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Those Shoes You Ordered...

I wrote before about how my current running shoes are out for the count. I've put a lot of miles on them (500 +) and the last few times I've run in them I've had hip and knee pain. So for the last few days, I've been cross training and looking out for new shoes. Rachelle and Julia both suggested looking at Running Warehouse for some good deals on shoes. Since these two ladies are fabulous runners and know what they're talking about, I knew I had to check the site out. I found some shoes that looked PERFECT--
These are the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10. Lots of support for my over-pronation. Plus, they were on a HUGE sale and I picked them up for $60. I ordered them Saturday, and expected them to arrive sometime on Wednesday. Last night I got a call from running warehouse. A very chirpy man informed me that the shoes I ordered Saturday, that I had actually paid for, were sold out. BOOOO. I went out on a limb and asked if they could replace them with the newer version--the GTS 11, for the same sale price. He made that happen, and sped up the delivery so that I could still get them tomorrow (Wednesday). Boomtown! I'm so excited that I got the newer pair for such a steal. So I'll be getting these in the mail instead:
I am a very happy camper and I can't wait to try them out! I'm constantly checking to see where they are. (They're in West Columbia, SC, if anyone's wondering)

In the meantime, I'm realizing that sugar is in a whole lot of stuff. I'm not really minding avoiding candy and cookies, but it's hard to see that my normal Greek Yogurts and salad dressing even have a bit of sugar. I've bent my own rules already to allow those two and also the dried blueberries and cranberries I top my oatmeal with. They are mostly sweetened with fruit juice, but also added sugar. Yikes. It's definitely something I'll be more aware of. I'm so thankful that my PB is just peanuts and salt. I'm eating more than my normal daily quota of that stuff. A meal from yesterday:

I had to replace the strawberry jelly with actual strawberries since the jelly had sugar....

Do you buy the same running shoes each time or just go for a good deal? What's your favorite brand?
I haven't been running consistently for very long (about 18 months or so) so I don't have any brand loyalty yet. I only recently discovered my over pronation as well. I think right now as long as it's a support shoe I'm looking for a bargain--and colors I like, of course!

Do you buy running stuff online or at your local running store? Or anywhere else?
Combination...I'm still unsure about buying things online if I can't try them on. But the nearest running store is over an hour away. So for now, online it is!


  1. I'm a loyal New Balance customer! I've never had a problem with their shoes and I like to stick to what works. If I'm going to shell out almost $100 for a pair of shoes, I like to be sure that they will work!

  2. I've been running in the adreneline for about 9 months now, and I love them. They are a great shoes and they don't breakdown as quickly as other brands. If you are a normal to overpronator that is a mid foot striker that doesn't need too much cushion, you will like these shoes very much.

  3. I LOVE Brooks Adrenaline! They have worked great for me!

  4. I have also been running in adrenaline for years. I have gone through the 7-10s. I now also use inifity's for long long runs that have even more support. I use amazon to order because they always have size 6.5 on sale big time ;)

  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! girl you are amazing. super lucky! I would have never thought to ask for the newer version as a replacement but look at you! GENIUS! I love getting packages and also obsessively check the tracking. I have to know exactly when it will arrive :)

    Thanks for the sweet and thoughtful shout out!

    way to go on your sugar fast! I have eaten MORE sugar since finding out about everyone else's fast. haha. I think everyone's lack of sugar has given me anxiety so I have to make up for it :)


    I do the same with my shoes...I know I need neutral but have been trying out different brands to see what I like best. Shoes and gear I can get online (much cheaper) but clothes...need to get from a store!

  6. That's sooooo exciting about your shoes!!! You got an awesome deal. I can't wait to get new shoes. I'm going to goto big peach running co bc they do a free gait analysis (even though I already know I have low arches and overpronate :0)

    Sometimes it seems like added sugar is nearly unavoidable :(

  7. Running Warehouse is seriously the best. Their delivery is so quick and they are so great to work with. I have ordered WAY to much from that sight. The shoes are adorable and I am way excited for you to try them out.

    Also...YES sugar is in everything! I bought sugar free jam and sugar free chocolate pudding so I've enjoyed trying that out. I really hope to make this a lifestyle so hopefully it gets easier.

    I switch off brands. I am an overpronator like you and love Asics GT-2160, and Mizuno Inspire somethings. Have 2 pairs of each, and a cross-training pair of new balances. (I am hard on shoes.)

    Running stuff is 100% cheaper online as long as you know what you want. I also love Target for their sports bras and shorts. Okay this is getting long, I am sorry! Have a great day! :)

  8. what an amazing deal! and you're so right, i love the guys at running wearhouse. i even ordered all of my boston gear from them at a discount. and free two day shipping? amazing!

    i've been running for 6 years and i still don't have brand loyalty :) i buy what works for me...sometimes in the store sometimes online... i like to be unpredictable.

