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Homemade Granola and Giveaway Goodies!

Until yesterday, I was a homemade granola virgin. Yep, it's crazy. I love granola, yet the only kind I knew about was the unbelievably tasty high in fat and calories kind found in grocery stores. I guess it never occurred to me that the whole process was so simple.

Here's my super simple recipe:

--2 cups of oats
--1/2 cup of peanut butter (chunky)
--1/4 cup of honey
--a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips

Add everything into a bowl, stir it up, and spread onto a baking sheet. I baked mine at 400 for 20 minutes, stopping in the middle to stir it up and make sure nothing was burning. 

Here's the before baking pic, on the tray, and then a close of the finished product:

So simple. It turned out perfectly, but I would add some dried fruit (I didn't have any) to make it a little less dry. Next time! So far I have eaten way too much of it by the handful, but it was also great over greek yogurt and fruit:

I also got mail last night! The good kind--not bills and junk mail. It was my prize from Marisa over at The Pace of my Life. I won some Gotein, which I love, and also some Gu gel, Gu Brew, and a pair of Nike running socks. Score! Thanks, Marisa! Head on over to check out her blog if you don't follow her yet, and cheer her on as she trains for a half-marathon.

Have you ever made granola before? Best way to eat granola?
First time! And it's definitely the best eaten plain out of my hand. And going to get some now. 

Ok, this is the place to brag: what recent workout are you most proud of? Speedy run, mammoth lifting session? Brag people!
Wednesday's run was great, speedy for me at least. But I'm most proud that I held a shoulder stand last night for the whole length of time on the yoga video--it was my first time! Yay me!


  1. I've never made homemade granola but I'd definitely like to try it! It looks yummy.

    Sadly, I haven't had any good workouts lately. But, I did have a rather kick butt cross training workout a while ago. 2 solid hours of dancing. I love dacing, I'm just not all that good at it haha.

  2. I LOVE granola. That's a good idea to make it. What kind of oats did you use?

    My favorite workout of the week was my speed day on Wednesday! Fun!

  3. I love home made granola! I only attemped once, but my roommate makes a super tasty, kind of insanely packed granola that I love to poach from her :) Yours looks yummy too - the chocolate chips make it :)

    I like granola in bar form the best haha - but other than that, it is good in a yogurt/fruit parfait!

    My workout that impressed me the most this week was my run to the gym and spin class in a new gym with a new instructor - it went really well and I felt awesome afterwards!

  4. Congrats on your prizes! That's so exciting! I've never even THOUGHT to make granola. What a concept. Sounds like a good idea though! I am most proud of the 11 miles I did on the treadmill yesterday!! I felt so hardcore.

  5. whoop! Homemade granola rocks! I make it on the regular and even make batches for my Dad. Its best in parfaits...or right out of the container ;) What a win! I'm most proud of still teaching pump at 9 months, 1 week pregnant!

  6. Glad you got your prizes! Thanks for the mention!! Have an awesome weekend!!

  7. Love the Gotein loot!! I won a giveaway similar to that but never rec'd it! Still haven't tried it, so I'm glad to know you love it!

  8. Like you, it never really occurred to me to make my own granola. I will have to try it.

    I will never miss an op to brag- I did a speed workout the other day and I went faster than normal and felt super human. AWESOME.

  9. I love home made granola, which was a bit shocking to me as I hated granola growing up. I have a recipe for it on my blog if you fancy checking it out :)

  10. Never made homemade granola, but I love crunchy (granola type things) ontop of my yogurt and cottage cheese with fruit :))

    Most proud of my 5k this week. hooray :)

  11. awesome!!! so so so glad you posted this! i had no idea (or at least it never occurred to me) that you could make your own granola! can't wait to make my own!

  12. Love homemade granola! I've made it a few times, but it's been quite a while since I made some. I also have a multi-grain cereal recipe that I love. It's kind of like granola. I love my granola with milk.

    I have almost no recent exercise achievements since I've been recovering from a stress fracture. I suppose making it 6 weeks without running and NOT going crazy is my accomplishment!!

  13. that looks awesome. i lined a baking sheet once with chunky sugar free applesauce (maybe 1" thick) topped it with the granola and then baked it - like a warm apple crisp - oh my delish!

  14. That looks SO good!! I need to make some. I too, have never made my own granola. It is so simple!

    I'm proud of the partner yoga class I did yesterday! It was so much fun and some of the moves were pretty tough!

    Yay for your shoulder stand! That's tough stuff!

  15. I just got back from a 5.5 mile run... and the first 3.5 miles were uphill! EXHAUSTED!! But proud...

  16. I love granola in yogurt, especially! The workout I'm proud of is running 7.18 miles yesterday - that's my longest one so far!

  17. homemade granola is way better. You can put youre own twist on it!
    or you can even make it as gifts!

  18. Oh, I am lovin your homemade granola---you can control the ingredients! Love simple and delish!!!!

  19. Homemade granola is much better than the ones from a box. All the ones you buy in the stores are way too sweet.

    It makes me feel like I am eating spoonfuls of sugar - Ugh...

  20. This looks incredible, I am going to make some after I pick up some chocolate chips!

  21. Here is my granola recipe. Sorry it wasn't easy to find! I hope you enjoy it.


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