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I Love Me Some Moonshine! (Jelly)

What, I don't seem like a moonshine girl to you? Oh, that's right--I'm not. At all. But I definitely had to try this crazy moonshine jelly at a local farmer's stall just down the road from us. It was so great to get to taste-test different local honey and jam by the spoonful.

We picked up a container of peaches, a jar of honey, and a big pack of tomatoes. Oh, and that moonshine jelly?

I was brave enough to taste a spoonful (after hubby tried it first!) and it was really lemony and sweet. But the smell was so powerful and alcoholic--yuck!

All I wanted after a hot day outside was a nice cool dinner that involves NO cooking. So I mixed up one of my new peaches, some strawberries, some grapes, greek yogurt, and a rice cake with peanut butter. 

And no, you don't get to see what it looked like once it was all mixed up. NOT pretty. But absolutely delicious!

I'm off to have a swim in the lake and then an evening barbecue with friends. So excited! 

Do you shop at farmer's markets? 
Not often, although I should. I always find great local stuff, even if it is a little more expensive. 

What's your go-to meal for when you can't think about turning on the oven?
I love making greek yogurt a meal by tossing in a million toppings. Nuts, fruits, cereals, whatever!


  1. hahaha. my grandfather really did always love moonshine. i always thought he was CRAZY!

    i am obsessed with the farmer's market. I have never really bought much (unless they have fresh salsa!!!) but I love tasting everything!!!

    I agree...fruit, cereal, and salads have been my go-to lunches when I have been home this summer!

  2. anything with peanut butter!

  3. haha...luv ur meal! it's a nice take on a parfait. :) i'm with u and like things nice and cool when it's hot outside. usually i'll go for a turkey sandwich, carrots, and fruit. hope u're having an AWESOME fourth! :)

  4. Moonshine jelly sounds disgusting but kudos on the bravery to try it.

    I like a nice salad when I don't want to turn the oven on - feta, spinach, walnuts, strawberries, orange or pear slices, craisins, balsamic vinaigrette, etc.

    I have only been to our farmer's market once. It was really small and just didn't seem like it was worth my time. I'm always jealous of bloggers who show huge farmer's markets they go to.

    Have a great 4th!

  5. LOVE local honey. It has so much more flavor and tastes so much better!! My husband's grandpa was actually big time moonshiner! Crazy times.

  6. those peaches look fab. I stink at picking out good fruit... the white peaches I bought today... hard... heartbreaking.

  7. My go to no cook meal is also Greek- but Greek salad. In the summer I make sure to have all the ingredients for Greek salad in the fridge at all times. Delicious.

    As for farmer's markets- I try to get there as much as I can in the summer. Grocery store tomatoes are so disappointing after the taste of the really good ones from the farmers market.

  8. yum sounds so good!
    i loveeeeeee farmer's markets!! they equal summer to me!
    love making salads with raw veggies and seeds and nuts on top!

  9. I LOVE farmers markets. After the marathon training team run on Saturday morning, my girlfriend and I went to a little farmer's market. Didn't buy anything, but I really enjoyed looking around.

  10. It is awesome what people come up with! Moonshine jelly falls on the awesome category :D I do love farmer's market; actually went to the one in Raleigh, NC on Saturday. And when I don't want to turn on the oven I always to go frozen fruit; so refreshing. Or salad. Like after the million calories I consumed today, I can't think of cooking anything for the next week. It looks like salad for me!

    Maria @ Asphalt Tales

  11. I LOVE the farmers market - all that yummy, fresh local food! So delicious!!!!

  12. Farmers markets are the best, I see them alot on my bike, makes for a nice pit stop and buy some local fruit to fuel up on

  13. mmm I LOVE farmers markets! I enjoy getting all the fresh produce that I can!! That looks so good!

  14. Hmmm not sure what I'd make nowadays, but when I was still eating meat I loved to make tuna salad and stuff it inside a big fresh tomato! YUM.

  15. Good old veggie salad with some kind of bean and cheese is my go-to on a no-oven day.

    I love shopping at the farmer's market, but we don't make it often - it's only open Saturday morning and we rarely have the chance to make it, unfortunately.

  16. I agree...with all this heat I'm all about fruit and veggies or grilling outside (which means I hand it to my husband and send him outside). :) Moonshine thanks. I'm not one for trying new things (when it comes to food). Here in AZ we have prickly pear jelly and I haven't even tried that. I hear it's good though, so I probably will eventually.

    btw, come check out my blind friend Adam on stage with Bono at Saturday nights U2 concert...priceless!!

  17. Love farmers market and local produce. Go to dinner when I don't want to cook is usually salad. So simple and delicious in the summer.

  18. I love farmers markets, but the ones near us are crazy expensive.

    My favorite meal is a salad - I dice up a little bit of meat (whatever I have that's leftover, or deli meat) + cheese, lots of veggies, and whip up an easy dressing.

  19. I'd love to go to Farmer's Markets more than I do... there's one maybe 1.5 miles from my house that I should start walking to on weekends. Thanks for the reminder :-)


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