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Ikea Madness!

Since we are building a new house, we went to Ikea to order our entire kitchen. We decided to basically get EVERYTHING from there--including the appliances. We drove about 90 minutes into Atlanta to get to the Ikea there, and arrived when they opened around 10. We were finished a gazillion years 4 1/2 hours later. This isn't us walking around for hours picking things out, keep in mind. This is us standing in one place in the kitchen department at a computer talking to the staff to go over the kitchen cabinets and logistics of it all. Lunch was a long time coming and the second we were done I basically sprinted over to their restaurant to eat. I got a veggie wrap and tomato veggie soup:

Does that spoon look dirty to you?

I was pleasantly surprised about the wrap. It was full of mung bean sprouts, cucumber, carrots, and onions. I saw a white sauce in the wrap and was slightly dreading a mayonnaise drenched, soggy wrap. Instead, it was a really nice mild yogurt sauce, maybe with a hint of basil? And no soggy wrap, bonus!

Since I was in Ikea I picked up a some rye crisp breads. For dinner I topped them with some sliced ham and salad mix. A little balsamic and it was the perfect quick meal! A side of green beans rounded it out:

Today's run was 5.5 miles outside in what I would have to say was perfect weather. Warm, cloudy, a slight breeze. Ran them in 51:30 (9:21 pace), and felt great!

You know you have one--Ikea stories? I swear when I go in there for a lamp I leave with a couch and some rugs instead. Yikes!

What is the perfect running temperature/conditions for you?


  1. Oh lord...I love me some Ikea. I could be in there for hours. Lots of stuff in my apartment is from there: (pics)

    If you go back spend the best dang $1 of your life on a cinnamon bun (after a long run of course!)

  2. I love Ikea. I can get lost in there for hours even if I don't need anything. In fact, I've definitely made it an afternoon activity when I needed nothing at all. Just give me those cinnamon buns and coffee and let me wander. Love!

  3. Haha I just posted about Ikea the other day!! I never leave Ikea without chocolate :) And candles.

    My favorite running weather is around 70* and sunny :)

  4. I LOVE IKEA...and the first ikea i ever went to was the ATL ikea so it has a special place in my heart :) I am a tiny bit obsessed with Atlanta...haha. I always buy the weirdest things there when I go...most often little kitchen odds and ends.

    The perfect running temp for me is 50s, clear skies and sunny :)

  5. Aw, I wish we had an Ikea close by. That looks fun!

    I LOVE it when it's 60's and cloudy. I love sunshine, too, as long as it isn't too hot. This is the best time of year to run in the south!


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