  9. Hi just read your comment on mailbox! So you are building a house from scratch? That is awesome! We gutted this house bought it March 2010 and moved in Aug. 2010 and are still working on it! We do love it though and it's how we want it. I can't wait to post the kitchen cabinents when they are done...we are making them ourselves! What is your latest project?

  10. I only run in Asics (2100's-I'm on 2160's now, I think), but it's just because I never change anything unless I have to :). The only shoe that ever caused me a problem was a pair of nike's I tried that gave me this really weird, horrible hip pain.

  11. YAY for the shoes, I like the colours in the second pair better- I like lighter colour shoes, but they are not always the best for dirt ;) haha

  12. I use those exact same running shoes! There is a local store in DC that I like to support; I get them there.

  13. Wow that's an amazing deal on the shoes, good job! I bought my last pair of running shoes in the running store, I need to try them on and feel them out before buying them.

  14. Great deal on the shoes! I've found Running Warehouse to have awesome customer service and super quick delivery! I buy a lot of stuff from there. I'm a Brooks girl through and through especially for shoes!

  15. I have those shoes, the exact ones and I LOVE them...I used to have serious toe, hip, foot, and knee pain and honest to God I barely notice my issues anymore. I bought the Brook's on a whim, I had never really heard anything about them (I honestly just liked the way they looked) and they have saved my life. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

  16. Awesome deal! I always buy my stuff at a local running store... but thats because I work there and get a nice discount :) I always go for my shoe and not the best deal though. Don't play around with cheap shoes that aren't right fro you!

  17. I'm a new runner and I invested in some Brooks. I love them! You definitely got a good deal on yours! I love going to running stores and prefer to see things in person when I'm buying!

  18. You were really smart to ask for a replacement when they didn't have what you wanted. And I think your sandwich looks even better with the fresh strawberries! Good job on your sugar fast. You guys are my heros!

  19. Saaawheeet! Good for you to ask for the upgrade as a replacement, I would never have thought of that! I love RW and order almost all my shoes there. I'm a big Adidas gal and have a hard time finding my size in stores (10 1/2 - huge, I know!)

  20. what a STEAL!! I still have not found a pair of shoes I am in LOVE with but when I do you better believe I will be going to RW!!

    just started the sugar fast today :) and i may have to try that strawberries thing on my toast...


  21. This is probably super weird but I think that sometimes shoes feel different even when they are the same size and brand so I like to buy my shoes from our local running store so I can try a billion on just to make sure!
    I'm obsessed with my Mizuno's!

  22. I only wear Nike's to run in. I've tried other brands and none of them have worked yet for me. I usually buy my stuff online and on the sale racks. Oh, that and outlets!

  23. I usually just wear Asics and buy mine at a local running store, I have looked online though and I think there are some sweet deals if you can catch them...

  24. I buy what my LRS or PT tell me to! Right now I'm rocking the New Balance 860s and love them! They're a stability shoe and my feet have been pretty happy in them. I am flirting with going with a more minimal shoe next time.

    Thanks for the tip on Cotter Crunch! I've actually been following her blog for a while and I need to really check out her recipes rather than just reading her inspirational posts :)

  25. If I can find things online cheaper, I totally go that route. I DO love supporting my local running store though, and they always have the best advice. Fruit is so much better than jam anyways! More reasons and excuses to load up on fresh berries! Yum!

  26. I originally got fitted at my local running store, so I bought my first pair of Mizunos there. But I've since been able to find better prices online. The running store has since closed, so now I don't have to feel guilty about not buying locally anymore...

  27. Since I started running, I've only worn Brooks Adrenaline. I went through 3 pairs of the GTS 10, and just started in a new pair of GTS 11 a few weeks ago. I love them! I think you will be very happy with them :)

  28. I'm obsessed with the Asics Gel Nimbus... on my fourth or fifth pair in a row now I think. I always buy them from the store though, because my size has changed by 1/2 a size before from year to year.

  29. Lucky you!! With my over-pronation, I should try those.

  30. Kudos to you on getting a great deal!

    I'm a Mizuno Wave Inspire Girl! When I recently needed a new pair I got them from RW for, wait for it, $45.00.

    Thanks for the post on my blog! I look forward to reading more of yours :)


  31. Hi! Just came across your blog tonight...looking for some running bloggers to keep me motivated. I am in week 6 of the couch to 5K program and just signed up for my first 5K a couple of days ago...eek! When I went in for my gait analysis at our local running store, I fell in love with a pair of Brooks shoes...but I couldn't bring myself to spend the money on them since I was only a couple weeks into running. I figure that I will reward myself with some after a couple of successful races! I'm your newest follower!


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