last week I scored a great coupon, this week it was on sale for 69 cents! An extra reason to load up on salads this week!

3. Diet Coke with Lime
I know the jury's still out on how bad diet drinks are, but they're my vice! There's no better way to get my caffeine, and the hint of lime is absolutely the way to go. So refreshing!

Do I even have to explain why? I was introduced to this site a couple of weeks ago, and it's where I bought my current running shoes. Now I spend time drooling over their huge assortment of running gear!

5. Amy's Light and Lean Meals
I'm a huge fan of Amy's Frozen Meals so I was excited when I saw my first Amy's Light and Lean meal. They were cheaper than the normal ones so I had to grab one. The stats show it to be a really low calorie meal, but it was really filling. Only complaint would be the protein in the one I tried was pretty low!

6. Winning Unprofessional Runner's Giveaway!
This week I won my very first blog giveaway and it was awesome. Kelsey has a pretty amazing blog and you should definitely check it out! My prize was an audiobook of Tina Fey's book Bossypants. Yes, please!

Have you tried any of my current favorites? Tell me tell me what are your latest obsessions?

Has anyone else won a blog giveaway? What did you win?

** Want to win a giveaway?** Enter one of these going on now at :
--Running for Trevor
--Running Ricig
--Pojo Fitness


  1. I love getting produce on sale!
    And I am definitely going to have to track down that PB when I am in the states!! :)

  2. I too am addicted to that white chocolate peanut butter. I just picked up a sample pack of the same brand's dark chocolate pb, and I can't wait to try it! I'll have to let you know how it is. :)

  3. Is that TJ's peanut butter? I love it.

    I did win a blog giveaway - Miss Zippy had a giveway for the book Running on Empty, which I won, but I haven't received the book yet. I am quite excited about it.

    That spinach for 69 cents is a major score. I am thrilled when I can find it for $2.50!

  4. Congrats on the great deal with the baby spinach! I am now a total coupon freak and am trying to spend as little money as possible! lol
    I think I might steal your Friday Favorites....
    Congrats on winning Tina Fey's book, would love a review (even though it's not running related) and I am soooo checking out Thanks chica!

  5. I have a jar of WCW open right now too... another San Fran find! I would die if I ever saw spinach that cheap and I love Running Warehouse too! It kills me that their shipping costs to Canada are so ridiculous. They have the best colors of Nike Tempo shorts!

  6. o girl. have you been to the pb&co restaurant in nyc?? DIE!!!

  7. Oooooh, I haven't seen those Amy's meals! I'm definitely going to have to give them a try.

    That's some seriously cheap spinach! Good find!

  8. I have never won a giveaway! I'm jealous! I have always lusted after that PB, but I'm scared if I kept it in the house I would eat it all in one day!!! Self control? None of that for this girl! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  9. I have never seen that PB before. I'm not a huge fan but I am sure my BF would love that! I love flavored soda with Lime and vanilla too!

  10. I love getting veg and salad greens on sale! 69 cents?! I've never done that well. I'm happy to get 2 for $5.

    I also love running warehouse. Just discovered then a few weeks ago because they were the only place that had the new version of my favorite shoe (Nike lunaracer +)

    I'll have to look for the amy's light bowls. I get the regular ones sometimes

  11. Oh wow you just made my day White Chocolate is my favorite and add that to peanut butter to make a delicious post run snack!! I have to get some ASAP!

  12. Friday favorites are awesome!!! I've won several giveaways!!! Sony MP3 player, $100 Everyday Endurance Giftcard, and a SPIbelt. It was a great two weeks for me back then in the blog world!!

  13. I LOVE winning is the BEST surprise :)

    I also love I go there when I am bored ALL the time.

    have not tried that white choc yet...but the dark choc is my obsession!

  14. YUMMM! I love all PB and Co flavours! Dark Chocolate dreams is by far my absolute favourite! If you haven't tried it, do so asap. You can thank me later ;)

  15. Thanks for posting my giveaway on your blog! :) I won a my first giveaway this week to on I have run's blog. I was so excited!

    I must try the white chocolate peanut butter..Yum! I too am obsessed (like it's a problem) with Running Warehouse and Lime Diet Coke! Have a great weekend!

  16. White Chocolate Peanut Butter??? Are you serious? It looks so yummy! I hope that I can get this in my neck of the woods...

  17. I spent $165 at Costco yesterday, just on food. Mostly produce. So, I think it can be safely said that I didn't score any great deals. We're produce freaks!

    I love the dark chocolate peanut butter, and I'm dying to buy the white chocolate. YUM!!

  18. I love that peanutbutter!!!! White Chocolate is definitely my favorite flavor!!! it is soooooo yummy!!! I love running warehouse too!!! I spend way too much money at that site!

  19. I haven't tried most of your favs but I DO love when produce is on sale!! Especially when it involves spinach for my green monsters!

  20. Yes another Diet Coke lover!! If I could I would drink several cans a day, but I limit myself to just one :(
    I too love shopping online, espically discount stores. I came across an Under Armor Hoodie for 26 bucks plus free shipping the other day...I ordered it...felt a little guilty but then saw it at the mall and it was still priced at 49 bucks!

  21. wow white chocolate peanut butter sounds amazing, i need to find some asap

  22. I've seen that PB on the grocery shelf but I've never tried it. May have to now!

  23. Yes! I have had that peanut butter. It is WAY too good...cannot bring it in the house.

    have a great weekend!

  24. That peanut butter looks AMAZING. I need to find that brand somewhere in my little town :-) I must try it.

    I love Tina Fey, you'll have to tell us all how you like the book!

  25. Love the friday favorites!! I used to love diet coke w/lime! But now I try to avoid soda in general. But it's totally a guilty pleasure. I fully see the draw of it. And if I'm feeling like I really badly need a pick-me-up and it's around, I may reach for a diet soda.

  26. Yup, think I'm gonna need to do some sampling of said peanut butter. It's your fault when I get hooked.

  27. I am going to have to try that flavor.....I eat the same brand but am particular to their cinnamon raisin swirl. YUMMY!

  28. omg! that pb sounds awesome! im currently in love with dole frozen fruit things. they look like gogurt.

  29. I'll have to check out that I won a giveaway a few months ago, it was a cute little monogramed tote bag. I was a little disappointed in the size (only fits like a wallet..but hey, it was free!

  30. I love PB and Company! I have enjoyed way too many jars of all of the flavors -- I'm so glad they are readily available at most grocery stores now. I've been going to their little sandwich shop in the Village since it opened, they make the craziest sandwiches! Definitely a PB lover's dream :)

    Why can't someone release a study that says there are some kind of benefits to drinking diet soda? I love it, too.

  31. thanks for sharing the giveaways. i have always wanted to try and win something! love your friday favorites!


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