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Why Yes, I Do Run 87 Miles Per Hour!

Don't you dare tell me my Garmin is broken. 

I wore my heart rate monitor and Garmin in order to see how intense the P90X Plyometrics workout really was. Pay close attention to the max speed section below:

You guys should probably start taking ALL of my advice from now on, and then you can run 87 MPH too. I'm pretty sure I have never even driven that fast. So how did that happen when I didn't even leave the living room? Check out the map from that hour--apparently I was all over the place!

Yeah....I never moved more than 6 feet in any direction. I'm going to go ahead and say my Garmin was acting up. That or lunch gave me TONS of energy:

I fried (1tps. olive oil) some leftover jasmine rice with sauteed onions, a scrambled egg, and some broccoli. Topped with a leftover baked tilapia fillet. 
Great lunch. Not 87 MPH great, but good. 

Does your Garmin ever go haywire?
YES! It's worse in the humidity. I actually just hold it for long runs rather than wear it on my wrist, because it goes pyscho once it's wet!

Favorite food to eat as leftovers? Do you like leftover pizza?
I'm really not a leftovers fan. I'll eat it, but I prefer to mix it up a little, or do something like this fried rice that used a bunch of leftover ingredients. And it's a big NO to leftover pizza. Gross. I won't do it! 


  1. A GPS-based device can really only tell you your speed/distance as a running average during a sufficient time/distance. Otherwise, it has satellite communication problems that it can't correct by averaging.

    My Garmin 305 doesn't like the neighborhood I live in because of some tall buildings, and misses some of my distance in the first 1/2 mile and credits it to me later when I get to more residential areas. So it goes.

  2. HEE HEE that's funny about your garmin. I haven't had any garmin hiccups, but when I tried to enter my 8k on the dailymile it originally said my pace was 5:10. I friggin wish! PS: I wish you were my personal chef. You just toss things together and they look delish.

  3. haha! that is awesome. I have noticed that mine starts to get crazy when it gets sweaty. literally just the past few runs have made it kinda go all over the place like that as well. Mine has never said 87mph though...I am jealous! ;)

  4. I actually saw my mileage go from 4.25 to 4.20 once. It missed an entire mile on that run. But it was a really steep run with lots of switchbacks and under a thick Redwood canopy. It was raining and very humid. Haven't had problems on the same course since.

  5. I love leftover pizza! my hubby and I will order a large just so that we can eat it gradually as leftovers, lol.

    and way to go on 87 MPH! I need to know your secrets!!

  6. Wow what a workout! I love leftover pizza! I also have gotten hooked on mac and cheese from the box. Bri can eat a whole box himself but I always have left overs! It is horrible for you but it is a nice treat every once in awhile and for 2 days!

  7. This has given me a case of the giggles. I wish I could run 87 mph, and never even have to leave my living room.

    My garmin gets wacko when it gets wet from my sweat. The numbers start to move really fast in strange patterns.

  8. Since I tend to be a penny pusher I do eat many left overs. Mostly I don't mind leftover chicken, but sometimes veggies just don't taste the same and I prefer them fresh.

  9. I am a new follower of your blog. I love it!! I actually love left overs!! My favorite left overs are from eating out at a restaurant the night before. Gives me a reason to only eat half the food on my plate!!

  10. Hahahah oh Garmin, what a crazy machine. Mine hasn't done anything weird yet, but I've only had it for a few months.

  11. Yummy lunch, my gamin just randomly shut off the training mode this week on the Long run, I think it was trying to tell me something!

  12. Wow and to think you're having an awesome room built complete with treadmill - hmmm, perhaps you need something that can go even faster . . ha! Hmmmm, do you sleep walk? Maybe you were actually napping instead - again, just kidding. I promise to be a loyal follower of the Gourmet Runner here forward!

  13. That's funny. Hope you get it fixed, or maybe you don't want to fix it Ha ha. I've never had a problem with my Garmin acting up because I don't have one. Wish I did! Maybe this Christmas.

  14. Ahaha this made me laugh! You are getting speedier by the day! I don't mind leftovers, as long as it's heated through and tastes similar to it's fresh state! I don't like microwaving things, but if you pop things back in the oven, they're usually good to go! I often do that with pizza. It's pretty much good as new if you leave it in the oven for enough time!

  15. lol um vanessa i think this is your funniest post to date!!!! that map looks like my boy just tried to draw something on it... so funny!!!! um yes please teach me your 87mph ways!!!!

  16. My Garmin goes nutso when it gets wet too! On one hand, glad I'm not the only one....on the other....really, Garmin? You don't expect people to sweat when they are running? I'll have to try holding it, that's a great idea.

  17. I think you are just being too humble you crazy runner, you! hehe That's so funny that it goes crazy like that.

    I hate leftovers. I used to put them in the fridge with no intention of ever eating them. Luckily now I have a hubby who will eat them before they turn green and hairy.

  18. haha 87mph you're a beast!

    leftovers well... it really depends on the food. Heck yes to pizza.

  19. Mines does it all the time. But only when stationary... hence I turn the GPS off when I'm not outside!!

  20. My Garmin will do the same thing sometimes! It drives me nuts. I find that if it is low on battery life it has a tendency to act up more often. That is awesome tho, you speedster :)

    Love cold pizza and cold left over pork chops. I actually like a lot of different leftovers but most of them I will heat up. Oh but I do love me some cold mac and cheese with ketchup on it :)

  21. hahaah! That's hilarious. My garmin is possessed. When I run with my group, mine is always the one that won't get satelites for like 10 minutes and then is all over the board for speed and time.

  22. Black bean burgers are my favorite leftovers! They get even better after a day in the fridge.

  23. I love leftovers....especially soups! I try to cook once and eat 3 or 4 times. My garmin has been crazy occasionally too, but you never know, I heard that PX90 is an intense workout.....

  24. Ha my garmin has done that before too!!! I normally don't like leftovers except for pizza, pasta and wings!

  25. ugh my garmin goes haywire more than i wish - but i also use the accelerometer and not the GPS (it was too big for my liking) so I just chalk it up to me being cheap...but so frustrating none the less...

    That lunch sounds really good and it makes me think I might be trying that soon :)

  26. Man, you are quite the speedster. And that mapped made me giggle, especially when you said you didn't even leave your living room!

  27. ha ha this made my day. Too funny! You need to teach me your skills.

    I actually love leftovers. I feel like everything marinates overnight or something and always turns our better the next day. Strange I know!

  28. yes my garmin likes to tell me sometimes i am running like 3 minute miles...
    totally not a left overs fan either..
    unless its like grilled veggies and i just make something up to do with them...wraps, veggie pasta..ectt

  29. I HATE when my garmin gets crazy like that! Last month it told me on one run that my average pace was 30 min/, I'm SLOW, but I don't think I'm THAT slow! :) Come to think of it, it was very humid that night--I think you might have something there with the moisture/crazy garmin connection!

  30. haha that's too funny. I feel like my fastest time is almost never right since i lose connection somewhere along a run, My half marathon stats apparently also include a 17 seconds per mile pace yes, i know i'm breaking all kind of world records there.

  31. Wonky garmin for sure. I treat mine with lots of TLC and only put it on for a run. I don't want to have to run without it, don't know how I did before I got it. Will it re-adjust by itself, or do you have to get it fixed?

  32. 87 mph, wow! The map of you "run" made me laugh so hard!


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