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Sunburn Tramp Stamp and Another GIVEAWAY!

Only one more sleep to go until my race! Yes, I have already made my checklist for tomorrow morning and decided what to eat and wear. Yes, I actually did this about 4 days ago in excessive preparation. A girl's got to be prepared! Today will be be my last day of Gluten-Free eating. After the half tomorrow I just want to be able to eat whatever strikes me as tasty, and not have to worry about ingredients. I'll do a recap for this week's eating in a few days to let you know how the experience affected my body. Today's GF lunch was a spinach salad with brown rice and some grapes, with a bunch of edamame on the side. Yum!

So, after two days of bending over in the sun painting, my hamstrings KILL. Slightly worried about hills tomorrow but I'm foam rolling like it's my job so should be A-OK by the morning. Yesterday I was all sunscreened up, being very careful not to get burnt. Except I forgot one part. Every time I bent over, my shirt would rise up and over the course of the day, it turned bright red. Seriously looks like a nice sunburned tramp stamp. Oh so sexy.

I hosted a giveaway this week and while it was awesome, I was still sad that only one person got to win. Today, 20 of you get to win something! Jiwok is giving away a month long membership to 20 of my readers. What's Jiwok? Basically, it's like having a personal running coach in your iPod. You can have running workouts tailored to your goals--whether that's losing weight, starting to run, or training for a marathon. The best part is that you can choose to use your OWN music, or you can have them make a playlist for you based on the style of music you like best. The voice of your coach merges with the music. Anyone can try it out for free, but only 20 of you can win a whole month's worth of workouts on the house. All you have to do is like Jiwok on Facebook and tell them Gourmet Runner sent you. The first 20 will win!

How do you prepare for a race?
Lots of foam rolling and carbo-loading in the form of jellybeans! I'm trying to organize everything as much as possible so tomorrow when I'm up at 4:30 everything is smooth sailing. 

Do you listen to music when you run? Ever used a product like Jiwok before?
I like listening to music at the gym, but I'm so uncoordinated I can't handle having an iPod when I run. I'm that clumsy, people. 

** Update at 4:35 PM Eastern Time--it's not too late to win, there are still 7 chances left! Keep liking them on Facebook! I'll update once all 20 are gone!  **


  1. "Seriously looks like a nice sunburned tramp stamp"

    HAHA. That gave me a good chuckle.


  2. Done and done! I'm glad I break from my excel sheets at work and saw this! Man, that tatt is super funny!!!

    Keep foam rollin' --- you are going to ROCK your 1/2 on Sunday!

  3. oh my gosh that good luck on your race!!!

  4. Just realized that your gluten-free week was the week before your race- you are going to rock that half! Good Luck!

  5. Haha I love the "eclipse" shape of the burn! TOo funny!!

    SPEEDY FEET TOMORROW!!! It's gonna be super hot! Drink lots!!!

  6. Good luck on your race - you're going to be AWESOME! How cool, I liked them on fb, telling them you sent me! :)

  7. yay!! good luck at your race! that sunburn is hilarious. I am burnt right now and I am such a baby about sunburns! boo!

    I have not tried Jiwok or anything like it but I liked them and let them know you sent me! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. good luck! I am interested to see how being gluten-free has felt for you :)

  9. Nice tramp stamp! Lol

    I prepare for a longer race like a 1/2 marathon by eating a lot of pasta for a few days before the race and by watching "spirit of the marathon". I also pin my bib and lay out my race stuff the night before.

    I use my iPod with my "marathon mix" playlist while I'm at the gym or running a race. Sometimes I'll use pandora if I'm doing elliptical.

    Good luck tomorrow!

  10. Good luck tomorrow! Have fun :)

  11. Good luck with your race! Hahaa! Great sunburn ;-)

  12. I always ahve everything laid out and ready to go for the morning including my fuel inside my SpiBelt and I ALWAYS make sure my Garmin is charged.

  13. Good luck for your race! You're going to ROCK it!!

  14. Good luck this weekend--I'm sure the jelly beans will power you through!!

  15. Sweet tat. Best of luck tomorrow. Own that trail.

  16. Aww! And from the title, I thought you actually had a tramp stamp that got sunburned. Haha. Good luck on your race and become friends with the aloe! :)

  17. First I have to apologize for not getting over here sooner - thanks so much for all of your recent comments, I really appreciate it it.

    OUCH to the sunburn! I hope your hammies feel good for tomorrow. GOOD LUCK!

