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The Post Where I Reveal Random Crap You're All Dying To Read....

I love reading all the random bits of information people share on their blogs, thanks to things like blog awards, Q & A posts, and regulars like Three Things Thursday. Except...I've never shared my own random list of information. Sometimes (I'll be honest) because it sounds like too much work, and other times because I swear there aren't many interesting things you guys don't already know. So here it goes, my attempt to share more of myself with you!

1. I was born in South Africa, and lived there until I was 5. I also lived in Hawaii for nearly 10 years, Germany for one year, Pennsylvania for 2, New Jersey for 1, England for 3 months (does that even count?) Hong Kong for almost 4 years, and now Georgia for the last 6 months. (If you're doing tons of crazy math to figure out how old I am, I'll save you the trouble--I'm 23)

2. I have paddled on an outrigger canoe team, ridden a horse in a barrel racing competition, competed in rugby tournaments in college, danced my heart out on a stage, paddled in a dragon boat race in Hong Kong, and signed up for my first marathon this November. Jack of all trades, master of none. 

3. I proposed to my husband. We had discussed marriage previously, but I specifically said for him never to ask me. I knew if he did, I couldn't say no, whether I was ready to or not. One day, I suddenly got very serious, and asked him to marry me. He said yes!

4. It took me one hour to find, try on, and buy my wedding dress. And shoes, for that matter. I bought a simple white sleeveless dress fro Ann Taylor, nude heels from Aldo, and was ready to go. The day of my wedding, I did my own hair and make-up (in front of the hubs) and it took me about 15 minutes.

Me and the rentals on my wedding day

5. I hate bananas. As one of the big "running foods" you might expect to see them on my blog. Never. I once lived on a banana farm and ate more of them than any person should eat in a lifetime. At some point I decided enough was enough. I don't care how much potassium is in them, I just won't do it! I will, however, eat banana bread, banana muffins, and banana flavored candies. Go figure!

6. I have always wanted braces and straight black hair. Living in Hawaii, I had a lot of Japanese friends growing up, and many of them wore braces. I tried to purposely have an overbite at the dentist, and hated my curly blonde hair growing up! It got darker with age, but what I would give for straight hair, even in humidity.....

My very un-blonde, not-straight hair at age 5

Alright, enough randomness for one post. I would love to do a Q & A post too, where I can answer any questions you have for me--running, work, fitness, family, marriage, food, whatever. Post them in the comments, or send me an email and I will leave it anonymous in the future post if you prefer.

Anything random you want to share with me? Or any questions for a future Q & A post?


  1. What a beautiful Bride you were! And a cute little girl, too.

  2. How cool is that, proposing to your husband! Random fact about me...I can eat a whole bag of chex mix in one setting :)

  3. Holy cow! You are one interesting girl! I love that you have lived in so many places and done such wonderful things...and you're only 23!!!! WOW! Questions I have -

    - How old is your husband? What is his background?
    - How long did you date before you proposed to him?
    - Where did the two of you meet?
    - Do you work? I feel like you are always blogging! You either have a really awesome job that lets you blog while you work, or you are lucky enough NOT to work!
    - Where else in the world would you like to travel to?
    - If you weren't a runner, what other sport or hobby would you pick up?
    - If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

    Hmm I think that's it for now! If some are too personal, you don't have to answer :)

  4. You are an interesting girl! I love it!
    Did you pick out your own ring?
    If you could live anywhere where would you live?
    When are you coming to Montana?
    What animal would you be?
    Are elves or fairies cooler?
    Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?

  5. Your age 5 photo is cute. Your wedding picture is beautiful. Love the simplicity of the dress, hair, shoes, and flowers (love the pink!). Very nice!

    I'm curious how you and your husband met. I'm also curious what kind of work you and your hubby do. He's designing and building your home (very cool blog he has going on over there) - how cool and what a huge leap of faith!

    Great post - super fun! I vote you embrace randomness more often :) Hating bananas - hmmmm! What would freud say about that???

  6. I seriously love this! I always wondered if you grew up in Hong Kong or what your background was! So interesting. Did you like moving and traveling that much? I think it is amazing that you have already seen so much of the world!

    You seem to have so much variety in your workouts, where do you get your inspiration or where do you find workout ideas?

    Next time I come visit my ATL family, can we meet-up? :)

  7. I am so jealous of all the places you have lived! I would love to live overseas someday, just to experience another culture. And very cool that you proposed to your hubs :) I have a few questions...
    How did you and your hubby meet?
    What did you do while you were in Hong Kong?
    Why did you start running?
    What is your ultimate guilty pleasure food?

  8. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS!!! You have lived everywhere. You look GORGEOUS on your wedding day and I love that you proposed! Billy hates bananas too....fine with me, that means more for me:)

  9. I've lived in Alabama all my life, so I am completely fascinated in all those places you've lived. Where do you consider "home" or your "hometown"? And where has been your favorite place you've lived?

  10. I would love to visit even half of those places you mentioned. I have been living in Louisiana for all 27+ years of my life.
    Out of the countries you have lived in, which would you recommend the most to visit?

  11. I love hearing these things! U r more interesting by far than me!

  12. You sound like you have lived SUCH an interesting life already!!

    I proposed to Max too =) But I can't blog about it because no one is supposed to ever know ;-) haha

  13. Cute post! I remember reading that you moved a lot but had no idea about the South Africa part... my bro's GF is from there as well and they've gone back to visit a time or two.

  14. This is a phenomenal post! You have lived such an interesting and amazing life so far! You should check out my "wouldn't you like to know" pot - tagged you for a q&a the other day!!

  15. I love finding out more random things about people! What a cute little girl you were :)

    Hmm, what caused you to live in so many cool places?

  16. Great post!

    A random fact about me? I worked on a dairy farm in Ireland for a summer when I was 18.

    And I have never played rugby:-)

  17. LOVE your random facts.

    I am the same way with bananas...I don't love eating them by themselves, but I do love banana bread, etc.

    So do tell, what brought you to al those different places growing up?

  18. love thisssssssss!!!!!!
    which place was your favorite to live?

  19. I love learning stuff about people! I feel like bloggers are real life friends. It just makes me feel like less of a stalker

    My question...
    Do you think you will stay in Georgia for a long time?

    Do you have family all over the world?

  20. This is great!

    My ?- Did you know anything about building houses before you started on your own?

  21. Love your relaxed wedding style. Think of the cash you saved, too!

  22. Hey! You won my cereal giveaway! Send me your mailing adress, and I'll make sure that it is mailed ASAP! Happy Weekend!

  23. Your hubby is a lucky man to have such a relaxed and happy wife! My question ... did you buy him an engagement ring?

  24. You must have commented on my blog and the same time i was on here!

  25. You are just too cute. I'm so jealous of all the places you have lived! I love all of the questions people have asked already- can't wait to read the answers!

  26. Wow you've lived an exciting life! So adventurous! It was fun to get to know you a little better!

  27. you silly.. you have lots of cool list for a random about me list. mine would be super dull! :) i love your wedding and proposal.. love when it's more about the love than the production!

  28. I love your simple wedding day story. I love how adorable you were at age 5. I love that you proposed. I love that you requested that your husband never propose.


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