    Gluten free - gahhh I think I would die. ;)

  18. That's too hot! Have fun tomorrow, I can't wait to hear the race recap. Foam roll those hammies like a crazy lady.

  19. Forget that sun burn.
    You have such a tiny waist! :) NICE!

  20. I always have 2 beers two nights before and a pasta dish (no cream or red sauce!) the night before...other than that, I am a spaz, so I don't really have too much ready outfit wise the night before - I run around like a chicken with her head cut off the morning of :)

    You will do great! Have a fantastic race! I can't wait for the recap, I have always wanted to try a trail race, love running trails and don't do it enough in Boston!


  21. Have a great time at your race on Saturday. Tramp Stamp. Too funny.

    Your lunch pic is making me hungry.

  22. That's a great stamp---hope it doesn't hurt though. I liked Jiwok on FB.
    Best of luck at your race!

  23. Good luck tomorrow! And apply sunscreen before you head out the door! ;-)

  24. goooood luck tomorrow! You will be great. and have so much fun!

  25. ouch! sunburn there is the worst!

    good luck tomorrow! you're going to be great :)

  26. DONE! Liked and all that. And my name is Pam :)

  27. I never listen to music when I run though sometimes I wish I did. I prep for a race by getting lots of rest during the week and eating as healthy as I can. And I hydrate like a MOFO. Def have everything organized the night (or days) before, with a list to cross off. PS you are tiny and cute!

  28. Don't enter me! I don't have an iPod (I know I know I'm WAY behind).

    I think your sunburn is hilarious! lol. One time I wore this super strappy swimsuit -- it was ridiculous -- and wound up looking like a candy cane.

  29. Done!

    Holy moly look at that back and those shoulders!!! Must have been that 100 pushup challenge! You look so strong!

    You are going to rock that race...I can't wait to hear all about it!

  30. Good luck tomorrow morning!

    I wouldn't be able to run without music. I would get bored and so distracted that I would stop running.

  31. Can't wait to hear about the 1/2, and I am seriously jealous of your back and arms, lady!! Well, not so jealous of the burn, except that if I had it, it would mean that there was actually sun shining!

  32. Good luck on your race! Good to know you're prepared like a little girl scout ;-) I have one on Sunday that I haven't even started to think about, haha. I need some of your organization!

  33. Good luck on your run tomorrow, can't wait to read the race report. You are going to do awesome, just keep eating those jelly beans!

  34. Good luck on your race! I love that you prepared 4 days ago. That's something I would so do. Hope the sunburn heals soon.
    I've only done two 5ks. Im still slow so I jog with a friend
    but workouts must have music!

  35. Good luck at your race, enjoy the reward for all your hard work

    I pack the day before a race, triple check the gear, leave it by the door and never touch it again till I leave, I also get a haircut, its weird but its my supersition for a race.

    When I train, I listen to music or podcast, during a race, I dont, part is that triathlons dont allow ipods, against the rules and my stand alone run races, I dont, I like to listen to my surroundings in a race

  36. Good luck on your half!!!! I hope you get some good sleep tonight! Carb load, don't forget sunscreen, have fun!!!!

  37. Lol, your sunburn tramp stamp made me laugh out loud - but on the bright side it will eventually go away:-)

  38. Have a great race tomorrow!!

    SUNSCREEN - don't forget it this time! ;)

  39. LOL! your tan lined "Cracked" me up. Yes pun intended! Good luck this weekend. You'll do great.

  40. awww your little back!!! Ouch!! Good luck at your race tomorrow! You can do it!!! Ill be praying for ya! I liked it on Facebook, but I bet Im too late.

  41. Good Luck on your race! you will do great! That sunburn does not look to fun at all!!!

  42. Good Luck! I'm really curious to hear your recap on how eating gluten free affected (if at all) you, esp if it affected your running at all!

    and YES I run with music. As you may be able to tell by my username! :) I literally can't run without it.

  43. OUCH! That looks painful. I forgot sunscreen today for my 12 mile run. I dread what I'm going to feel and look like tonight. lol

  44. i'm a spaz about race planning too i'm still over a month out from my half and i'm spending all this time expertly crafting the perfect playlist

    good luck tomorrow!

  45. I usually only listen to music on the treadmill or the indoor track. When I'm outside I prefer being able to hear my surroundings well, just in case.

  46. You're too clumsy for an ipod? That's too is your sunburn. I'm laughing with you not at you. :) Good luck tomorrow, you'll do great.

  47. can't wait to hear how your race went! hopefully you're tramp stamp doesn't cause too much discomfort. yuck!

  48. Thinking of you Vanessa and hoping you are having a great race!!! GOOD LUCK!!

  49. Been sending you positive vibes on your race! I'm sure you did great and looking forward to hearing the full play by play! :)

    For me, the night before a big race I lay out all my gear and visualize what I hope to achieve. After that, I stop thinking about it until I start my warm-up so I don't get too nervous.

    As for music, I've never raced with it before.


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